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Search // drinking
Results 37-48 of 70 for ' drinking ' (0 seconds)
Atlanta attorney and philanthropist Dan Phelan is leading the charge to bring water and sanitation facilities to impoverished communities in the Dominican Republic by partnering with Children International, a leading child sponsorship organization. Phelan’s passion grows with each successive project as he sees the change in the lives of the people impacted. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4374 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 1191 | Comments: 0
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OnWineTime brings together the premier names in Crystal stemware and wine accessories. Each wine glass, each decanter and each wine accessory is designed to enhance the wine drinking experience for everyone from the connoisseur to the novice.
Tags // crystal  wine  decanter 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4375 days ago by arijit2012
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 928 | Comments: 0
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Directed by Zodiac Fishgrease, Saint and Maddi Madd ITUNES- AMAZON-
Tags // maddi  madd  til  im  a  zombie  clubs  rap  drinking  smoking 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4396 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m25s | Views: 5101 | Comments: 0



After a long week of work or school, I am sure many of you will be going extra hard tonight. No matter how many shots you kick back, though, I am pretty sure you won't have a Good Time like Fred Diezil. Making his first appearance in The DJBooth, the Jersey native/Tacoma, WA resident bring us a liquor filled single, perfect for starting your weekend off right. As the IzZy's beat rolls, highlighted by an intoxicating, choppy female vocal sample, Diezil contributes a swift flow, boasting about his vision of a good time, including drinking until his vision is clouded and he's losing his dinner (sounds like a good night to me). Those suddenly in the mood to party can knock a few back with Diezil next week, when Good Time goes to iTunes. ~
Tags // fred  diezil  good  time  party  women 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4451 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 6076 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Healthy fast food using dairy free sauce also curry,chilli and gravy and other sauces to create different dishes everyday to look forward to. Making friends with vegetables will be your greatest ally against disease and helping keeping you slim. Debbie also talks about how you can get raw food into your diet and enjoy it even in the winter. You can see even if you are very lazy (as Debbie admits she is ) there is no excuse to not eat healthy . Adding sprouted seeds to foods after cooking ensures you don\\\'t destroy the enzymes and feed your cells too. This will help with reducing cravings as pointed out autopsies in America ( and other westernised nations) show we are overfed by actually suffering signs of malnutrition. When you live on a diet of highly processed foods the body will send out hunger signals (for many reasons) one of them being an hour or so after eating it realizes there is missing nutrients in this meal, go and get me some please. We interpret this as being hungry and go and eat the first thing we come across and the whole cycle continues. There is a link above to Debbie Williams hypnosis and NLP recording Lean for Life download this and ditch the dairy can help you to break the addiction that many junk foods as well as so called marketed health foods ie \\\'milk and dairy foods have on you. You wouldn\\\'t get down on your hands and knees in a field and suckle of a cow would you? Why not include rat milk or horse milk? One of the reasons we get addicted to dairy is that it contains caso-morphine to ensure the baby has a big desire to drink lots of it. By the time we are 4 years or age most of us lose the ability to fully digest the sugar in milk (lactose) as this is the time we should be fully weaned of our mother\\\'s milk . Drinking milk in adulthood can lead to all sorts of problems one of the best resources for more info is Robert Cohen\\\'s website or my ditch the dairy recording.
Tags // healthy  fast  food  raw  foods  raw  foodism  recipe  cooking 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4567 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 5m28s | Views: 3766 | Comments: 1
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Pentair, Inc. (NYSE: PNR), a leader in sustainable water solutions, announced today the results of the multi-year Project Safewater-Colón initiative and research, funded by The Pentair Foundation. Project Safewater-Colón demonstrates that it’s possible to provide people in developing countries with affordable and sustainable sources of safe drinking water. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4984 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m15s | Views: 5761 | Comments: 0
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Join P&G and the Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program (CSDW) to provide clean drinking water to children in need. GIVE HEALTH partners with the non-profit P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program (CSDW) to provide PUR packets in developing countries. These packets, developed by P&G and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, use some of the same ingredients as municipal water systems to remove pollutants from contaminated water. Since 2004, CSDW has provided more than 3 billion liters of water to children in need in over 60 countries. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5032 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 5895 | Comments: 0
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Shock Top and Stan Herd, the world's preeminent representational Earthwork artist, are collaborating on a series of original Earthworks a first for the artist and the beer brand. The series will reflect the essence of the beer, both theoretically (designed to embody the unique, free-spirit of the beer) and literally (produced with materials that are ingredients of the beer, including wheat and oranges). The series is comprised of three Earthworks, the first of which was unveiled today in Austin, Texas. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5039 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 7039 | Comments: 0



Bacardi Limited, the largest privately held spirits company in the world, announces tennis champion Rafael Nadal as the new Bacardi Limited Global Social Responsibility Ambassador. The ATP World Tour® #1 ranked Rafael Nadal now leads the Company’s award-winning responsible drinking campaign, “Champions Drink Responsibly.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5101 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 9104 | Comments: 0
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With recent studies citing that mobile distractions such as texting can be even more dangerous than drinking and driving, parents are looking for answers on how to best educate and promote responsible mobile phone use to their teens. As part of her role in the LG Text Ed campaign, an educational program aimed at parents, Jane Lynch shot a series of entertaining and educational viral videos for LG Mobile Phones about mobile phone misuse. With the goal of educating parents about the importance of talking to their kids about responsible mobile phone use, the LG Text Ed video series addresses issues such as “sexting,” mobile harassment and text etiquette, while helping parents learn how to use mobile phones to communicate better with their kids. In the series finale, Jane drives right to the point and addressees the potentially damaging consequences of texting while driving. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // jane  lynch  texting  driving  lg  text  mobilie  phone  consumer  multivu  47866 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5186 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m25s | Views: 7332 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated As a result, drinking acai berry green teas gives you the double the antioxidants, double the power, double the fat misplaced, double the deliciousness, and so forth. Green tea also has antibacterial properties that may help tremendously in combating tooth decay. Now, 1 phrase of caution about this wonderful combination--do not confuse it with acai berry black tea. Black teas is created by fermenting the tea leaves, which results in a drastic reduction in particular well being advantages and a total elimination of other people. Acai berry green tea is the product you want, not acai berry black teas. Additionally, acai berry inexperienced teas consists of particular benefits of elements in green teas that the acai berry (however super of a superfood it may be) doesn
Tags // acai  berry  and  green  tea  acai  berry  green  tea  diet  acai  berry  white  tea  gnc  green  tea  oprah  green  tea 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5261 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 9763 | Comments: 0
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One thing is for sure - everyone needs to eat and drink. A fact that lets the food producers have a certain degree of security. Approximately 1200 Companies came to Düsseldorf with this sense of security to visit the food fairs InterMeat, InterCool and InterMopro, and the hotel and gastronomy fair hogatec. The upturn in the German economy - the organizers know this on the last day of the fair - has not yet arrived. But: some signs of recovery are evident.
Categories // Business 
Added: 5286 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6853 | Comments: 2
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