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Baidu-Input has recently added a translation function supporting 28 languages, not to mention simultaneous translation of Chinese, English, and Japanese. This app has become a hot commodity throughout America within a short period of time. Baidu-Input is an innovative product created by one of China's largest internet companies, Baidu. The mobile app has amassed over 1,600 million daily active users. Users evaluated and tested the translation function of the latest Android 7.6 version of this product; it fares well against the competition. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2770 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 748 | Comments: 1
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“A broad river is in waves, the rice flowers are sweet smelling over the banks…” On August 1, Chinese Army Day, an eye-catching ‘Flash Mob’ took place at Ginza Square, Tokyo, three Chinese young men, with deep affection, performing a ‘Red Song’ My Motherland, one of the classic songs written in praise of the Communist Party of China. As they said, to fulfill their shared promise made five years ago, these three youngsters travelled a long distance from Nanchang, ‘the City of Heroes’ of China, gathering in Japan to express their patriotism and affection for their home country in the form of singing red song chorus. Accompanying their singing was an official promo of Nanchang displayed on the huge screen at the back of them. As images of Nanchang’s unique landmarks like the Monument of Nanchang Uprising, Tengwang Pavilion and the Twin Tower flittered one by one, their melody brought passersby, especially overseas Chinese back to that heroic city which, 90 years ago, once gave birth to the first authentic people’ army led by the Communist Party of China. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2771 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m8s | Views: 841 | Comments: 2
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Back to school is right around the corner and with it comes the chaos of school year routines! The to-do list for families before classes begin is extensive: getting the kids ready on time, making sure they get to school safely, preparing lunches in a pinch, and the list keeps going on! With so much to do, even the most put together parent might feel overwhelmed. If anyone knows how to get a family on the move and into a seamless routine, it’s parenting expert Colleen Burns: she raised six sons! On Tuesday, August 8, Colleen is available for live interviews to discuss her top tips for getting parents (and kids!) ready for the school year to begin.
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Added: 2772 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m51s | Views: 701 | Comments: 2
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Bellisio Foods, one of the nation's largest, most trusted and fastest growing frozen food companies, introduces SO RIGHT®, a line of single-serve frozen meals that combine real ingredients and great flavors at a truly affordable price. SO RIGHT meals offer so much of what consumers crave. They feature fresh-tasting, quality ingredients, like 100 percent natural white meat chicken (minimally processed with no artificial ingredients), roasted vegetables, whole grains, and brown rice. In addition, all of the meals are free of trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial flavors or colors, and contain 11 grams of protein or more; and many of the meals have 300 calories or less, 10 or fewer grams of total fat, and no preservatives. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2772 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 795 | Comments: 2
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Mouse was found hiding in the shadows. From the looks of him it was clear most of his 10 years had been very hard, but under the dirt and matted fur was a huge heart ready to give love. Thankfully, after a grooming Mouse quickly found his forever family, and was named America’s top shelter dog makeover in the 2016 Dirty Dogs Contest. His story stands as proof that a good bath can transform a dog’s life in more ways than one. The sad truth, however, is that less than half of the three million dogs entering shelters each year are getting the necessary grooming they need. That’s why Wahl has teamed up with to donate funds and grooming supplies to shelters nationwide. The goal: Transform more than 20,000 dogs this year to get them ready for adoption. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2772 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 796 | Comments: 2
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From bagels to sushi, the internet has been abuzz with the outrageous Cheetos-infused recipes going viral and popping up at restaurants around the country. Cheetos, one of the flagship brands from PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay division, is now bringing Cheetos-inspired dishes to life in New York City at The Spotted Cheetah, the first-ever restaurant devoted to all things Cheetos. Located in the heart of New York City at 211 W. Broadway, The Spotted Cheetah will be open to the public by reservation only August 15 – August 17 and will provide guests the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate Cheetos dining experience. The menu combines the beloved cheese and crunch of Cheetos with chef Anne Burrell’s culinary talent. With her trademark spiky blonde hair and fun, pumped-up personality, Burrell has worked some of the top restaurants in New York, including her new restaurant, Phil & Anne's Good Time Lounge, studied culinary landscape and traditions of Italy, and authored two popular cookbooks, Cook Like A Rockstar and Own Your Kitchen. Now she's lending her culinary expertise at something completely different with the world's first Cheetos restaurant. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2773 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 827 | Comments: 3
