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This month, haircare and skincare brand Carol’s Daughter introduces the #BornandMade campaign, a new movement that encourages every girl to be who they were truly born and made to be. It celebrates the brand’s authentic story “Born in Brooklyn. Made With Love” as it honors the diverse community of strong women who have been a part of our family for more than 22 years. Now all women will have a powerful platform to showcase their individuality while inspiring others to be who they are—when there are so many voices telling them who they’re “supposed” to be. “It’s important for girls to understand and recognize their power and the right way to use it. It’s imperative to remind them of who they are, and what they are…in the world. If I can help with that, then I’m getting up for a good reason every day,” said Lisa Price, founder of Carol’s Daughter. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3481 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 911 | Comments: 1
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The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), through its efforts during Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month in September and throughout the year, is working to raise awareness of the increased prevalence of the disease and the associated risk of stroke in patients living with atrial fibrillation (AFib). Today, HRS releases a new public service announcement (PSA) as part of its ongoing work to educate Americans about AFib, the most common heart arrhythmia, and how it increases one’s risk of stroke fivefold. The PSA can be viewed by clicking here. AFib affects more than three million Americans and it is estimated that 12 to 16 million Americans will have AFib by 2050. AFib occurs when the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) fibrillate, or “quiver,” which causes a rapid, irregular heart rhythm. The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats every minute. When the heart is experiencing AFib, the atria can beat over 300 times every minute. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // health  rhythm  society  afib  stroke  psa  hrs  heart  risk  rhythm  multivu  7312151 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3482 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 910 | Comments: 0
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House of Napius is India's first line of radiation safe maternity wear using path breaking NESA technology (Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Shielding Alternatives. Most expectant mothers understand that carrying a child means taking extra safety measures to protect the growing life. Mothers-to-be are aware that they need to avoid certain chemicals, foods, and some beverages. Our line of radiation safe maternity wear provides an additional safeguard by shielding against radiation from cell phones, wireless routers, laptop and computers. House of Napius offers a wide range of revolutionary, radiation safe Maternity wear for the first time in India. With a lack of choice and growing radiation concerns Founder Director, Nehal Mehta says: “Today we cannot live a gadget or appliance free lifestyle. At House of Napius, we have created a solution to block the radiation from these gadgets which are used on a daily basis such as cellphones, microwaves, laptops, scanners and ipads. We are launching our first product category of maternity wear and will be expanding into other categories such a kidswear, womenswear and menswear in the future.” When it comes to dressing during pregnancy, comfort and style are key factors/aspects. The new range of maternity wear by House of Napius includes office wear, day wear, resort, night wear and cocktail dresses. Each garment is designed to not only protect the child, but provide unparalleled comfort and ease of use for the pregnant mother. House of Napius maternity wear is available in a multitude of colours’ and patterns and will keep your child protected all through those precious nine months. To view the Multimedia release go to:
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3495 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m37s | Views: 929 | Comments: 3
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Originally, this recording was never meant to be presented as a actual song but just with me goofing around with my music gear and my guitar "The DOG" just after I picked him up from the music pound. It started soon after my new friend at the time who hooked me up with the gear that I now use, must have thought that I was telling dog tales when I told him that punks used to brag that they would know someone who could blow me away with their guitar skills and I have never seen the day to which that has happened. I don't possess any particular guitar skills but when I put the Dog on my lap, he doesn't act like a traditional lapdog and he doesn't take kindly to strangers. Especially to cats who try to invade and rule the house. Well, a few days later he brought a 16 year old cat going by the name of Brandon...or Brendon along with some other cats to watch the event as B Boy was supposed to blow me away with his PRODIGY SKILLS. It was amazing to watch the boy perform Beethoven stuff and the kind of stuff you see on Youtube. After he played his act with my Dog, he then handed the Dog over to me..."Hey hey..chuckle chuckle" ...I don't walk the Dog...He walk's me...I just tickle his neck and belly and then he'll pull off his Dog tricks to which I have no control over. I explained to my friend later that there's more to playing the guitar than just sitting a dog on your lap to perform tricks. You've gotta have some music to back you up to see how your dog keeps up with the beat and so I made this song up to show him how that's done. I made this one up real fast and tried singing for the first time and arranging vocal parts and just talked about whatever came to mind and just let the Dog do whatever he wanted to do. This is about as raw as it get's. The whole song took me about a week to do.
