are plenty of things in our cars these days that can be distracting,
but what are the worst? We took the Attention Powered Car on the
world's longest inattention road test and we discovered that on average
our drivers lost attention at least once every minute. The Attention
Powered Car then headed back to the RAC Driving Centre where further
tests were conducted to investigate initial findings from the road
trip. In this new webisode we explore some of the different in car
distractions and the impact they can have on a driver's attention
levels. From mobile usage to eating and drinking, see the surprising
results on what are the worst in car distractions from our experiments.
To see what we've learning about driver inattention, and to get
involved with making WA roads safer, go to
The Rubens; a band from NSW comprising of three Margin brothers, Zaac, Sam and Elliott, and childhood friend, Scott Baldwin.
Discover how they are inspired to write music in our latest video from the Jack Daniel's 1907 Nova 969 Red Room.
In 1907 Jack Daniel entrusted his famous distillery to his nephew Lem Motlow. Lem soon introduced a white-labeled lighter version of Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey. We proudly continue this tradition with Jack Daniel's 1907, a Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, matured in the cooler areas of the barrel house and bottled at 74 proof.
Since the whiskey does not work its way as deeply into the barrel wood it has a lighter, slightly sweet taste profile, while retaining the exceptional smoothness you would expect from Jack Daniel's.
Jack Daniel's 1907 is the lighter, sweeter, easy drinking Jack. Enjoy the lighter side of Jack.
These materials are intended for those above the legal drinking age, and should not be forwarded or shared with anyone under such age.
With the introduction of Abbott's iDesign Dx system, U.S. ophthalmologists now have a diagnostic tool that can capture five optical measurements in one three-second scan to determine the patient's visual abnormalities. This highly advanced diagnostic tool measures the internal optics and surface of the eye more precisely than conventional methods, allowing doctors to fully evaluate imperfections that result in poor vision. Obtaining these measurements in one three-second scan enables ophthalmologists to screen patients more efficiently to determine if they are eligible for LASIK or other refractive surgery and to assist in diagnosis of other conditions.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Today, SC Johnson celebrated the anniversary of one of its recent renewable energy investments, two wind turbines at the company’s largest manufacturing facility, Waxdale, in Mt. Pleasant, Wis. These turbines have successfully cut nearly 6,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases in their first year. Combined with the site’s cogeneration systems already in place, the Waxdale facility, which is the size of 36 football fields, is now able to generate, on average, 100 percent of its electrical energy onsite.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Turkey - mashed potatoes - pumpkin pie. These and countless other tasty dishes make frequent appearances at holiday celebrations across the country. With friends and family expecting standard fare, stepping outside of the normal traditions might seem like it’s not an option. Entertaining/lifestyle expert and professional chef Maureen Petrosky shares tips for your holiday celebration.
In recent years there has been a shift in the understanding of cancer. Immunotherapy with vaccines has been emerging as the most promising direction towards a decisive improvement of treatment outcomes.
The Dendritic Cell Vaccine has received FDA approval for prostate cancer and trials are now under way for a variety of other cancers. These vaccines are usually administered on their own.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Desso, a global carpets, carpet tiles and sport pitches company, is making all its carpet tile products come to life with ‘DESSO 3D Textures™’ - made available on a free online database. These textures help architects & designers create inspirational visuals - all based on the latest carpet designs from Desso.
The choice of materials including the texture of the floor play a significant role in the interior design of a building - especially as we spend on average 90% of our time indoors - and the new tool from Desso will improve the efficiency of the design process.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
The 8th Oxylane Innovation Awards will take place on 18 December, 2013. This is a major event for Oxylane and its Decathlon stores, which place continuous innovation at the heart of their business model.
This year, ten innovations from nine brands will be competing for the awards. These are ingenious technical products suitable for all sports players, from beginners to advanced. These products can be seen as of now, as well as on the awards evening, at the event’s dedicated website:
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Easily create & share stunning diagrams, mindmaps and presentations with Conojo – The 5-In-1 Collaborative Whiteboard App.
Gone are the days of scribbling illegibly on clunky whiteboards, awkwardly passing markers from person to person in order to “work together”. With Conojo, collaborative planning & whiteboarding has never been easier, or quite as much fun.
