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Search // stress
Results 25-36 of 126 for ' stress ' (0 seconds)
Remember that time you thought you purchased the perfect gift and found out that the recipient returned it? Let’s face it, we can all use a little gift giving inspiration when it’s time to start holiday shopping. Whether you are shopping for that special someone in your life, best friend or even coworker, finding the perfect holiday gift can be daunting. TV Host and Consumer Trends Expert Andrew Krasny believes there has never been a better time for shoppers to spend with total power and confidence. On Tuesday, December 6th, Andrew will be available to share some of his fool-proof tips to make sure your holiday shopping is stress free.
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Added: 3003 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 794 | Comments: 0
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Ways to Conserve Energy without breaking your budget. Simple yet effective, every little action you do adds up to a lot! You can conserve energy quickly and easily. By implementing just a few energy saving solutions, you can really make a dent in your power consumption and electricity bills. Saving Energy will not only help you and your family, but it will protect all of mankind and mother Earth. With our energy saving devices, we have solutions to help you save easily and effectively! By focusing on the motors/appliances in your home, you can quickly laser target the biggest energy consumers in your home and make them as energy efficient as possible- WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars! Energy Conservation doesn't have to be difficult. By using just a few of my free electricity tips on my site, you can EASILY save 10%. Start conserving electricity in your home or business today and stop suffering from high power bills and stress!
Added: 3176 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 686 | Comments: 2
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INRIX®, Inc., a global leader for transportation analytics, today released its 2015 Traffic Scorecard, a benchmark for governments and agencies in the U.S. and Europe to measure progress in improving urban mobility. The report reveals the U.S. faces large challenges to solve congestion issues, fueled by continued economic and population growth, higher employment rates and declining gas prices. Cities that have experienced the most economic improvement during the past year are at highest risk for consequences related to worsened traffic conditions, including reduced productivity, higher emissions and increased stress levels. For example, Washington D.C., San Francisco, New York, Seattle and Boston all saw reduced unemployment rates bringing them below the national average of 5.3 percent for 2015.1 However, according to the INRIX Traffic Scorecard, congestion in those cities alone combined to waste 1.5 billion hours for daily car commuters last year. Nationwide, commuters spent a total of more than eight billion extra hours stuck in traffic, representing almost 50 hours per driver. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3269 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m15s | Views: 994 | Comments: 0
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The most stressful week of the year is upon us; the last week of holiday shopping. As consumers across the country seek those last minute gifts, their stress levels rise. Zazen Bear, the retailer whose concept is about connection, harmony and peace, is offering consumers gifts that inspire finding those moments of peace in your day. To celebrate this season, Zazen Bear has released a video series, titled “Zen Tree,” to showcase their jewelry collections while giving the viewer a sense of relaxation and peace. Every Holiday Season, consumers decorate trees to reflect the festive spirit; whether it is with ornaments, lights, garland, or a combination of all, each tree has its own specific design. Zazen Bear took this holiday staple, visualizing it with a peaceful and minimal aesthetic. The “Zen Tree” series celebrates the Holiday Season by presenting the Zazen Bear jewelry collections as ornaments decorating a forest of Christmas trees. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3359 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 982 | Comments: 0
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The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year. Gifts are perfectly wrapped, cakes and cookies are baking in the oven, and people across the country are making final preparations to visit their loved loves. In fact, Americans spent an average of 7.3 hours and $560 on holiday travel alone last year, which can also lead to chaos, stress and precious time spent in busy airports and jam-packed highways. That’s why Ziploc® brand is offering a variety of festive products, a surprise-and-delight experience and helpful tips to give travelers a chaos-free holiday. When hundreds of people along the Ohio Turnpike got to the tollbooth at Mile Marker 71 before their Thanksgiving celebrations began, they were surprised that instead of being asked for the toll, they received an array of gifts—from snacks packed in Ziploc® brand bags and containers to a chauffeured limo ride home. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3370 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 955 | Comments: 0
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A rite of passage for many families is packing up the car and heading to a relative’s house to celebrate the holidays. Whether you’re flying part of the way or driving the entire distance, keeping the kids quiet and entertained is paramount to a stress-free trip. Just as important as going over your safety check list is packing your children’s favorite snacks, as well as activity bag chock full of mini board games, coloring books and puzzles. Wearing comfy clothes and bringing cozy blankets can also make a long (and sometimes COLD!) trip much more comfortable. Travel expert and self-defined “über-busy working mom,” Amy E. Goodman is a pro when it comes to traveling with her family. She is available for live interviews to share with your viewers how to put together a stress-free, relaxing winter getaway – whether to the relative’s or a much needed winter escape!
