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Search // children
Results 433-444 of 836 for ' children ' (1 seconds)
NFL PLAY 60, the National Football League’s youth health and fitness campaign, is the new “Official Champion of Play” at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, the global leader in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other deadly diseases. To commemorate this new milestone in the ongoing partnership between the NFL and St. Jude, a St. Jude patient will join NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on stage to announce a pick during the first round of the 2013 NFL Draft. The NFL Network and ESPN will televise live coverage of the NFL Draft beginning at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 25. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // st  jude  childrens  research  hospital  nfl  play  60  kids  cancer  child  life  health  multivu  58566 
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 4338 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 872 | Comments: 0



Children International, a leading humanitarian organization, is providing fuel-efficient Ecocina cookstoves that can save lives among poor families in rural Honduras. The stoves are also better for the environment because they reduce wood consumption and harmful pollutants – a great reason to celebrate on Earth Day. In stark contrast to modern kitchens where burners can be turned on and off at will, “kitchens” in rural areas of the developing world often consist of open flames inside highly flammable primitive homes. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4340 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 2806 | Comments: 0
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Tree Fu Tom, the animated preschool series that’s taken Britain by storm, will make its U.S. debut on Sprout®, the 24-hour preschool channel, on April 22 at 11:00 a.m. EST. The show, which is a co-production between FremantleMedia Kids & Family Entertainment and CBeebies, joins Sprout’s lineup of quality children’s entertainment that includes both acquired and original programming including the network’s newest hit, “The Chica Show.” The premiere of Tree Fu Tom kicks-off a week-long celebration called “Dig Into Earth Day,” which promotes conservation and the importance of caring for the environment. Sprout marks Earth Week by being a part of NBCUniversal’s Green is Universal environmental initiative, and will be turning its on-air and online logos green for the entire week. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cartoon  Family 
Added: 4345 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 1821 | Comments: 2
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Today, Easter Seals released the Spanish version of the online developmental screening, the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ), making it one step closer to its goal of having all kids under five screened for developmental delays, autism and other disabilities, and allowing for every family to access the screening free of charge. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4346 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2534 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Satisfy the ultimate sports fan with our all in one sports arena. Enjoy traditional team sports like basketball and soccer as well as volleyball, bungee challenge and gladiator joust. Children can also use it as bounce and shoot baskets. Mesh sides allow for easy viewing.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4347 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 2404 | Comments: 0
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Bruno is just as adventurous as your child, and they can watch his story unfold - just as their story does. Aimed at children from 3-7 years of age, Gaudi Bruno is a fast-paced, exciting and interactive storybook... a beautiful introduction into nature, friendships and discovery. Unlike physical storybooks, Gaudi Bruno is fabulously interactive, allowing your child to feel as if they are exploring the world with Bruno, not just watching him. Other features: •Available in English, Spanish and Italian •Over 100 animation effects, numerous controlled by the user •Over 50 sounds that play throughoust the storybook •Lovable characters in a lovable story •Soundtrack featuring four original tunes •Suitable for younger and older children, no matter of their reading ability. •Interactive games are scattered throughout the story
Tags // books  story 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4361 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 2784 | Comments: 3
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Amway Norteamérica está buscando a los 10 jóvenes emprendedores de cambio más sobresalientes de los EE.UU. y Canadá para darles la oportunidad de amplificar su impacto en el mundo a través del Desafío Who Cares de Amway: Concurso de Liderazgo Juvenil. El concurso se anunció hoy durante el We Day Seattle y otorgará $10,000 a cada uno de los 10 ganadores, que pueden otorgar a la organización sin fines de lucro de su elección y les proporcionará el apoyo de un mentor de la organización caritativa internacional y su aliado educativo, Free the Children, para ayudarlos a llevar a cabo su visión. Para más, vaya a
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 4365 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 1030 | Comments: 2
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Stride Rite®, the leader in premium children’s footwear, is unveiling their Spring 2013 Collection for boys and girls just in time for Easter. With on-trend styles from Stride Rite®, Saucony® Kids, Keds® Kids and Sperry Top-Sider® Kids, the latest collection, now available at Stride Rite® locations, capitalizes on the hottest kids fashion trends designed into functional footwear for baby through kids size 7. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4365 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 2676 | Comments: 1
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Potty Training the animals is a top quality interactive book app for toddlers and -kids from 1 to 4. It is perfect for potty training time with sweet and relaxing music and stunning 2D interactive illustration that will delight both parents and children. Potty Training the animals allows children to take an active role in taking them to potty thus getting them ready for their own potty time … Brilliant! All around the farm the animals are interested to go to the potty, the animals make those funny potty dancing movements and even feel butterfly's in their stomach. But who takes them to the potty? Who Flushes? That is the task for small children. Watching all the animals go to the potty is a lovely way to set the mood for potty training. set the mood for potty training: You've conquered so many challenges in your parenting life, but there is still a bit of unfinished business that can bring you and your toddler to tears. Potty training the animals!! Luckily, there's an app for that—turn frustrating into fun with these potty training app. turn frustration into fun: You've conquered so many challenges in your parenting life, but there is still a bit of unfinished business that can bring you and your toddler to tears. Potty training the animals!! Luckily, there's an app for that—turn frustrating into fun with these potty training app.
Tags // potty  training  app  apps  pottytraining  boys  girls 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4368 days ago by taton
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1005 | Comments: 2
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World Water Day is March 22, and the children and youth of Children International are celebrating around the world. They know firsthand the difference clean, accessible water can make in their lives. Some of them also know what it feels like to make clean water available to others. In 2012, the youth of Children International in Lusaka, Zambia, dedicated their Youth Empowerment Fund to extend the supply of clean, piped water to the poor community of Chibolya. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4371 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1066 | Comments: 0
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Asuragen Inc., a leading molecular diagnostics company, today announced results from a study demonstrating that a new molecular test called Xpansion Interpreter® can improve the determination of a woman’s risk of having a child with fragile X syndrome, the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability and autism, compared to existing risk measures. The Xpansion Interpreter Test is based on a technology breakthrough that reveals both the number and position of “interrupting” DNA sequences in the fragile X gene of the mother and more accurately estimates the likelihood that her child will have fragile X syndrome. The study will be published in the April issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics and presented today at the 2013 American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4372 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m22s | Views: 2049 | Comments: 0
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Atlanta attorney and philanthropist Dan Phelan is leading the charge to bring water and sanitation facilities to impoverished communities in the Dominican Republic by partnering with Children International, a leading child sponsorship organization. Phelan’s passion grows with each successive project as he sees the change in the lives of the people impacted. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4372 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 1191 | Comments: 0
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