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RØDE Microphones is excited to announce ‘RØDE Rocks’ – an international band competition designed to locate and showcase the best in independent, unsigned talent around the world and reward them with an all-expenses-paid recording session in Hollywood with renowned producer Alain Johannes, as well as studio prize packs consisting of microphones and speakers totalling over US$15,000 in value. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music 
Added: 4711 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 3812 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Nous sommes actuellement la meilleur offre pour des cours de Krav Maga sur Genève. Avec le même abonnement de 99.- vous avez accès à trois dojo et à 13 cours par semaine. Pour un cours d\'essai gratuit appelez nous au 079 205 4040 ou contactez nous sur notre site
Tags // karate  martial  arts  krav-maga  demo  krav  maga  garcia  marco  krav  maga  geneve 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4724 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 6396 | Comments: 1
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Food Network’s long-running hit primetime series Food Network Star returns to New York City this May with fifteen talented hopefuls and completely new twists for season eight – this year, returning stars Bobby Flay and Giada De Laurentiis move from behind the judge’s table to square off with culinary favorite Alton Brown for a three-way team competition to find the next Food Network Star, beginning with a special two-hour premiere episode on Sunday, May 13th at 9pm ET/PT. Bobby, Giada and Alton, all television producers in addition to being culinary superstars, lead the charge to find and develop the new talent by each hand-selecting a team of five finalists, who they will produce and mentor through the ‘Star’ experience to find one winner who possesses personality and kitchen chops. Viewers can also glance into the ‘Star’ finalist selection process, with a casting special airing on May 12th and in another turn to the series plot, viewers will vote online before the July 22nd finale to determine who will receive the ultimate prize: their own Food Network show, to be produced by their ‘Star’ team leader. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4725 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 5173 | Comments: 0
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Se mere på vores website med vakuumløsninger - En vakuumløfter fra Fyns Kran Udstyr og Schmalz er den mest sikre måde at håndtere emner, uanset om de er af plastik, metal, træ eller pap. En vakuumløsning både rationaliserer og forenkler produktionsprocessen, ved at gøre håndtering af emner lettere og mere effektivt. I denne video kan du se eksempler på løsninger til vakuumløft af : - Træ, - Metal, - Glas, - Plastik, - Pakpasser, - Dunke og tønder. Fordelene ved at vælge Fyns Kran Udstyr som leverandør at jeres næste vakuumanlæg: - En leverandør, - en komplet løsning, - Mulighed for serviceaftale, - Service inden for 24 timer, - 17 mobile værksteder, - Stor know-how siden 1969, - Kendt tysk kvalitetsprodukt
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4726 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 4403 | Comments: 0
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Aprenda a tocar guitarra com aulas online e o melhor método disponível! Clique aqui e saiba mais sobre o curso de guitarra online de Marcelo Naudi:
Tags // aulas  de  guitarra  online  curso  de  guitarra  online 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4735 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m55s | Views: 4319 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Gagner l'argent sur Internet, techniques et stratégies pour gagner argent, Satisfaction 100% Garantie!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4736 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 4378 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Découvrez tous les exercices contre le mal de dos et recevez 4 vidéos gratuites.
Tags // exercice  mal  de  dos 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4738 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 4291 | Comments: 0
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La televisión cruzó la frontera social con el lanzamiento de SOITV, el primer y único 100% Social TV para hispanos. SOIcomenzó a difundir en los Estados Unidos a 3,3 millones de hogares hispanos a través de una plataforma innovadora que permitirá a los usuarios interactuar en vivo y directo con su programación. A través de encuestas virtuales y actualizaciones de los medios sociales, los mexicanos (y algunos otros hispanos de 17 países) en 15 ciudades de los Estados Unidos tendrán una voz en SOI, sin importar su estatus migratorio. El público puede experimentar SOI a través de su señal en vivo en el internet o por su frecuencia de antena digital 0.3. Fiel a la experiencia de su audiencia, SOI en poco tiempo se migrará a cable o señal satelital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4746 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 4912 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated[EXTRACT] Dr. Samuel Aguiar Jr. - Hospital do Câncer - AC CamargoMédico do Departamento de Cirurgia Pélvicahttp://
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4747 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 5849 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated La pompe à chaleur air-air, ou aérothermique, transfère de la chaleur de l\'air extérieur à l\'air intérieur de la maison, en utilisant peu d\'électricité. Si elle est inversible, elle pourra également servir à la climatisation en été. La pompe à chaleur air-air remplace avantageusement un chauffage par radiateurs électriques. Pour comprendre le fonctionnement des pompes à chaleur :
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4752 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 4042 | Comments: 0
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To commemorate the rum-making standards achieved by Bacardi 150 years ago, family-owned Bacardi Limited announces a first—the rarest BACARDI rum ever released, as a celebration of the expertise and craftsmanship in every bottle of BACARDI rum. An unprecedented number of Maestros de Ron BACARDÍ (Master Blenders) have combined their extraordinary talents to create a very special and rare limited edition BACARDI rum—Ron BACARDÍ®, de Maestros de Ron, Vintage, MMXII. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4752 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 8381 | Comments: 0
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Jetzt HypnoticMind reservieren & dadurch am 100.000€ Gewinnspiel teilnehmen! Nach der Reservierung erhalten Sie 4 MegaPoster zum Aufbau großer Trafficströme Gratis (Wert 97€) und erfahren im Detail, wie Sie Ihre Chancen beim Gewinnspiel beliebig steigern, um einen oder sogar mehrere der wertvollen Preise zu gewinnen!
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4771 days ago by thedanielhaas
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 4376 | Comments: 1
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