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LOOP!STATION was formed in July 2002 by Sam Bass and Robin Coomer almost by accident. Robin asked Sam if he would come and play some cello at her upcoming photography show. He convinced Robin to join him and his new favorite tool the loop station. After going to the music store and getting her own, they only had two rehearsals before the opening thinking they would only play one show. But after an overwhelming crowd response and sixty five new emails on a list, they decided to play again, and again... Their first c.d. 'conversations with water' was released in July 2003 with amazing response. Suddenly what had started out as an escape for these two classically trained musicians from their respective rock bands, (Deadweight and Birdsaw) and the pressures of writing the 'perfect' 3:30 second pop song, had turned into an escape for their listeners as well. LOOP!STATION sample themselves live and 'loop' the parts creating honest and unique compositions. The shows are intense and captivating. When you get the album home and it sounds just like the show you just saw, it becomes very apparent that LOOP!STATION is operating in a world all its own, a world that is really freaking awesome...Visit LOOP!STATION at
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Added: 6105 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 7295 | Comments: 0



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