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Added: 3372 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 1036 | Comments: 1
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PetSafe® brand, an industry leader in the development of innovative pet behavioral, containment and lifestyle product solutions announced the launch of its “Naughty Or Nice” holiday campaign featuring a digital pet present guide with recommended products for naughty and nice pets. For each item purchased from the pet present guide during the month of December 2015, PetSafe® brand will donate a toy to a participating animal shelter. “The holiday season is the time of year to treasure and celebrate our pets,” said Harrison Forbes, celebrity pet expert and PetSafe® spokesperson. “Shelter life can be challenging for pets, and the PetSafe® toys donated will help relieve stress and anxiety.” The interactive Naughty or Nice Pet Present Guide by PetSafe® brand is loaded with helpful gift ideas and tips from Harrison Forbes on keeping pets secure and healthy throughout the holiday season as well as tips for traveling with pets. The guide can be downloaded, emailed and shared across social media networks. It also features a store locator to help shoppers find a nearby PetSafe® brand retailer. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3377 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 1106 | Comments: 1
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While Thanksgiving represents a time of tradition and family, it can also spell S-T-R-E-S-S for those planning a big feast. From figuring out how long to cook the turkey to putting together the perfect table setting, getting it all right can be really hard! To help you celebrate and prepare for your Thanksgiving feast, entertaining expert and cookbook author, Brooke Parkhurst has some great ideas and tips for a trouble-free turkey day. That way, when guests arrive - everyone will be able to relax, gobble, and enjoy! Some of Brooke’s tips include: • THANKS-GRIA- A delicious glass or two of wine is welcomed at any holiday gathering! Even easier? Put it in a pitcher so everyone can serve themselves. Lightly chill red wine and add a few spices and seasonal fruit to make a soon-to-be favorite holiday libation-- Thanks-gria! • FORGET ABOUT FLOWERS, BUT DON’T FORGET YOUR HOSTS- Unless you have your own garden, decorating with fresh flowers can cost more than your meal. Instead, create centerpieces from seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh greenery and berries. After the party’s over, make a meal from your centerpiece! And don’t forget about gift baskets for the hosts. • JUICY WHITE MEAT- Who needs to roast the whole turkey when you can just bake the best part? The turkey breasts and legs cook at very different rates, which means that one will not be properly cooked. Instead, focus on cooking the turkey breast perfectly, roasting it at just the right temperature and saving a lot of time in the process. • FRESH & FAST- It’s chilly out which makes us gravitate towards creamy, cheesy, heavy dishes. Want a little balance? Make your favorite potato casserole but off-set it with a delicious & easy arugula-pomegranate salad or butternut squash and ricotta crostini. Fresh dishes are usually the fastest to prepare!
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Added: 3388 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m52s | Views: 1044 | Comments: 0
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A peine rentrés de vacances, les Français ont dû affronter le moment fatidique de la rentrée, et avec elle, son cortège de bonnes résolutions scolaires, sociales, politiques… et le retour pour chacun à la réalité du quotidien « métro, boulot, dodo ». Pour évaluer la place du lâcher-prise dans le quotidien des Français, Club Med, accompagné de l’Institut CSA, a voulu sonder les différentes formes d’expression que prend aujourd’hui cette notion dans la société. Le lâcher-prise est plébiscité par plus de 8 Français sur 10 qui déclarent en ressentir le besoin tout au long de l’année, comme un moment de pause nécessaire, et 89% d’entre eux qui avouent le pratiquer sans culpabilité. Le lâcher-prise serait-il en train de faire un pied de nez à la tyrannie de l’urgence et du stress, remède imparable pour affronter nos vies agitées ? Pour consulter le communiqué multimédia , allez à:
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Added: 3447 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 1036 | Comments: 0
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Global health service company Cigna has added three new programs to the free Coach by Cigna health and fitness app, featuring coaching tips from The Fit Bottomed Girls for The Anti-Diet, Loving Yourself and Top to Bottom fitness. The Coach by Cigna app puts health and fitness programs in the palm of your hand, with instructional videos and support from health coaches to help you focus on improving in five integrated areas: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress and weight management. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3469 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 975 | Comments: 0
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Technology leader Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., together with global health service company Cigna, today announced a new version of the Coach by Cigna mobile application that features the psychology of lateral assessment to identify your personality type, understands your wants, needs and preferences, and provides the right programs to help with diet, exercise, sleep, stress and weight. Coach by Cigna is available at no charge in the Google Play store for Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 4 and Note Edge mobile devices. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3568 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m28s | Views: 1035 | Comments: 2
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Technology leader Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., together with global health service company Cigna, today announced a new version of the Coach by Cigna mobile application that features the psychology of lateral assessment to identify your personality type, understands your wants, needs and preferences, and provides the right programs to help with diet, exercise, sleep, stress and weight. Coach by Cigna is available at no charge in the Google Play store for Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 4 and Note Edge mobile devices. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3577 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1006 | Comments: 2
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