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Jack and Molly playing around.
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5074 days ago by bayley_dog
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 8482 | Comments: 0



Clinique and Teen Vogue announce Maggie Schoonmaker as the winner of the 2011 Clinique Fresh Faces Summer Internship. A senior news-editorial major from the University of Colorado, Boulder, Ms. Schoonmaker has been awarded a 10-week rotational internship at Clinique as well as a one-week, behind-the-scenes experiential opportunity at Teen Vogue in New York City. Runner-up Julie Merin, a senior from Boston University, will receive a one-week experience with Clinique and Teen Vogue. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5097 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 6998 | Comments: 0
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Just a little video of my dog, a Boston Terrier
Tags // boston  terrier  cute  dog  music 
Added: 5154 days ago by Cruiser98z
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 7389 | Comments: 0



Boston air traffic controller Nick Jensen is working an overnight shift when terrorists overrun the ATC facility. Nick escapes capture, but with U.S. President Robert Cartwright scheduled to fly into Boston in hours, he must single handedly stop an assassination while outnumbered, unarmed and on the run from cold blooded fanatics. Learn about the book: Learn about this author: thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5161 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 7447 | Comments: 2
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There’s a worldwide race to copy the human brain onto a computer chip and shrink it down to nanosize, which Josh Parker, Boston University’s most beloved poetry professor, discovers when he stumbles upon brutal murders at MIT, becoming a traget for an assassin’s bullet and placing the nation in peril. Learn more about this book and author: http://www.thefacetsproject
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5256 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 6006 | Comments: 0
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CVS Caremark and the Boston Red Sox have hit another home run with the 2010 CVS Caremark All Kids Can Baseball Camps at Fenway Park. For the sixth season, the team endeavor by CVS Caremark and the Red Sox brought countless smiles to New England children with disabilities through action-packed, dream-fulfilling baseball camps at Fenway. The CVS Caremark All Kids Can Baseball Camps afford children with physical and/or intellectual disabilities an opportunity to play ball at Fenway and work one-on-one with Red Sox Hitting Coach Dave Magadan. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 5301 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 10451 | Comments: 1
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Marketers who have been struggling to quantify the value of their social media marketing efforts may not be grappling much longer. Today, Boston digital marketing agency Overdrive Interactive launched SocialEye, a robust tracking and measurement dashboard designed to reveal the true ROI of social media marketing. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5306 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 5249 | Comments: 2
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Ektron Inc. today, at Enterprise 2.0 in Boston, announced the release of eIntranet™, a ‘total solution' for intranets, that integrates elements of Ektron's core technology and gives businesses a powerful and trusted intranet solution. Combining social software and web content management in one enterprise application, the familiar interface and Ektron's advanced web content management functionality raises the daily value of the intranet for businesses. Activity streams, a gallery of widgets, mobile engagement and in-context analytic tools ensure that eIntranet is easy to deploy, use and extend – on-premise, hosted or in the cloud. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5376 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 6961 | Comments: 2
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By the close of the 1942 season, Ted Williams became a fighter pilot and flight instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps, all through World War II. He served through 1945 and making his return to the Red Sox in the Spring of 1946, Pushing the team to win the American League pennant and taking home the MVP award. Despite the fact the Red Sox lost the World Series (the only one Williams played in) to the St. Louis Cardinals that year, Williams'spreeminenceas an outstanding hitter grewby leaps and bounds. He became known as the Splendid Splinter and the Thumper, for his 6'3" rail-thin frame and his power behind the bat was also ca;lled the kid. In 1947, Williams won his second Triple Crown but lost the MVP title to DiMaggio by only one vote, a slight by the sportswriters that Williams in no way forgot. In 1949, he was voted American League MVP for the second time. In 1950, while having a momentous season, Williams fractured his elbow during the All-Star Game at Comiskey Park in Chicago; he smashed into the wall while catching a fly ball. He finished that game, but the damage cost him more than sixty games, despite the fact he played well during the games he did play. He hit .318 in 1951 but then went back into the military service in 1952 and 1953, for the duration of the Korean War. After a crash landing of his fighter plane and a bout with pneumonia, he was sent back to the states. He announced his retirement from baseball in 1954 but then changed his mind and stayed on with the Red Sox, because he would have been ineligible for Hall of Fame election on the first ballot if he quit too soon. He suffered a series of injuries in the mid-1950s, but in 1957, at almost forty years old, he hit .388 and became the oldest player to ever win a batting championship. He hit .453 during the second half of the season. Williams was more popular than ever before and finished second only to Mickey Mantle in MVP balloting. The following year, Williams batted .328, still high enough to lead the league in batting. During this part of his career he won the nickname Teddy Ballgame, although his favorite nickname for himself was always "The Kid."
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5464 days ago by gdodrell
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 7692 | Comments: 1
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Last night, Boston celebrated in style with a gala reception to honor the arrival of Harry Potter: The Exhibition to the Museum of Science. Beginning Sunday, October 25, Harry Potter fans will get the chance to step inside the famous wizard's magical world when the exhibition opens to the public. Visitors will be able to experience dramatic displays inspired by the Hogwarts™ film sets and see the amazing craftsmanship behind authentic costumes and props from the films. The exhibition will run through February 21, 2010. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5607 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 8513 | Comments: 0
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ION Television will be airing all time favorite TV show Boston Legal. ION stations will begin airing seasons 1-4 weeknights at 8|7c. Check out ION Television's newly revamped website at! This site will feature numerous new features from streaming video, interactive games, video mash-ups, cast/show information, show trivia, forum and blogs.
Categories // Music 
Added: 6004 days ago by iontelevision
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 10570 | Comments: 1
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Watch Boston Legal on ION Television Weeknights 8|7c. ION Television will be airing all time favorite TV show Boston Legal. ION stations will begin airing seasons 1-4 weeknights at 8|7c. Check out ION Television's newly revamped website at! This site will feature numerous new features from streaming video, interactive games, video mash-ups, cast/show information, show trivia, forum and blogs.
Categories // Music 
Added: 6004 days ago by iontelevision
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 10385 | Comments: 1



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