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Results 49-60 of 71 for ' championship ' (0 seconds) I just found a great source where you can buy WWE belts. They have great small ones for kids as well as full size deluxe replicas. I know what I
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Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5464 days ago by hochelaga
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Brian Zachau, a 32-year-old bartender from the Maple Grove, Minnesota T.G.I. Friday's restaurant was crowned
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Added: 5478 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 6098 | Comments: 1
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By the close of the 1942 season, Ted Williams became a fighter pilot and flight instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps, all through World War II. He served through 1945 and making his return to the Red Sox in the Spring of 1946, Pushing the team to win the American League pennant and taking home the MVP award. Despite the fact the Red Sox lost the World Series (the only one Williams played in) to the St. Louis Cardinals that year, Williams'spreeminenceas an outstanding hitter grewby leaps and bounds. He became known as the Splendid Splinter and the Thumper, for his 6'3" rail-thin frame and his power behind the bat was also ca;lled the kid. In 1947, Williams won his second Triple Crown but lost the MVP title to DiMaggio by only one vote, a slight by the sportswriters that Williams in no way forgot. In 1949, he was voted American League MVP for the second time. In 1950, while having a momentous season, Williams fractured his elbow during the All-Star Game at Comiskey Park in Chicago; he smashed into the wall while catching a fly ball. He finished that game, but the damage cost him more than sixty games, despite the fact he played well during the games he did play. He hit .318 in 1951 but then went back into the military service in 1952 and 1953, for the duration of the Korean War. After a crash landing of his fighter plane and a bout with pneumonia, he was sent back to the states. He announced his retirement from baseball in 1954 but then changed his mind and stayed on with the Red Sox, because he would have been ineligible for Hall of Fame election on the first ballot if he quit too soon. He suffered a series of injuries in the mid-1950s, but in 1957, at almost forty years old, he hit .388 and became the oldest player to ever win a batting championship. He hit .453 during the second half of the season. Williams was more popular than ever before and finished second only to Mickey Mantle in MVP balloting. The following year, Williams batted .328, still high enough to lead the league in batting. During this part of his career he won the nickname Teddy Ballgame, although his favorite nickname for himself was always "The Kid."
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Added: 5487 days ago by gdodrell
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 7713 | Comments: 1
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Two leading golfers, who won Ballantine's Tournaments almost 50 years apart, met at the iconic Wentworth Golf Club to put modern-day golf clubs to the test against equipment first used half a century ago, highlighting the evolution of the game. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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Added: 5510 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 7506 | Comments: 1
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Jenson takes the world title championship in formula one racing. Hes the WORLD CHAMPION. Well Done Jenson WOOHOO.
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Added: 5636 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 6871 | Comments: 1
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Get ready to be part of this season’s biggest and most exciting football fan initiative. Find out more at
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Added: 5685 days ago by tweeker
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Football. We know how you feel about it, because we feel the same. The new season on Sky Sports.
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Added: 5706 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 10436 | Comments: 0



Who said never take a tip off a bookie?! What about people who work for the bookie who want to stick it to the boss? Here's the top tips from the crew for the 2009 (British) Open Championship.
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Added: 5737 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 11289 | Comments: 2
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Joshua Clottey will challenge Miguel Cotto for the welterweight crown Saturday at Madison Square Garden. See what happened when MSG Fight Club hit
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Added: 5769 days ago by nycgardensports
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 7235 | Comments: 0
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Puerto Rican star Miguel Cotto will defend his welterweight title against Ghanaian slugger Joshua Clottey Saturday at Madison Square Garden. See what happened when MSG Fight Club hit the fearless fighter with a round of questions.
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Added: 5769 days ago by nycgardensports
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Don't miss a second of the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoff rivalries. Live coverage continues throughout the playoffs!
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Added: 5805 days ago by VersusNHL
Runtime: 0m20s | Views: 9987 | Comments: 0
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In the playoffs, the clock is everyone's opponent. Live coverage of the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs on VERSUS begins Wednesday, April 15.
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Added: 5827 days ago by VersusNHL
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