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Search // 2nd
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More than eight in 10 Americans ages 50-64 believe healthy teeth and gums are essential to maintaining overall good health, yet only a third say they are taking good care of their oral health, according to a survey conducted by the American Dental Association (ADA), with Crest® and Oral-B®. To help bridge this gap, Crest Pro-Health and actress, author, and health advocate Marilu Henner are committed to educating older adults about the importance of gum health during the 2nd annual National Gingivitis Awareness Month this September. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 4918 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m42s | Views: 7442 | Comments: 2
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Tags // disney  david  beckham  phineas  ferb  across  the  2nd  dimension  perry  the  platy  bus  new  york  times  square  kids  multivu  51049 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4992 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 6229 | Comments: 0
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The popular chattering character Perry the Platypus of Disney Channel's Emmy Award-winning
Tags // phineas  and  ferb  tv  movie  across  2nd  dimension  disney  consumer  multivu  50565 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5026 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 4821 | Comments: 0
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The Asian Awards 2011, in partnership with Lebara, has launched into its second year of celebrating the best in South Asian achievement. The House of Lords recently played host to 20 world-class leaders from the worlds of politics, business, sport, media, arts and technology - who gathered to choose winners from a short-list of inspirational luminaries and pioneers who have carved out their own places in history. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5040 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 7133 | Comments: 0
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Pop Star Karina Bradley and Rapper Papoose team up for a powerful combination on the hit track “Obituary 2010”. Obituary 2010 is off of Papoose’s “2nd Coming” mix tape and will be featured on Karina Bradley’s upcoming “Madam President” mix tape hosted by DJ Diamond Kuts. Papoose & Karina Bradley’s “Obituary 2010” Music video broke OVER 10.1 MILLION views in ONLY four days on World Star Hip Hop ( Obituary 2010 is a tradition of Papoose. For the last couple of years Papoose has honored celebrities that have passed away. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 5075 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m41s | Views: 7820 | Comments: 0
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The UK\'s biggest marketing and advertising event just got even bigger! TFM&A has consistently achieved impressive growth in visitor numbers since its launch in 2001, and on the 1st and 2nd March, the 2011 edition of the event saw over 12,000* (pending ABC Audit) marketing, media and advertising professionals walk through the doors of Earls Court 2 in just 2 days. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5098 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 4435 | Comments: 0
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2nd run SOV OPC vs BIKER
Tags // sov  opc  vs  biker 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5138 days ago by shaunsing
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 5835 | Comments: 2
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TFM&A, the UK’s longest running marketing, advertising and media exhibition, has just announced its educational line-up for 2011, which includes over 100 case-study led sessions from leading global brands and 10 keynote sessions from industry experts. TFM&A 2011 will be taking place at Earls Court 2, London on the 1st and 2nd March and this year has more sessions and bigger theatres than ever before. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 5145 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 5703 | Comments: 3
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Small business CEOs expressed a remarkable resurgence of optimism both in the overall economy and for their own companies. The Vistage Confidence Index jumped to 106.3 in the 4th Quarter of 2010, after reporting 95.1 in the 3rd quarter, 94.4 in the 2nd quarter and 93.7 in the 1st quarter of this year. Of the 1,729 respondents in the Q4 Vistage CEO Confidence Index, 77% expect increased revenues and 63% foresee higher profits in their own companies. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5179 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m51s | Views: 9504 | Comments: 0
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“I think one of the biggest problems with the veterans coming back – myself included – is that you’re so used to that institutionalized way of life,” says Brock Horner, 25, a US Army veteran who served 15 months in Afghanistan with Chosen Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne, 503rd Infantry in Kabul Province. “You always have things set in stone and always have a set schedule that someone else makes for you. When you come home, a switch is turned off, and you don’t have that anymore. You have to do it all yourself, so it’s completely different and overwhelming.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5186 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m53s | Views: 13907 | Comments: 0
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Nespresso, the pioneer and reference for premium portioned coffee, officially opened its largest boutique in the Southern Hemisphere on December 2nd, 2010. The Sydney boutique, fronting the prestigious redeveloped Pitt Street Mall, is the fifth Nespresso flagship boutique to open this year. With new flagships in Brussels, Miami, New York SoHo, Munich and now Sydney, each flagship combines signature Nespresso style while reflecting the distinct identities of the global cities each serves. More than just a retail space, each flagship and boutique plays a vital role in connecting and energising local Nespresso lovers into a vibrant brand community. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5210 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 7293 | Comments: 0
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Premonition is the central theme of this action adventure trilogy of the Deer people tribe of 13,000 years ago. Involving narrow escapes from cataclysms such as descending comets, tsunami and tribal invasion by malicious, evil raiders. 2nd theme is bravery, love, friendship, honor, innovation, survival, leadership, courage. Learn more about this trilogy and author: YA, Action Adventure
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5283 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 6859 | Comments: 2



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