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The 2014 Subaru Forester is the first vehicle to ace every aspect of the challenging small overlap front crash test conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). The Forester, the only 1 of 13 small SUVs to earn an overall rating of good in the test, and the 2013 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport, which earns acceptable, are the latest vehicles to qualify for the Institute’s recently inaugurated top honor, TOP SAFETY PICK+. Each of the other 11 SUVs earns either a poor or marginal rating.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4317 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 2170 | Comments: 2
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Now on Amazon- . Jackson is about to start Kindergarten, and he's desperate not to! He tries to hide in his bed so he doesn't have to, but it's no use, he still has to go. His mom tells him how much fun he's going to have, but he doesn't believe her. Until he gets there and he has so much fun he doesn't want to go home! This book will help kids realize that kindergarten can be fun and help ease their first day jitters.
Tags // children  book 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4317 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 812 | Comments: 1
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Take a look and the brand new teaser trailer for Head Smash, the most anticipated graphic novel release of 2013.
Tags // head  smash  teaser 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4318 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m23s | Views: 586 | Comments: 0
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Testfahrt mit dem neuen Golf GTI zum Wörthersee dem Mekka der GTI-Fahrer. Nahezu 1,9 Millionen Golf GTI wurden bislang im Volkswagen Werk Wolfsburg hergestellt und weltweit verkauft. Damals, 1976, als der GTI erfunden wurde, ahnte diesen Erfolg niemand. 5.000 Exemplare waren geplant, von einem Auto, das heute das erfolgreichste seiner Art auf der Welt ist. Ein Phänomen. Präziser als jeder Kompaktwagen zuvor definierte der erste Golf GTI vor 37 Jahren ein Ur-Maß der Dynamik, zudem machte der erschwingliche Volkswagen die automobile Sportlichkeit für mehr Menschen denn je erreichbar. Jetzt startet eine neue, die siebte GTI-Generation durch.
Tags // volkswagen  golf  gti  vii  dynamik  sportlich  1976 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4319 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 880 | Comments: 1
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Beim großen Golf GTI-Treffen am Wörthersee enthüllte Audi seinen TT ultra quattro concept - eine Technikstudie, die minimales Gewicht und maximale Sportlichkeit vereint. Diese Sportlichkeit bekamen die Fans auch von der breiten Palette der High-Performance-Cars geboten. Neben dem legendären Sport quattro S1 standen aktuelle RS-Modelle und reinrassige Rennboliden zur Schau. Und auch der Audi R18 e-tron quattro war am See dabei. Im Mittelpunkt des Audi-Auftritts stand aber das TT ultra quattro concept. Das Showcar vereint schlanke 1.111 Kilogramm Gesamtgewicht mit einem 2.0 TFSI-Motor, dessen 228 kW/310 PS und 400 Nm leichtes Spiel mit dem Coupé haben. Aus dem Stand katapultiert sich der TT ultra quattro concept in 4,2 Sekunden auf 100 km/h. Sein Leistungsgewicht von 3,6 kg/PS liegt auf dem Niveau reinrassiger Supersportwagen. Und es lohnt sich auch der Blick ins Detail, schließlich macht das Konzeptauto den automobilen Leichtbau sichtbar. Schon das aktuelle Serienauto mit einem Karosserie-Gewicht von nur 206 Kilogramm plus 98 Kilogramm für die Anbauteile ist ein Beleg für die hohe Leichtbau-Kompetenz von Audi. Für die Karosserie des Wörthersee-Showcars haben die Ingenieure aus Ingolstadt und Neckarsulm den Audi Space Frame (ASF) der aktuellen TT-Generation konsequent weiterentwickelt und die Karosseriestruktur noch einmal um 43 Kilogramm abgespeckt. Zusammen mit den optimierten Anbauteilen ergeben sich 100 Kilogramm Gewichtseinsparung. Die Kombination aus Leichtigkeit und Sportlichkeit spiegelt sich auch in der Optik wieder. Im Vergleich zum Serienmodell haben die Audi Designer die Konturen des Showcars noch einmal deutlich gestrafft. Mit seinen großen Spoilern stellt der TT ultra quattro concept seine Motorsport-Gene zur Schau. So ist der Fuß des Heckflügels als tragendes Bauteil aus gefrästem