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Search // primary
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The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has begun enrollment for the first Phase I safety study approved by the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the use of a child’s own umbilical cord blood stem cells for traumatic brain injury in children. The study is being performed in conjunction with Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, UTHealth’s primary children’s teaching hospital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5186 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6262 | Comments: 0
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Kelley Blue Book, the leading provider of new and used vehicle information, announces the all-new 2011 model-year vehicle winners of its annual Best Resale Value Awards, which recognize current and forthcoming vehicles for their projected retained value five years from now. Since depreciation (or loss of value) is typically a car-buyer’s primary expense during ownership, these awards, like all of’s new- and used-vehicle information, are designed to help consumers make more informed car-buying decisions. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // kelley  blue  book  kbb  best  resale  value  awards  vehicles  cars  winners  2011  multivu  46048 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5214 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 8192 | Comments: 0
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Edwards Lifesciences Corporation (NYSE: EW), the global leader in the science of heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring, reported that The New England Journal of Medicine today published results from Cohort B of The PARTNER Trial, which studied the Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis. The results of the trial successfully met the primary endpoints of all-cause mortality and mortality plus repeat hospitalization. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5292 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 6077 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Most people know the main of symptoms linked to ADHD; inattention or distractibility; impulsivity; and hyperactivity or restlessness. But did you know that one of the primary secondary characteristics of ADHD is impatience, that is only made worse by the primary symptom of impulsiveness. Sitting in individuals long toll road lines, waiting for hours to renew your auto registration, or misplacing an essential file can drive even one of the most level headed person to the brink of an anxiety meltdown but for ADHD adults stressful situations have a tendency to spiral out of control. And it is worth pointing out that stress driven depression isn
Tags // why  does  my  mind  always  seem  to  race  adult  adhd 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5361 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 5297 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated A number of individuals have no information concerning the immediate causes of acne infection. It has been assumed that puberty, oily skin, eating chocolates and overtime tension are the primary reasons of acne breakouts. These are the reasons behind acne breakouts development but they aren
Tags // acne  get  rid  of  zirts  how  to  get  rid  of  acne 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5361 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 6478 | Comments: 0
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Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009, traveled to Bayaguana, Dominican Republic with Children International to help raises awareness about the inaccessibility of clean water many children and families face. Dalton worked with Children International, a U.S.-based humanitarian organization to educate impoverished communities on clean-water practices, and assist them in cleaning their primary water source, Los Pomos River. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5457 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 8m0s | Views: 7124 | Comments: 2
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Surmang Foundation has operated a primary care clinic in a remote, poor region of Western China, in partnership with the Chinese Government, Qinghai Province, and Yushu Prefecture, since 1992. The Core Project has treated over 60,000 patients for free, including medicine, since the clinic building was completed in 1996. Its focus is on the maternal and child mortality/morbidity rates of the region, among the highest in the world. It supports two local ethnic Tibetan doctors, Phuntsok Dongdrup and Sonam Drogha. In our catchment area, the average annual income is about $50. Surmang Foundation’s remote site is a test case and a model for all of rural China, because impoverished nomadic Tibetans manifest in the extreme, most rural health and poverty problems. In cooperation with the Chinese Government and several hospitals, Surmang Foundation is currently expanding its mission to address the lack of access to basic services among the 28 million impoverished residents of rural, Western China and the lack of capacity of the local medical providers. The pilot project will create a network of remote providers for IT-based distance medical education and remote diagnosis and referral. The pilot began in 2005 with the promulgation of an archive of all Tibetan and Chinese language health promotion materials and continued in 2006 with the installation of a satellite dish at the Surmang campus. A part of that is the Community Health Worker Project funded by an AmCham grant in Spring 2005. Surmang Foundation has partnered with the Soong Ching-ling Foundation since November 2005.
Tags // surmang  foundation 
Categories // Webcam 
Added: 5523 days ago by yaojia
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 5049 | Comments: 2



Joel’s personality transforms after volunteering for the Obama campaign.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5995 days ago by RoommatingShow
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 9074 | Comments: 1



3 FREE& EASY Solutions for all unwanted sites You are just a victim Did you know... * Pornography is a $57 billion a year industry. In comparison, the combined revenues of all teams in the NBA, NHL, MLB, and NFL is $12 billion, and the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC is a mere $6.2 billion. # 45 percent of 1,000 surveyed teens admitted parents are the biggest influence in deciding whether or not to have sex # 88 percent of teens say it would be easier to postpone sex if they could have more open, honest conversations with their parents # Two-thirds of U.S. teenagers who have had sexual relations wish they had waited longer. 1 in 4 youth have unwanted exposure to inappropriate pictures each year Nine of 10 kids aged 8-16 have viewed pornography on the Internet, often in the process of doing homework Students were most at risk for cybersex compulsions due to a combination of increased access to computers, more private leisure time, & developmental stage characterized by increased sexual awareness & experimentation. Both computer classes & colleges might need to recognize this increased vulnerability and institute new primary prevention strategies. One in five children ages 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet
Added: 6011 days ago by Sharkawy
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 5510 | Comments: 1
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www.thespiritconnect for more videos, audio on Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot. Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the apparent relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters. A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer, or, rarely, an astrologist. Numerous traditions and applications employing astrological concepts have arisen since its earliest recorded beginnings in the 3rd millennium BC.[1][2] It has played a role in the shaping of culture, early astronomy, and other disciplines throughout history. Astrology and astronomy were often indistinguishable before the modern era, with the desire for predictive and divinatory knowledge one of the primary motivating factors for astronomical observation. Astronomy began to diverge from astrology after a period of gradual separation from the Renaissance up until the 18th century. Eventually, astronomy distinguished itself as the scientific study of astronomical objects and phenomena without regard to the astrological speculation of these phenomena.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6118 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 5m39s | Views: 8674 | Comments: 0
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Volcanic Action host for Luxuria Music and Los Angeles native Domenic Priore has 20 years of experience in TV and film production. In college, he began his career by producing his own public access TV show, It's Happening!, a tribute to 1960's dance shows like Shindig! and Ready, Steady, Go! Priore has worked as a writer and producer for Paramount Television, and has served as a source, fact checker, commentator, writer and/or director for several subsequent projects (including Rock 'n' Roll for PBS in 1995). Currently, he is developing a long-form documentary about Hollywood's famed Sunset Strip. Domenic is also an accomplished writer specializing in pop culture and music. He is the author of Beatsville (Outre Gallery Press), Smile: The Story of Brian Wilson's Lost Masterpiece (Sanctuary Publishing) and Riot on Sunset Strip: Rock 'n' Roll's Last Stand in Hollywood (Backbeat UK/Jawbone, June 2007). He was the primary writer on the AMC documentaries Hollywood Rocks the Movies: The Early Years (hosted by Ringo Starr) and Hollywood Rocks the Movies: The 1970s (hosted by David Bowie). Courtesy of Domenic Priore on
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Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 6157 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 9987 | Comments: 0



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