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Today LeapFrog® Enterprises, Inc. announced the availability of its updated LeapStart™ Learning System, offering key enhancements to the successful, interactive learning system. Providing the perfect balance of core school and life skills, the LeapStart Learning System gets kids excited about counting, learning to read, problem solving and more with fun, replayable activities. Engaging new content featuring popular children’s characters, the availability of LeapFrog’s acclaimed Learn to Read series and a newly designed adaptable stylus give children the tools they need to build tomorrow’s skills today. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2773 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m36s | Views: 770 | Comments: 1
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Today LeapFrog® Enterprises, Inc. announced the availability of its updated LeapStart™ Learning System, offering key enhancements to the successful, interactive learning system. Providing the perfect balance of core school and life skills, the LeapStart Learning System gets kids excited about counting, learning to read, problem solving and more with fun, replayable activities. Engaging new content featuring popular children’s characters, the availability of LeapFrog’s acclaimed Learn to Read series and a newly designed adaptable stylus give children the tools they need to build tomorrow’s skills today. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2773 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m36s | Views: 818 | Comments: 0
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Forget CVs, Grant’s is looking to test the mettle of their candidates on location at some of the world’s most exciting cities, armed with a suitcase of Grant’s whisky. Applications are now open for the interview of a lifetime – a 10-day world tour - launched by Grant’s Whisky as part of its search for a new Global Brand Ambassador for 2018. In a job interview like no other, three final candidates will each travel to a trio of countries, ranging from Colombia to Poland, India and South Africa equipped with a suitcase full of Grant’s to share with the friends they’re yet to meet. Their journey will echo the legendary trip taken in 1909 by Charles Grant Gordon, the son in law of the founder of Grant’s Whisky, William Grant. Charles set sail with a suitcase of Grant’s and an ambition to introduce it to the world. 110 years later, Grant’s chosen Global Brand Ambassador will follow in his footsteps throughout 2018. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2776 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 792 | Comments: 1
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The amazing table olives have been the favorites of the towns that surround the Mediterranean Sea for more than 2,000 years. It is also the sea that unites three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, which has made it possible for a tradition like the Mediterranean Diet to continue today. Everything that surrounds table olives of Spain, world leader in production and quality, is amazing. It is their way of picking the fruits of the olive grove, with great care not to damage them and that it reaches the consumer round and shiny. It is also the huge range of varieties throughout the Spanish olive grove, the largest in the world. Amazing for its diversity of presentations, whole, boned, sliced or being stuffed in over 140 different ways. It is finally possible to enjoy the best of the Mediterranean pantry in the US by merely approaching your usual point of sale and choosing between the Queen, Manzanilla or Hojiblanca to take home the essence of a gastronomy that continues to seduce foodies around the world in the same way that it convinces the experts of nutrition. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2776 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 778 | Comments: 1
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Algebra has often been referred to as the “gateway” course with research showing the positive correlation between the early mastering of algebra and college graduation and employment income. Kumon, the world’s largest after-school math and reading program, understands the importance of advanced study and discovering the true potential of children. As a learning program based on ability rather than age or grade, it is common to see children in Kumon Centers studying math and/or reading material two to three years above their school grade level. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2777 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 867 | Comments: 1



23andMe, working in collaboration with the Milken Institute and Lundbeck, today announced that they have commenced enrollment for a first-of-its kind genetic study designed to gain understanding of the underlying biology of major depressive and bipolar disorders. This study will combine cognitive assessments with genetic data and survey responses to assess how genes influence brain processes – such as attention, decision-making and visual perception – in individuals who live with these serious mental health conditions. “We know genetics play a role in the development of depression and bipolar, however there is a long pathway from our genes to the manifestation of complex diseases like these,” said Emily Drabant Conley, PhD., Vice President of Business Development at 23andMe. “We need to look at these conditions in a more comprehensive way to advance our understanding. By studying cognitive function alongside genetics and other environmental variables on a massive scale, we hope to take a significant step forward in the study of depression and bipolar.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2778 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 29998 | Comments: 1
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