Aluminium gefertigt, der Flügel als funktionales Element hingegen aus sichtbarem Carbon. Zu den weiteren Highlights am Wörthersee zählte der neue Audi RS 6 Avant. Das Hochleistungsmodell der quattro GmbH bietet mehr Effizienz und stärkere Fahrleistungen bei verringertem Gewicht. Und natürlich durfte auch der neue RS 7 Sportback fehlen. Sein starkes Herz ist ebenfalls der 4.0 TFSI V8 Biturbo. Die Leistung von 412 kW / 560 PS liegt im Bereich von 5.700 bis 6.600 Umdrehungen an. Zwischen 1.750 und 5.500 1/min sind konstant 700 Nm Drehmoment verfügbar. Neben dem raketenartigen Schub ist der Sound ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Fahrerlebnisses: Auf Tastendruck und beim kräftigen Gas geben sorgen schaltbare Klappen in der Abgasanlage für einen noch volleren Klang, optional montiert Audi eine Sport-Abgasanlage. Ebenso auf dem Audi Stand präsentierte sich der neue Audi RS Q3 als erstes RS-Modell in der erfolgreichen Q Familie. Es ist das vierte Modell, das die quattro GmbH in diesem Jahr auf den Markt bringen wird. Mit dem 2.5 TFSI-Motor, der mit einer Spitzenleistung von 228 kW /310 PS aufwartet, steckt ein preisgekrönter Hochleistungsmotor unter der Haube des RS Q3.
Tags // volkswagen  audi  seat  skoda 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4320 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 1844 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Looking for a work from home online job? Like booty shaking? Ever thought of webcam/stripper modeling? All you have to do is sign up. No background check, and no work history or references to submit. If you can afford to get the necessary equipment to webcam chat you\'re good to go. You can get a good webcam for as little as $60 bucks. Lighting can also be purchased for pretty cheap if you need it. You can be a cam girl or guy, it doesn\'t matter. Adult modeling can bring in weekly paychecks of up to $2000. Model and strip from the comfort of your own home. No need for bouncers or security guards. You\'re safe from stalkers and other crazies. All you have to do is put in a minimum of 20 hours a week and you\'ll be successful. If you want to you can also cam with someone as a couple or whatever. Want to block you\'re profile from being seen in certain states and/or countries? No problem. You\'ll set your own hours and post your schedule for your customers to see. Some of the benefits you\'ll receive are: - Earn from $1.00/minute for private shows weekly with no minimums. - Be seen on the highest traffic webcam network with plenty of paying customers. - Advanced HD streaming technology with the best video and audio quality available. - The ability to work any hours you choose from any location with high speed Internet. - Models can block visitors by Country, City, and State to protect their identity. - No background check or prior work experience required. - This is the highest paying internet modeling agency on the net. -  As a webcam model, you will be seen on over 200+ different adult sites simultaneously. Want an idea of how much money you could make?  Well, let\'s say you have 10 customers taking you into private chat ( from the 200+ cam sites you\'ll be seen on simultaneously ); at $1.00/minute per customer that\'s $10 dollars a minute!  The job requirements are simple:  -You will need a desktop pc, or laptop (Mac will also work). -an HD webcam and a high speed internet connection with an upload speed above .65 MB/s. You can test your speed at . We recommend an HD webcam capable of streaming in 720P. The Logitech c910 is a great webcam for this. There are openings for: - Straight Female Webcam Models - Lesbian Webcam Models - Straight Male Webcam Models - Gay Male Webcam Models - Crossdressing Male Webcam Models - Transgender Webcam Models         - Plus Size Female Webcam Models - Over 40 Female Webcam Models  - Over 40 Male Webcam Models - Fetish Webcam Models (both female and male)                                 - Couples (both straight and gay) - Groups 3 or more (both straight and gay)
Tags // webcam  modeling  models  wanted  booty  modeling  work  from  home  cam  girl  guy  online  job  webcam  chat  stripper 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4321 days ago by dgtracksmil
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 2097 | Comments: 2
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Click: Artist: GCN. Club beat (Parental Advisory).
