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Search // ninja
Results 37-48 of 56 for ' ninja ' (0 seconds)
Sensei Arie van den Akker founder of combat sequence and modern ninjutsu is practising Kuroi ryu ninjutsu in his younger days when he was a white belt student of ninjitsu.This exercise contains a jump, a turn and a stance very similar to wushu practise and kungfu exercises. Watch en learn! Koga Wada Ha Ryu Ninpo 甲賀流忍術
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5303 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 8527 | Comments: 1
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甲賀流忍術 Kurokumo Bushido is a ninjitsu system and is connected to ashida kim. The Kurokumo Bushido Academy Germany is runned by Sensei Andreas Leffler, in the Netherlands Sensei Arie van den Akker is teaching Kurokumo Shinobi Goshido. This clip is from the Tai Kai in 2004. Andreas Leffler teaching his ninjitsu. Andreas Leffler and Ashida Kim are the teachers of Sensei Arie van den Akker from Boornbergum the Netherlands (Europe) ZVCNOORD
Categories // Street  Sport  Science and Technology 
Added: 5303 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 8021 | Comments: 3
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Sensei Arie van den Akker his students are demonstrating the ninjutsu climbing techniques and tactis. Kurokumo Bushido and Kuroi ryu ninjitsu by Sensei Arie van den Akker
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5409 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 9767 | Comments: 2



The Japanese art of the ninja as done by Ninjutsu Sensei Arie van den Akker Kurokumo Bushido and the Kuroi ryu ninjutsu school is shown in this impressive video about the Japansese form of Kuroi ryu Ninjutsu
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5409 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 9844 | Comments: 1
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Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu and the kurokumo shinobi goshido art of Ninjutsu trailer by sensei Arie van den Akker. This video is a demonstration about the strength of the real ninjutsu systems. Kurokumo Bushido by Sensei Arie van den Akker
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5409 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 6m37s | Views: 8722 | Comments: 1
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Sensei Arie van den Akker is demonstrating the secret kata of Ninjutsu! The Hidden Dagger of of the Black Dragon Ninjitsu group. Kurokumo Bushido by Sensei Arie van den AKker
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5410 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 9496 | Comments: 2
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Sensei Arie van den Akker master of Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu has invented his own martial arts style. It is a Mixed Martial Arts style derived from the Kuroi ryu Ninjutsu style. He is teaching this art in the Netherlands. See this clip of an actual class of Sensei Arie van den Akker. Kurokumo Bushido Ninja martial arts.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5410 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 9m1s | Views: 9649 | Comments: 1
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The 忍者 Ninja in Feudal Japan: The period of the 16th Century was known as the
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5410 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 9m52s | Views: 7821 | Comments: 1
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Ninja Love Stink's Not Created By Me ! I dont no by who !
Categories // Music  Comedy  Cartoon 
Added: 5625 days ago by mihaishadow
Runtime: 8m29s | Views: 13526 | Comments: 3



Who's your favorite famous feline? Is it Snowball from the Simpsons episodes? Maybe Sylvester the cat or Mr. Bigglesworth? Find out how well these "catwomen" and "catman" do on my Kitty Quiz... as well as, get a close up look into the world of cat fancy as I visit a local cat show.
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5695 days ago by tivoshanan
Runtime: 4m59s | Views: 13235 | Comments: 2
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More @ When this martial artist tries to pull off a karate backflip move in front of a camera, it only spells fail. Get a load of this ninja backflip fail as the afro fighter faceplants on the ground, becomes dizzy, and then falls down again. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5802 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 13444 | Comments: 1
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If you`re gonna attack a tennis ninja then make sure it isn`t Roger Federer cos he`ll have ya for sure !!
Tags // roger  federer  tennis  nike  ambush  ball 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Sport 
Added: 6011 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 12823 | Comments: 0



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