Bu videoda Richard Dawkins yaratılışçıların tezini yok edecek cümleyi, daha doğrusu bilimselliği ispatlanmış ve geniş kitlelerce kabul görmüş konuyu açıklıyor.
Sentetik biyoloji, bilim dünyasında giderek önem kazanmaya başlayan bir alan haline geldi. İngiltere hükümeti de bu alanı öncelikleri arasına aldı. Bu yeni bilim dalı, daha önce doğada varolmayan canlı organizmayı tasarlayıp yaratmayı amaçlıyor. Çalışmayı yürüten bilim insanları, bu sıradışı teknolojiyle yeni yakıt ve ilaç türleri için büyük bir fırsat doğacağı görüşünde. Ancak çevreciler, bu yeni organizmaların doğaya yayılmasının risklerine dikkat çekiyor.
The following statement is being issued by Branstetter, Stranch & Jennings, PLLC regarding In re Prograf Antitrust Litigation.
A lawsuit is currently pending claiming that Astellas Pharma US, Inc. (“Astellas” or “Defendant”) violated state antitrust, unfair competition, consumer protection, and unjust enrichment laws of certain states by delaying the availability of a less expensive generic version of the immunosuppressant prescription drug Prograf® (known as tacrolimus). Plaintiffs allege that Defendant’s conduct caused some consumers and third party payors to pay too much for Prograf in certain states from September 3, 2008 to December 31, 2010 (also referred to as the “Class Damage Period”). This lawsuit does not claim that Prograf is unsafe or ineffective. Astellas denies any wrongdoing.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Dilimizde ne yazık ki maymun kelimesi, bir kurt, kaplan ya da aslan kadar itibarlı değil. Yahudiler için "aşağılık maymunlar olun" diyen bir kitabın müritlerinin maymun kelimesini aşağılama sayması şaşırtıcı değil.
Biz dinsizleri (yani onların deyişiyle pis kafirleri) tanımlamak için de "işte maymun olduğunuzu kabul ediyorsunuz "diye aklınca bizi aşağıladığını sanan müslümanlardan da alet yapabilen (en azından kuyruksuz olanlar, yani ape'ler), zeka sahibi, sosyal canlıları hangi seviyede gördüklerini anlayabiliyoruz.
Maymun var maymun var. Kuyruklusu var, ortak atadan 5 milyon yıl önce ayrıldığımız kuyruksuzu, yani kuzenlerimiz olan insansı maymunlar var.
Yere göğe koyamadığın aslanın, kurdun önüne ayna koysan mal mal bakar, ama sen en yakın akraban olmasını kendine yediremediğin kuyruksuz maymunun önüne ayna tutarsan özfarkındalığıyla "benden güzeli var mı?" diye içinden geçirmediğini kim söyleyebilir?
Hayvanlar aleminde kendini en üstte tutan aciz insanoğlu, kendini yüceltme için verdiğin hayvan sıfatlarını seçerken bir kere daha düşün!
Ascensia Diabetes Care today announced the availability of the CONTOUR®NEXT ONE blood glucose monitoring system (BGMS) in the United Kingdom, one of the next steps in the evolution of self-monitoring of blood glucose. As part of the system, the CONTOUR®NEXT ONE meter and CONTOUR®DIABETES app seamlessly connect, which makes capturing blood glucose results effortless for people with diabetes. The system enables patterns and trends to be revealed that can help people understand their diabetes, and may help to improve diabetes management.
The system features an easy-to-use wireless-enabled smart meter that links to a smart mobile device via Bluetooth® connectivity. The CONTOUR®NEXT ONE meter gives immediate feedback and also seamlessly connects to the CONTOUR®DIABETES app, which collects, stores and analyses patient blood glucose results received from the meter. The app combines these results with other data recorded by the user, to provide detailed information about their condition that can help them understand how their everyday lives may impact their blood glucose readings, including alerts for critical high or critical low readings. Through the app, meter users can also share with their healthcare professional the reports of their blood glucose results and patterns, either in advance or on the day of their appointment, helping to create more informed discussions.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Even though the big holidays usually get the spotlight, there are many everyday moments big or small worth celebrating throughout the fall and winter months. This is why the National Pork Board (NPB) today launched the “Sabrosos Momentos” campaign aimed at celebrating those joyous every day, and sometimes humorous, moments of the season. To bring these moments to life, the NPB has partnered with three of the most recognizable social media celebrities and digital talents in the country today: LeJuan James, Los Pichy Boys and David Lopez.
The celebrity influencers will capture their own pork-centric “Sabrosos Momentos” with a comical and unique Latino twist. The first video by the Cuban duo “Los Pichy Boys” will zero in on the cast of characters that make up a typical Latino family at any get-together. In November, LeJuan James will release a video that centers on how he welcomes unexpected guests; and in December, David Lopez’s video will highlight a humorous interpretation of how Latinos combine new and old traditions.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Asher performs in Manhattan for Mountain Dew and Nickelodeon. Watch this high energy one-of-a-kind choreographed dueling violin performance blow you away! The song featured in this video covers Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop The Feeling" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru0K8uYEZWw
A big thank you to Megumy Saruhashi for her amazing dueling violin collab!
Asher's Live Breakdancing Violin Concert! http://bit.ly/1Xf8iAd Asher's Dance Medley: http://bit.ly/1S8FG7k Dance Electric Violinist Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z991Ae4SMYg
Asher's cover of Blake Hotline Bling: http://bit.ly/1SyrHYI
Asher on Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai (Bollywood music): http://bit.ly/22a7OMP
Asher has been seen performing as a corporate electric violinist, electric violinist nyc, street electric violinist, bollywood violinist, celtic violinist, edm violinist and more.
https://youtu.be/q99R4eCNneY Website visitors are more likely to become buying customers if you have live chat, according to a recent survey that found that “31% of online shoppers said they would be more likely to buy after having a live chat conversation”. That means you have the chance to increase conversions by almost one-third simply by adding live chat to your customer support benefits. Watch this video for 6 powerful ways Rhino Support Live Chat will make your life easier.
RoboShooter Promo for ParamountZone UK. All video and audio is my own and music supplied by ParamountZone UK.