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The National Limousine Association’s Ride Responsibly™ initiative ( and Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE) have joined forces to produce a public service campaign, starring actress, activist and sexual violence survivor Pamela Anderson. The PSA draws attention to the vast number of sexual assaults that have occurred in ride-hailing vehicles and questions if these were caused by insufficient background check procedures. This PSA serves as a call-to-action following alarming revelations of sexual harassment and assault that reach far beyond Hollywood and Washington, D.C. The video, titled “The Signs”, is Pamela’s second PSA for the Ride Responsibly initiative, and comes on the heels of the #MeToo movement. The PSA is a stark reminder that even getting from point A to B carries risk, particularly if you are not conscientious of the service that you choose. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // woman  drive  car  harassment  assault  driver  psa  ride  uber  lyft  multivu  8098851 
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Added: 2617 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 774 | Comments: 2
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The Founder of the Monarchist Party of Russia gave a press conference in the TASS press centre in Yekaterinburg on December 6th. According to Bakov, the documents which support his announcement were deliberately and symbolically made public in Yekaterinburg. This city was chosen through having witnessed the most gruesome and ruthless act of regicide. During the press conference, the journalists were presented with the Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation between The Republic of The Gambia and Romanov Empire, which had been signed December 1st in Banjul by the Secretary General of The Gambia Dawda D. Fadera and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romanov Empire, Modou Lamin Saidykhan. According to said document, the west African Republic of The Gambia became the first government to officially recognize Romanov Empire and establish diplomatic contacts with it. In exchange, Romanov Empire agreed to pay 60 Million USD to the budget of The Gambia. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2645 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 748 | Comments: 2
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Last night (Wednesday, Dec. 6), the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) debuted the first and only destination virtual reality art program, Vegas: Alter Your Reality (VAYR). The event took place at Wynwood’s Zadok Gallery during Miami Art Week with The Venetian Las Vegas. Powered by Samsung Gear VR, the VAYR installation will be free and open to the public, Dec. 7 - 9 from 1 - 9 p.m. daily. “Capturing Las Vegas in photos and videos never tells the whole story, which is why we created the first-ever destination VR art program,” said Cathy Tull, senior vice president of marketing at the LVCVA. “By debuting at Miami Art Week, we are able to showcase creative technology to remind visitors of the adventures and experiences that await them in Las Vegas.” An innovative marketing concept that unites virtual reality and technology with art and travel, VAYR showcases Las Vegas in a unique and artistic way by featuring the work of five international artists including: Adhemas Batista, Brazil; Beeple, U.S.; FAFI, France; INSA, U.K.; and Signalnoise, Canada. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2648 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 880 | Comments: 2
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To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, the company announced today a first-of-its-kind art exhibit open to the public. Through the power of visual arts, Giving Gallery: Community in Process will highlight the collective impact of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation and its nonprofit partners in the greater Milwaukee community and beyond. For the past 25 years, the Northwestern Mutual Foundation has driven its communities forward by investing in the people who stand up, tune in and engage every day to ensure that everyone has a chance at a brighter future. “This year, we’re commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, which has improved the lives of children and families in our hometown of Milwaukee and across the country,” said John Schlifske, chairman and CEO, Northwestern Mutual. “We are bringing 25 years worth of stories to life through art, highlighting our commitment to the communities we serve and celebrating the work we’ve done in partnership with outstanding nonprofits.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2651 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 850 | Comments: 2
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Accenture (NYSE: ACN) employees across 56 countries have pledged to complete more than 10,000 Hours of Code and lead coding tutorial sessions around the world during Computer Science Education Week, Dec. 4-10, as part of the company’s commitment to helping students around the world build computer and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills. This year Accenture is leading with the talent and energy of our people, pledging more than 2,000 hours to lead or volunteer at local events in their communities, joining forces with teachers and to help students learn coding and computer science skills. This follows Accenture’s recently announced pledge of US$10 million to support initiatives to expand STEM and computer science education through Internet Association, a group that represents global internet companies on matters of public policy. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2652 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 859 | Comments: 2
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According to a National Safety Council poll released today, one in four Americans personally knows someone who has overdosed or died from an opioid overdose, knows someone who has become addicted to opioids, or has become addicted themselves. In response to the survey results – and a recommendation from the President’s Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis – the National Safety Council is launching a provocative nationwide public education campaign that literally puts a face on the opioid epidemic. Stericycle is the Council’s exclusive disposal partner on the campaign. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2677 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 735 | Comments: 2
