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Discussion About Love Of Allah And Contentment From Allah (swt) By Daee Ahmed Moait
Tags // islam  muslim  allah  quran  love 
Added: 4326 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 9m1s | Views: 1394 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Raggedy Ends Productions, LLC, Reaches Essential Benchmark To Bring Psycho Thriller MoHawk Salon To The Big Screen By Year-End 2013. Contributions & fundraising continue toward $1.5 million goal.
Tags // hair  salon  native  american 
Added: 4329 days ago by jollywanes
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 722 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Etalaze is #1 source online for buying medicines and steroiids from decade. we serve to worlds best bodybuilders, athletes, karate champions,fitness consultants and fat housewives to remain fit. Do try once and we r sure u\\\'ll not regret our service.
Tags // etalaze  steroiids 
Categories // Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4329 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 874 | Comments: 1
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The June 1 start of the Atlantic hurricane season is just around the corner. Early predictions indicate an active year and the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) urges the public to prepare for the heightened flood risks that come with hurricanes and tropical storms. Flood insurance is essential to help financially protect homeowners and business owners against the devastating effects of flooding. The spring months have already brought significant flooding to many areas throughout the Midwest, such as Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Missouri. Also, the most recent two hurricane seasons have shown how devastating the consequences of seasonal flooding can be, with losses felt well beyond the high risk areas nearest the water. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4329 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 3327 | Comments: 0
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Als Peugeot vor gut drei Jahren das Sportcoupé RCZ auf den Markt brachte, waren sich die Experten nicht einig. Flottes, ausdruckstarkes Design und vernünftiges Fahrwerk ja, aber doch wohl kaum ein Auto für die traditionelle Peugeot-Kundschaft, die sich darüber hinaus daran gewöhnen müsse, erstmals in der Modell-Typenbezeichnung keine Null oder Doppelnull zu finden. Nun, die Verkaufszahlen belehrten die Zweifler schnell eines Besseren. Und auch in Deutschland machte der 2+2-Sitzer eine Blitz-Karriere. Seit seiner Einführung war es jedes Jahr meistverkaufter Import-Sportwagen. In 2012 entschieden sich 1.764 Kunden für das Sportcoupé. Klingt nicht nach viel, hat in diesem Segment aber einen beachtlichen Stellenwert. Bei der jetzt anstehenden Verjüngungskur ergab sich für die Verantwortlichen also die Frage, wie können wir den RCZ noch besser machen. Die Antwort: Nur durch behutsamen Feinschliff.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4331 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 919 | Comments: 1
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To kick off National Mental Health Awareness Month, starting on May 1 the Child Mind Institute presents Speak Up for Kids, a month-long online dialogue to promote children’s mental health and help eliminate barriers to care. Responding to President Obama’s call for a national conversation about mental health in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Speak Up for Kids brings together the nation’s mental health leadership to give parents the information they need to remove stigma and get kids effective mental health care. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4331 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 1199 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Fifty States HALF Marathon Club is a club for runners & triathletes of all levels and abilities... Walker Friendly, No time limit to complete challenges. No minimums to become a member. The 50 States HALF Marathon Challenge is to finish a HALF in all 50 states (which can be a half marathon OR a half ironman triathlon with a 13.1 half marathon finish). Runners can also choose to work toward the 50 States Endurance Challenge instead of the 50 States HALF Marathon Challenge, which allows half marathons, marathons, half ironman triathlons, or ironman events, or combination of any of those distance events, in all 50 states. All members can also work toward the 100 HALF Anywhere Challenge (which is ONLY
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4335 days ago by eliasradie3
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 1714 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated  It's a race to the finish! The winner bust be the first to take off a tire and put another on using a Compressed Air Impact Wrench.Dimensions: 10'W x 5'Deep x 8'H (1 Power Circuit)
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4337 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m19s | Views: 1940 | Comments: 0
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Use your skills and precision to control the RAINDROP down the window, it\\\\\\\'s easy to play just tilt your device left or right. *****How far can you get before the time runs out???***** Collect the different power-ups for extra speed along the way or for additional time, but make sure you avoid the bugs!!! FEATURES Use the accelerometer to control the raindrop Fun and addictive, keep playing until you beat your score!! Leaderboard of highest scores Challenge your friends, who\\\\\\\'s the best? Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and have a boast to everyone! Background rain sound effect will keep you nice and relaxed use these promo codes for free download 9KAYJPPXRHEX KXALEAFT3PJY JJYXNMJWMAMT WNLLE3P6AFLX PRELL9PKPTPR MP3HT39ATTRM 93WHMAKPYTXE 7NAFEF3XYJAR 7WAJTK43JHLR ARJ7W3AA637R EK3RP6RL6466 FMYAMETNANN3 FW3XW9NERNAR HKYTPWYKNLAL 74KFH7LRH3PE KJLXMPFLP9P4 EXHJJHJEPY4L FH446XLTM3NM 4KY47AMW7WPL WPT9HJ39EMJX APP Store :=
Tags // raindrop  rush  running 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4339 days ago by raindroprush
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 3394 | Comments: 0



With BeagleBone Black, the next-generation offering from, everyone from electronic artists to engineers has access to a ready-to-use, 1-GHz computer for only $45. This credit-card-sized, Linux computer is an open hardware and software development platform that makes it quick and easy to transform great ideas into products. BeagleBone Black allows developers to leverage the ideas and knowledge of the highly active and engaged users of the community who support each other from concept through development. Opportunities for innovation are endless. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4339 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 2183 | Comments: 1
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Porsche präsentiert auf der Auto Shanghai 2013 mit der zweiten Generation des Panamera den weltweit ersten Plug-in-Hybrid in der Luxusklasse. Neben dem S E-Hybrid mit 416 PS Systemleistung debütieren außerdem zwei luxuriöse Executive-Varianten mit verlängertem Radstand und ein komplett neu entwickelter Dreiliter-V6-Motor mit Biturbo-Aufladung für Panamera S und Panamera 4S. Der Panamera S E-Hybrid ist die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Parallel-Vollhybrids mit kraftvollerem Elektromotor, leistungsfähigerer und energiereicherer Batterie sowie externer Auflademöglichkeit am Stromnetz. Der Elektroantrieb leistet mit 95 PS (70 kW) mehr als doppelt so viel wie die 47 PS (34 kW) starke E-Maschine des Vorgängermodells. Er bezieht seine Energie aus der neu entwickelten Lithium-Ionen-Batterie, die mit 9,4 kWh über mehr als den fünffachen Energieinhalt der bisherigen 1,7 kWh-Batterie in Nickel-Metallhydrid-Technik verfügt.  
Tags // porsche  panamera  hybrid 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4341 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 2200 | Comments: 1



Tags // acosky  giant  monster  a  thon  roger  corman  dinocroc 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4343 days ago by acosky
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 4329 | Comments: 0



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