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Search // case
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Centennial College's Police Foundations program is a two-year program that consists of intense training equivalent to that of a paramilitary environment, which helps students to develop discipline and deportment. Courses are based on real-life experiences and case studies that incorporate a fundamental perspective on life. The program successfully prepares graduates for careers in the various police and military forces or in the field of security and related occupations and they have the ability to withstand pressure, communicate effectively, act as problem-solvers and help people in the community.
Categories // Business 
Added: 3809 days ago by jasonw93
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 781 | Comments: 2
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Haunted by a failed kidnapping case, Detective Matt Brady struggles to solve the disappearances of seven young women. When his veterinarian girlfriend is targeted to be victim number eight, Brady tries to protect her, but steps into the crosshairs of a professional cop killer. Find out more at or Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3903 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 1108 | Comments: 0
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Apple® and Samsung® smartphones transform from tech tools to fashion accessories with the latest innovation from OtterBox®, the No. 1-selling smartphone case in the United States.* Artful style and premium protection collide with Symmetry Series™, now available for the iPhone® 5/5s, iPhone 5c and GALAXY S® 4. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3997 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 1062 | Comments: 2
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CertainTeed Ceilings is bending the rules of ceiling design with the introduction of Gyptone® BIG™ Curve, the industry’s only perforated acoustical gypsum panel that can achieve highly curved ceilings without the cost and time associated with custom fabrication. It seamlessly integrates with the company’s other revolutionary Gyptone products to create dynamic, sweeping interior surfaces without any breaks or grid. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4026 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1427 | Comments: 1
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In the face of the most perilous challenges of our time the nations of the world seem paralyzed. The problems are too big, too interdependent, too divisive for the nation-state. Benjamin R. Barber demonstrates how city mayors, singly and jointly, are responding to transnational problems more effectively than nation-states mired in ideological infighting and sovereign rivalries. Featuring profiles of a dozen mayors around the world. If Mayors Ruled the World presents a compelling new vision of governance for the coming century. Barber makes a persuasive case that the city is democracy’s best hope in a globalizing world, and great mayors are already proving that this is so. Learn more about this book here, Political
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4145 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 3m58s | Views: 1932 | Comments: 0
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Machinerypark used Heavy Equipment. Hier finden Sie unseren Maschinenpark Beliebte suchbegriffe für Baumaschinenund Baustellen Videos : Bagger, Minibagger used Equipment, Machinerypark, gebrauchte Baumaschinen, verkauf Baugeräte, Bau portal, Raupendumper, Heavy Equipment, Bomag, Wacker, Neuson, Caterpillar, Traktor, Dozer, Raupe, Kran, Unfall, Gummikettem, Radlader Case, Inserate Baumaschinen. ITO Germany, Video Inserate, Baumaschinenvergleich, Maschinenpark
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4147 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 983 | Comments: 0
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Ghosts and dark entities have been known to exist for millennia, as have humans with gifts to deal with them. Delilah Isles and Milly West hunt the darkest dead and beasts for a living. But their new case turns out to be a lot darker than anticipated. Learn more about this book and author at Dark Fantasy / Horror
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4182 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 953 | Comments: 0
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“You have cancer.” Those three words are among the most dreaded and powerful a person can hear. In the case of Tony Harnell, the diagnosis of thyroid cancer was doubly frightening. A vocalist/songwriter with a four-octave range, Harnell had toured in the U.S. with likes of Stryper, Twisted Sister and Great White and appeared on stages worldwide, entertaining legions of fans as lead singer with hard-rock band TNT. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 4196 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 965 | Comments: 0
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Welcome to the ad:tech London multimedia platform. This is a place for brands, agencies, publishers and technology professionals to access video content, news releases, blogs, case studies and reports relating to the UK’s largest digital marketing and media show. We have built this platform to complement the ad:tech exhibition and conference visitor experience so whether you are a brand or agency marketer, media owner advertising professional, technology supplier or member of the press, you will find the site packed with useful content and insight to support your digital marketing and media strategy. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4203 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 810 | Comments: 1
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Sixty percent of Americans self-reported they currently do not have a family emergency plan in case of a natural disaster or other emergency, according to a 2013 national survey conducted by the Ad Council. To encourage parents to engage their children (ages 7-12) in a conversation about preparing for emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Ad Council unveiled a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) as part of their Ready Kids campaign. The PSAs are launching in advance of the tenth annual National Preparedness Month (NPM). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4216 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 830 | Comments: 1
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Robert Johnson Project From: Peter Green - 1987 Katmandu - A Case For The Blues
Tags // peter  green  robert  johnson  dust  my  broom 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4246 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 4m25s | Views: 580 | Comments: 0
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LifeProof, the award-winning maker of all-protective, everyday cases for smartphones and tablets, today announced the availability of the LifeProof nüüd and frē cases for the Samsung Galaxy S III. The latest member of the LifeProof family, and the first case offered for Android smartphones, provides users the same waterproof, drop proof, dirt proof and snow proof protection as every LifeProof case and features a clear back that allows users to show off the phone’s color and design. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4251 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 1913 | Comments: 2
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