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Search // britain
Results 61-72 of 80 for ' britain ' (0 seconds)
Stevan and Wazza explore and tour the great great town of Forfar. Meeting various local forfarians, visting famous landmarks. A Great Cyber tour experience of this Magnificent Angus Town. This video will attract thousands of new visitors to this ancient scottish town.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5553 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 8m32s | Views: 10763 | Comments: 2



Gary McKinnon is an Autistic british guy who enjoys surfing the interent looking for stuff about aliens. He hacked into United States military defence computers. Usa is going to extradite him for his crime, but i think he should be the next prime minister of Great Britain. Leave The Guy Alone Usa. He wasnt a threat.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5565 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 8111 | Comments: 0
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Great Britain Has A New World Boxing Champion. Nikolai Valuev The Seven Foot Five Russian Giant Was Defeated After The Fight Going The Full Twelve Rounds On 7th November 2009. David Haye Is The New World Heavy Weight Boxing Champion.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5584 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 6468 | Comments: 1
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Bobby Wrote this song in 1962 due to his love of horror movies. This Was His Very Last Performance in 2006. Bobby died six months after this live performance of this global classic. Elvis Presley once said it is the dumbest song he has ever heard. Two weeks later it became a global hit in every country. It became the halloween anthem all over the planet, earning bobby millions every year from royalties. Bigger than any Elvis single. RIP Bobby
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5593 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 5m13s | Views: 8248 | Comments: 0
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In Britain, boxers are skilled fighters, trained in the art of punishing their opponent, carefully delivering a well executed punch to floor their adversary. However, they do things differently in America. There they are just trained to harm, indiscriminately.
Tags // boxing  sport  injury  funny 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5804 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 12071 | Comments: 1



A group of unemployed people in Scotland do the Haka to get a job lol
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5843 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 10195 | Comments: 2
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What will the shoplifters of Britain do now that Woolworths has went bankrupt lol
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5843 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 9942 | Comments: 2
     Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5853 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 10561 | Comments: 0
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Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5853 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 10938 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5853 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 11165 | Comments: 0
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Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5853 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 11106 | Comments: 0
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Vertigo Films will release the movie in Spring 2009 Nicholas Winding Refn will direct the movie. His previous films include the highly controversial and acclaimed PUSHER Trilogy and Fear X with John Turroro. BRONSON is the evolutionary journey of Mickey Peterson into Britain’s most notorious and dangerous living prisoner CHARLES BRONSON. Originally sentenced to 7 years in prison for burglary, Charles Bronson has been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. Charlie has forged an outrageous reputation through violence, hostage taking and rooft protests to become a notorious figure in the British public’s conscious. Taking the title role of BRONSON will be Bafta nominated actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, WAZ, RocknRolla) who has been described by critics as one of the most promising young actors today.
Tags // bronson  charles  bronson  new  trailer 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5853 days ago by kaw2ubaki
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 10684 | Comments: 0
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