Conojo’s expansive and versatile toolset has everything you need for sketching, planning, problem solving and teaching. Utilise the intuitive range of drawing tools & pre-made blueprints to quickly visualize and express ideas. Share these brilliant ideas through in-app video recording, or work collaboratively in real time via Bluetooth & Wi-Fi.
Feature List:
* Real-Time Collaborative Whiteboarding
* Easy-to- use Drawing Tools & Shapes
* Huge Variety of Templates Incl. Charts, Graphs, Fishbone diagrams, Flowcharts
* Powerful Bluetooth Integration and Collaboration
* 36 In-built Training Videos for Advanced Features
* 25 Backgrounds and Many Formatting Options
* 100+ Stylish Fonts
* Express Ideas Visually
* Import Any Type of File Seamlessly via Photo Roll, Dropbox, WebDav or more
* Drag and Drop Objects
* Advanced Tools For Dynamic Creations
* Easy Export via Email, Facebook, Twitter, Evernote or more
Conojo is both easy to use, and sufficiently feature-rich. Users Enjoy simple but flexible drawing tools, including but not limited to the pencil, pen, marker, highlighter, and eraser. Create fluid brush strokes in multiple widths and unlimited colours. Once you’ve got the basics covered; take advantage of the 36 in-built training videos to expand your creative range.
Easily collaborate with friends, family or colleagues using Conojo’s powerful sharing capabilities. Join up with fellow Conojo users to narrate whiteboard sessions and share your ideas visually. Alternatively, record and your brainstorming sessions in-app, and export in seconds to YouTube, Social Networks or E-mail.
Conojo is a must have for creative thinkers and compulsive planners alike. Ditch the whiteboard, download Conojo today.
The loss of American life during World War I and World War II affected people in every corner of the United States, and forever changed the future of these families that suffered losses. In honor of Veterans Day, the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) is launching a new, online video series: “Never Forgotten.” With more than 220,000 American men and women buried or memorialized at ABMC’s overseas cemeteries around the world, the ABMC works every day of the year to honor the sacrifices of these individuals.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) ist nicht dafür bekannt, allzu autofreundlich zu sein. Mit zahlreichen Vorschlägen für einen effektiveren Umweltschutz hat sie jedoch auch immer wieder Denkanstöße gegeben und wäre vielleicht erfolgreicher, wenn sie nicht häufig übers Ziel hinausschösse. So jetzt auch auf einer Presse-Konferenz in Berlin, wo die Testergebnisse von realistischen Verbrauchsmessungen bekannt gegeben wurden. Bei diesem Anlass erklärte nämlich Dr. Axel Friedrich, früherer Leiter der Abteilung Verkehr und Lärm im Umweltbundesamt: „Die Stadt ist für ein Treffen für Menschen und nicht für Autos gemacht. Bis auf die notwendigen Lieferverkehre, um die Stadt am Leben zu erhalten, sollte man das Auto aus den Innenstädten herausnehmen.“ Eine steile These von Dr. Friedrich, der bis auf die Schlagworte Parkraumbewirtschaftung und Spurenverringerung – die ja teilweise schon umgesetzt werden – allerdings keinen wirklich Vorschlag machte, wie die Mobilität ohne Individual-Verkehr aufrecht erhalten werden kann. Denn das Busse, die Straßenbahn oder die S-Bahn beim Personenverkehr weniger Raum benötigen, gilt nur, wenn diese Transportmittel gut gefüllt und nicht – teilweise – fast leer ihre Routen abspulen. Und sorgen erst recht nicht für ein Treffen der Menschen in einer Stadt, wenn diese öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel vor allem an Wochenenden nur in größeren zeitlichen Abständen verkehren. Zugegeben - leicht ist es nicht, die individuellen Bedürfnisse mit den Möglichkeiten des ja ohnehin sehr kostenintensiven ÖPNV zu kombinieren. Ganz abgesehen davon, dass ja nicht jeder Stadtbewohner es nur fünf oder zehn Gehminuten bis zur Haltestelle hat. Richtig an der These von Dr. Friedrich ist derzeit also nur die wiederum sehr alte These, dass etwas gegen die verstopften Innenstädte getan werden muss. Doch da müssen schon intelligentere Ideen als die Herausnahme der Autos aus den Städten auf den Tisch. Wäre ja unter anderem auch eine Aufgabe für die Deutsche Umwelthilfe, die sich nicht nur aus Spenden, sondern auch durch öffentliche Fördermittel finanziert.