Categories // Music  Pets and Animals  Funny 
Added: 3501 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m45s | Views: 1486 | Comments: 3



Mexican-American singer-songwriter Becky G and Puerto Rican singer-songwriter and musician Raquel Sofia are taking you for a ride at two of the summer’s biggest music festivals – Lollapalooza and Outside Lands. Powered by the Toyota Corolla, these artists will share their journey through real-time social media content. The series, “Musica y Destinos con Toyota,” kicked-off on Friday, July 31 with Becky G (@iambeckyg) sharing her musical experience at Lollapalooza at Grant Park in Chicago. The iconic festival featured a diverse range of musical acts, including Paul McCartney, Sam Smith and Metallica. During the three-day event, Becky G met with Gogol Bordello, a Gypsy-punk band known for their authentic energy and theatrical stage shows. Highlights from the meet and greet were shared via Facebook @ToyotaLatino and @BeckyG, and Twitter @iambeckyg. The artist also captured short videos of her adventure through her story on Snapchat, available to followers. And the musical ride continues this weekend when Sofia joins Toyota for the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco, Aug. 7-9. The three-day festival features performances by Billy Idol, Kendrick Lamar, Mumford & Sons, Axwell & Ingrosso, Twin Peaks and Clasixx, to name a few. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Music 
Added: 3502 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 1105 | Comments: 0
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The California Fig industry is excited to announce the excellent quality of the 2015 fresh crop across all varieties – Black Mission, Brown Turkey, Calimyrna, Kadota, Sierra and Tiger Figs. Natural, good-for-you, and tasty California Fresh Figs are available now thru December. To celebrate the start of the season, award-winning Chef Robert Del Grande of Houston’s highly-acclaied RDG + Bar Annie created five new simple and delicious recipes that highlight the incredible flavor and versatility of California Fresh Figs. “I really think figs are the perfect fruit. They have texture, flavor, and nutrition,” says Del Grande. “There’s also a sophistication that fresh figs bring to any dish. Elevate a cheese plate or include them as a key ingredient in salads and salsas. Just remember: When you think delicious, think figs. When you think figs, think California!” To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3503 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 878 | Comments: 1
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THINK: A reminder to care for your skin from one of the world’s most approachable beauties, plus a transformative new take on moisturization to help you do just that. WHAT IT IS: A double celebration, as we announce Jergens® Skincare’s new brand ambassador, actress and comedienne Leslie Mann, and what’s possibly the brand’s most exciting breakthrough to date — Jergens® Wet Skin Moisturizer. They’re both part of the new Jergens® “You’re More Than Just a Pretty Face” Campaign, which reminds women to care for one of their oft-neglected beauty assets: the skin on their bodies. “The Jergens® brand is rooted in creating innovative visible skin enhancements that no other brand is able to offer” said Karen Frank, Vice President of US Mass and Global Skincare Marketing for Kao USA Inc. “We believe that your whole body is beautiful-- and that the skin on your body is just as important as the skin on your face. With the ‘You’re More Than Just a Pretty Face’ Campaign, we hope to inspire women to love everything about themselves, playing off the well-known colloquialism—while also reminding them to make the most of their biggest natural beauty asset, their skin-- without taking ourselves too seriously. When we looked at Leslie’s attributes and how women felt about her, they really related to her. They love her humor, her attitude, that she was multifaceted.” To view the multimedia release please visit
Categories // Business 
Added: 3504 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 962 | Comments: 1
