An irreverent and contagious thriller from debut author Joshua Alan Parry. Virus Thirteen a Novel. Find our more at Thriller
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Video directed by Curtis Pollock. Produced by The Yellow House Studios.
An app for hiding your private notes and photos on your phone! There are some things that you just want to keep private. While there are plenty of apps that let you store information on your phone, very few of them take their own steps to ensure the privacy of your information. Once a person gets past your lock screen, your life is wide open, including the private things you’ve saved for yourself.
With this app, you can access your private notes and photos by drawing your secret signature on the screen. No password prompts or buttons that would give away the existence of your secret area. Even your most private information remains safely locked away from prying eyes. You can store passwords, banking information, ID numbers, intimate photos and more. Only you can access the hidden content by drawing your signature shape anywhere on the screen. Once unlocked, your notes are readily available to you. Anyone that doesn’t know your signature will simply see a list of “dummy” public notes with zero indication that a password is even required. There is no password prompt. Only you know that a special signature is needed.
Freestyler Group fitness:
- One functional training fitness device - endless possibilities
- Supreme core workout with multi-axis movements
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Fitness instructors are amazed with endless workout possibilities
The Freestyler group workout system contains a set of different classes which are constantly updated with ever new workouts. In this way instructors and fitness clubs are able to pick from variety of workouts which best suit their clients' needs.
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Photo Booth business is growing business of present time and if you Looking to start a photo booth business? Your City Photo Booth is your perfect opportunity to get into the portable photo booth business. Our staff is top notch and knows the ins and outs of the market. We can help you succeed. You do not just buy a photo booth from us.
Come join us in Ireland this St. Patrick’s Day. Soak up the atmosphere, walk in the parade and be part of Ireland’s special celebrations for the Gathering 2013.
The St. Patrick’s Festival is the highlight of Ireland’s cultural calendar — a celebration of music, song, dance and of course, on March 17th, the stunning St. Patrick’s Day parade through the historic streets of Dublin.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
My Pinche iPhone app is an easy way to find ingredient translations between English & Spanish; an intuitive unit converter (Metric and US Imperial) and quick way to scale recipes.
– The perfect companion to any cookbook or recipe!
“Pinche” is a Spanish word to refer to the person who helps in the kitchen (ayudante de cocinero). It captures the essence of this new app – to help food lovers and home chefs.
This app was designed to create a common food language for Hispanics residing in and traveling to the U.S. My Pinche can be used at home or on the go.
More at=>
It is time for a new New Testament. In February of 2012, a council of scholars and spiritual leaders, convened by religious scholar Hal Taussig, came together to discuss, debate, and reconsider which books belong in the New Testament. They talked about dozens of newly found texts, their lessons, and how they inform the previously bound books. Reading the existing New Testament alongside these new texts—The Gospel of Luke with The Gospel of Mary, Paul’s letters with The Letter of Peter to Philip, The Revelation to John with The Secret Revelation to John—offers the exciting possibility of understanding both—the new and the old—better. What were early Christians’ concerns? What was daily practice? What was a woman’s place? How was Jesus remembered and his message promoted? In this imaginative reframing, Taussig presents explanatory introductions and additional historical background alongside the traditional New Testament books and ten newly included scriptures, all bringing us closer to a full appreciation of these documents and their impact on spiritual life. Learn more at Religion
Penny has returned. She is now back from her holiday vacation in London. It’s really good to have Penny back at the studio. Today’s episode, Professor HANS and Penny talk about the difference between the men in London and the men in the US and their attitude towards women in night clubs and bars. Men in US possess strong self-confidence and they are really cocky. They are so upfront. They run in places and just come up to you especially in night clubs and bars.
On the contrary, the British men are quite reserved. They rarely come up to girls and when they do it’s kind of lame and hesitant. But, in fairness, there are a lot of good British gentlemen out there.
“For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
4/5/12 ADAM WEST (orig BATMAN) DAY, HOLLYWOOD STAR CEREMONY***********“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7