Tags // everythang  big  1 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4323 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m41s | Views: 739 | Comments: 0



official video for \
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Categories // Music 
Added: 4324 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 5m-0s | Views: 5155 | Comments: 0
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Barry discovers that Jezebel is pregnant and immediately begins to worry about how they\\\'ll be able to afford raising a child. They decide to rob a convenience store for some quick cash but things don\\\'t go as planned. Tainted Love Chapter 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sign up to receive updates, offers, and information from Machinima. FOR MACHINIMA\\\'S BEST HIGH QUALITY SERIES, GO TO:  WANT TO JOIN THE MACHINIMA AFFILIATE PROGRAM? FILL OUT AN APPLICATION HERE:
Tags // machinima  baby  mama  drama 
Categories // Funny  Games 
Added: 4325 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m34s | Views: 796 | Comments: 1



A baby’s birth day is the most dangerous day of life — in the United States and almost every country in the world — according to Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers report, released today. Yearly, more than 1 million babies die the day they are born, according to the first global analysis of newborn day-of-death data. In addition to newborn findings, the report features Save the Children’s Mothers’ Index, released annually before Mother’s Day. It ranks Finland as the best place in the world to be a mother, and Democratic Republic of the Congo as the toughest. The United States ranks 30th best. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4326 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m28s | Views: 3081 | Comments: 0
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Maini's new catchy dance single Hold Me will be released worldwide on May 7th 2013. Hold Me music video will be promoted to MTV and all over the USA by Trilogy Music Group in Hollywood. The music video is directed by W.A. Henderson from Los Angeles and the label behind the release is Reya music from Sweden. Maini has, as always, written the music, while the lyrics are by Gary Cornman from the USA and the remix is by Carsten Lehmann from Germany. The beautiful Hold Me music video that you can watch time after time stars Mali Monae and Michael Martinez from Los Angeles, USA. HOLD ME Lyrics Music: Maini Sorri Lyrics: Gary Cornman 1. I'm feeling really down I hope you come around. Hold me real tight with all your might. 2. Hold me every way Hold me throughout the day. Feeling upside down about to drown. Chore: Hold me, just hold me Don't let me sit here alone you can just pick up your phone Hold me, just hold me I need that you will stop on by you can dry a teary eye. Hold me. 3. Just hold me in this room to help me out of gloom. Hold before you go I feel so low. 4. I want your loving hugs just like addictive drugs never got enough of hugging stuff. Chore: Hold me, just hold me Don't let me sit here alone you can just pick up your phone Hold me, just hold me I need that you will stop on by you can dry a teary eye. Hold me. Hold me in the night and make it bright reaching out for you to get me out of blue. Hold me. 5. I'm feeling really down I hope you come around. Hold me real tight with all your might. 6. Hold me every way Hold me throughout the day. Feeling upside down about to drown. Chore: Hold me, just hold me Don't let me sit here alone you can just pick up your phone Hold me, just hold me I need that you will stop on by you can dry a teary eye. Chore: Hold me, just hold me Don't let me sit here alone you can just pick up your phone Hold me, just hold me I need that you will stop on by you can dry a teary eye.
Tags // maini  hold  me  pop  dance  club  rive  video  promotion 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4326 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 5639 | Comments: 1



Maalaimalar is the famous No.1 tamil newspaper and Tamilnadu News with the local tamil news and latest tamil breaking news and e tamil news paper. Maalaimalar with the sections Cinema News, Sports News, Headlines, Online tamil songs, Tamil Daily, Aanmeegam, Health news, Videos new film videos and trailer, Historical news and MM application.
Tags // local  tamil  news 
Categories // Miscellaneous  News and Politics 
Added: 4326 days ago by Maalaimalar
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 1802 | Comments: 0
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