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Calling all cheesecake fanatics! Fiber One is introducing the perfect treat to satisfy cheesecake cravings any time with new Fiber One Cheesecake Bars in Salted Caramel and Strawberry. In honor of the new, guilt-free treat, Fiber One is turning National Cheesecake Day – July 30 – into a month-long cheesecake celebration. The brand kicked off the celebration with a pop-up Cheesecake Café sampling event at Grand Central Station, in New York City on National Cheesecake Day. The cheesecake celebration will continue throughout August 2015, when Fiber One will host its own Cheesecake Appreciation Month Sweepstakes* and a partnership with Hungry Girl to give tips on guilt-free ways to indulge in the dessert. “We are excited to introduce a guilt-free option inspired by a classic American dessert,” said Maria Lopez, associate marketing manager. “Fiber One Cheesecake Bars have cheesecake taste and texture that fulfill cheesecake cravings. This new offering is definitely worth celebrating throughout August and beyond.” With five grams of fiber and 150 calories per individually packaged bar, Fiber One Cheesecake Bars are the perfect guilt-free dessert with the added benefit of fiber. The irresistible layers of graham cracker-y goodness and creamy cheesecake allow you to indulge in a sweet treat without fighting your instincts to fill your cheesecake cravings To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3508 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 8594 | Comments: 0
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Most people are diligent when it comes to protecting our skin in the hot summer months. But, what about what’s literally closest to the sun… their hair? Repeated exposure to sun, salt water, and chlorine chemical residues can take an unstylish toll on our tresses. By the end of the summer, heat, humidity, chlorine or salt water can dehydrate hair to the point where it looks and feels nearly fried. Add tight ponytails and braids, relaxers, color, heat, curlers and a few extra chemical “sun” streaks for style and you’ll definitely want to keep a “lid” on it… Your hair, that is. Don’t despair—warm summer days don’t have to lead to thinning-damaged hair. Learn to love your summer hair with a few basic do’s and don’ts for nourished, healthy, thicker and fuller looking hair from BIOTA Botanicals. To view the multimedia news release, go to
Added: 3516 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 836 | Comments: 3
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Jason Rogers, 12, a 7th grade student at Bondurant Middle School in Frankfort, likes sports and plays football, basketball, baseball and soccer. He also likes math and, if he doesn’t get to play professional sports when he grows up, he wants to be an engineer. Jason is one of 700 minority boys from middle schools in four states who are spending several weeks this summer gaining hands-on learning experiences with advanced technology through a first-of-its-kind program designed to inspire minority males to explore education and career opportunities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. To view the multimedia news release visit
Categories // Business 
Added: 3518 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 1208 | Comments: 1
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More and more work is being done using personal mobile devices and employees expect employers to keep personal information privateMobileIron on those devices, according to new research from MobileIron (NASDAQ: MOBL). The 2015 MobileIron Trust Gap Survey, released today, examines the privacy expectations workers have when using a mobile device for work. TheMobileIron online research conducted by Harris PollMobileIron on behalf of MobileIron surveyed more than 3,500 employed adults who use a mobile device for work in France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the UK, and the US (“workers”). “Mobile workers, especially younger workers, have an expectation of privacy when using mobile devices for work. Many would leave their jobs if their employer could see personal informationMobileIron on their device,” said Ojas Rege, Vice President, Strategy, MobileIron. “In a world where smartphones contain increasing amounts of sensitive personal data, CIOs must remember that every device is a mixed-use device and must protect employee privacy as fiercely as corporate security.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3524 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 919 | Comments: 2
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To help prevent teen dating abuse throughout the country, Futures Without Violence and the Ad Council today launched a new mobile-first campaign as part of their “That’s Not Cool” public service effort. The national campaign aims to empower teens to set their own boundaries in their relationships when communicating through digital and social media. YouTube Creator Meghan Rienks is joining the effort as part of the Ad Council’s Creators for Good program with new exclusive video content that will be distributed to her more than 1.7 million subscribers. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3524 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m25s | Views: 866 | Comments: 1



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