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Researchers at global public health organization NSF International, Harvard Medical School, the United States Department of Defense and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands (RIVM) recently identified four unapproved, DMAA-like stimulants in six over-the-counter weight-loss and pre-workout products currently available online. The research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Toxicology. The potentially harmful compounds – including banned stimulants 1,3-DMAA and 1,3-DMBA as well as octodrine and a newly identified DMAA analog – were not listed as ingredients in the products and may have been disguised as “2-aminoisoheptane” or extract of Aconitum kusnezoffii. These stimulants may cause adverse cardiac events, hemorrhagic strokes or sudden death, especially if taken prior to strenuous exercise or combined with caffeine. Extreme heat and dehydration may also increase the health risks. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2677 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 912 | Comments: 2
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Based on the groundbreaking HBO® series, GAME OF THRONES: The Touring Exhibition will give fans the experience of a lifetime with an up-close and personal look into the world of Westeros and Essos. In collaboration with HBO Global Licensing, global events provider GES designed and built the show’s largest public display to date. The exhibition beautifully showcases the sumptuous costumes, authentic props, and majestic settings from all seven seasons of the worldwide hit series GAME OF THRONES in an interactive, immersive experience which leads visitors through several dynamically themed exhibition areas. Sold Out and Encore are partnering with GES to present the exhibition in Barcelona. GAME OF THRONES actors Tom Wlaschiha, who played Faceless Man Jaqen H'ghar, and Ian Beattie, who played Kingsguard Knight Meryn Trant, were on hand to celebrate the grand opening. “It is an incredible honor to join my co-star at the opening of GAME OF THRONES: The Touring Exhibition in Barcelona. It has been a trip down memory lane to see all of the props and costumes again. I highly recommend it to fans and newcomers alike,” said Ian Beattie. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2690 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 770 | Comments: 3
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All natural disasters, including the recent hurricanes, are a reminder how swiftly emergencies and disasters can happen. To address the fact that less than 50 percent of households have developed an emergency plan and discussed it with their families, FEMA and the Ad Council are working to inform and encourage all Americans to plan ahead for disasters. FEMA and the Ad Council are announcing the release of new public service announcements (PSAs) as part of the Ready Campaign to conclude National Preparedness Month. The PSAs, “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can.” encourage families to take time to talk about their emergency plans – what to do, where to go for an evacuation or shelter-in-place, and how to get in contact in the event that you are separated in a disaster or emergency. “Preparedness is a shared responsibility. It’s important to be aware of your local hazards,” said FEMA Acting Deputy Administrator for Protection and National Preparedness Katie Fox. “The first step to preparing for a disaster doesn’t cost anything – talk to your family and make a plan for evacuation, shelter and communication. Discuss what you will need. You can also take training or a CPR course to help yourself and others.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2719 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 725 | Comments: 3
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Four in ten New Yorkers report feeling unprepared for an emergency event such as a natural disaster, fire, power outage or act of terrorism. To raise awareness of preparedness tactics and encourage New Yorkers to plan ahead for disasters, the New York City Emergency Management Department, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Ad Council are releasing new public service announcements (PSAs) as part of the Ready New York campaign to conclude National Preparedness Month this September. The creative encourages families to take time to talk about making emergency plans, including what to do, where to go, and how to stay in touch during an emergency. “We want all New Yorkers to know what to do to be prepared before a disaster strikes. We can help protect our families by thinking through the steps to take before, during and after an emergency. The new ads show how easy it is to make a plan, empowering New Yorkers to have a much-needed discussion about family preparedness,” shares Joseph J. Esposito, Commissioner of NYC Emergency Management. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2719 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 679 | Comments: 4
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today the winners of the 2017 FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Awards, recognizing the lifesaving efforts of individuals and organizations from across the country who are working to prepare for emergencies. Each year, FEMA honors individuals and organizations who excel at inspiring the public to be ready if a tornado, hurricane, wildfire, or other disaster were to strike their community. “We are a stronger, more resilient nation when we work together—in communities large and small—to prepare for and respond to disasters,” said FEMA Acting Deputy Administrator Daniel Kaniewski. “FEMA is proud to recognize the great efforts of individuals and organizations who are helping to create a national culture of preparedness.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2720 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 869 | Comments: 3
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To motivate parents and their children to spend more time in nature together, the U.S. Forest Service and the Ad Council today launched a new public service advertisement (PSA) campaign urging families to experience the many wonders of nature close to home together. The PSAs, created in partnership with The Foundry, Time Inc.’s state-of-the-art creative lab and content studio, focus on family time in nearby forested environments, reminding parents that having a nature experience with their children is not only easy and local, but also fun and full of learning opportunities and benefits. This is the first time that the Ad Council has worked with the creative division of a media company that has iconic roots in publishing on a large-scale production on behalf of one of its PSA campaigns. A range of Time Inc. properties are also donating print and digital advertising space in support of this campaign. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2740 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 740 | Comments: 2
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