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the best Firefighters power drill Music: Vitalic - My Friend Dario
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 5389 days ago by T3RiMiKs
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 6145 | Comments: 2



Dev, a policeman, falls in love with Ragini, a classical dancer. They are both unconventional. They get married and he takes her to his new post in Lal Maati, a small town in northern India. Lal Maati is a town where the word of law is not the police but Beera, a tribal who has, over the years shifted the power from the ruling to the have-nots of the area. Dev knows that the key to bringing order to any place is to vanquish the big fish, in this case - Beera. In one stroke Dev manages to rip open Beera\'s world, and set in motion a chain of events which will claim lives, change fortunes.Stay tuned & find happens next in this exciting sequence of events. Have fun this monsoon!!
Categories // Music 
Added: 5393 days ago by akhikashyup
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 7498 | Comments: 0
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When a demon breaches the barrier between death and life, the salvation of the world depends on the passions of a dark faery just coming into her power and the man willing to use her to avenge the destruction of his family. Learn more about this author and book here: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Dark Fantasy
Added: 5395 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 9965 | Comments: 0
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The hopes of thousands of families are carried every day and seen by millions through a partnership that celebrates its 25th anniversary today. Valassis, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the U.S. Postal Service have been working to reunite missing children with their families through the “Have You Seen Me?®” program and the power of the U.S. mail since 1985. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5399 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 7804 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Braun Bodycruzer Body Groomer - Description Introducing a revolutionary body grooming experience: the new Braun bodyCruzer. Equipped with a precision power trimmer to effectively to trim body hair and a Gillette Fusion blade for an incredible level of closeness and comfort, the new Braun bodyCruZer helps you get the groomed body look you want. Recommended for all body areas. Braun bodyCruZer is the only body groomer in the world that combines a Braun electric precision trimmer to shorten hairs and a Gillette blade for a clean and comfortable shave anywhere on the body. You can use the trimmer alone, the blade alone, or use both in combination. An attachable comb also lets you trim hair to a preferred length. The World‘s only body groomer with a powered trimmer and a Gillette Fusion blade, all in one! 100% waterproof in and out of the shower.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5410 days ago by hochelaga
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 7631 | Comments: 0
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The world’s favorite premium rum — BACARDI — now has the power of wind behind it. Bacardi Corporation, part of the Bacardi Limited group of companies, and home to the largest premium rum distillery in the world, today unveiled the largest wind turbine installation in Puerto Rico designed to harness natural wind energy to help power Bacardi’s top global distillery near San Juan. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5435 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m-0s | Views: 9489 | Comments: 2
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Alex fights alien mind control with his astonishing power of will!
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Cartoon 
Added: 5447 days ago by alexzuckerman
Runtime: 5m40s | Views: 6821 | Comments: 1



By the close of the 1942 season, Ted Williams became a fighter pilot and flight instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps, all through World War II. He served through 1945 and making his return to the Red Sox in the Spring of 1946, Pushing the team to win the American League pennant and taking home the MVP award. Despite the fact the Red Sox lost the World Series (the only one Williams played in) to the St. Louis Cardinals that year, Williams'spreeminenceas an outstanding hitter grewby leaps and bounds. He became known as the Splendid Splinter and the Thumper, for his 6'3" rail-thin frame and his power behind the bat was also ca;lled the kid. In 1947, Williams won his second Triple Crown but lost the MVP title to DiMaggio by only one vote, a slight by the sportswriters that Williams in no way forgot. In 1949, he was voted American League MVP for the second time. In 1950, while having a momentous season, Williams fractured his elbow during the All-Star Game at Comiskey Park in Chicago; he smashed into the wall while catching a fly ball. He finished that game, but the damage cost him more than sixty games, despite the fact he played well during the games he did play. He hit .318 in 1951 but then went back into the military service in 1952 and 1953, for the duration of the Korean War. After a crash landing of his fighter plane and a bout with pneumonia, he was sent back to the states. He announced his retirement from baseball in 1954 but then changed his mind and stayed on with the Red Sox, because he would have been ineligible for Hall of Fame election on the first ballot if he quit too soon. He suffered a series of injuries in the mid-1950s, but in 1957, at almost forty years old, he hit .388 and became the oldest player to ever win a batting championship. He hit .453 during the second half of the season. Williams was more popular than ever before and finished second only to Mickey Mantle in MVP balloting. The following year, Williams batted .328, still high enough to lead the league in batting. During this part of his career he won the nickname Teddy Ballgame, although his favorite nickname for himself was always "The Kid."
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 5468 days ago by gdodrell
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 7695 | Comments: 1
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oin the conversation at The International Herald Tribune has launched a year-long series called The Female Factor, which examines the most recent shifts in women's power, prominence and impact on societies around the world. The Female Factor aims to take the reader on surprising journeys where women's worlds intersect, whether they are in the western or the developing worlds, and answer the question: How are women influencing early 21st century development?
Added: 5479 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 7075 | Comments: 0



Sensei Arie van den Akker is demonstrating ninjutsu in the style of Kurokumo Bushido or the Kuroi ryu Ninjitsu system. Check this impressive demonstration by Sensei Arie van den Akker
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5491 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 10619 | Comments: 2
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Sensei Arie van den Akker his students are demonstrating the ninjutsu climbing techniques and tactis. Kurokumo Bushido and Kuroi ryu ninjitsu by Sensei Arie van den Akker
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5491 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 9835 | Comments: 2



The Japanese art of the ninja as done by Ninjutsu Sensei Arie van den Akker Kurokumo Bushido and the Kuroi ryu ninjutsu school is shown in this impressive video about the Japansese form of Kuroi ryu Ninjutsu
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5491 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 9914 | Comments: 1
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