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Most people have digestive problems that create a variety of illnesses that we see as they age. The main problem is with the food that they eat. As has already been saying many times, we eat more junk, processed, and packaged food than our stomach can digest. We eat more meat and protein than we should. We drink more unusual drinks that are mainly sugar.
Tags // acid  reflux  acid  reflux  remedies  acid  acid  reflux  home  remedy 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1694 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 807 | Comments: 0
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The occurrence of Hiatus Hernia is quite common as you get older. Most likely, 50% of the people over 50 will get Hiatus Hernia, and many will not have symptoms. However, if you have pain behind your sternum, breastbone, around your nipple area, and below, this could be because of Hiatus Hernia. The most common area to have pain is behind the breastbone.
Tags // hiatus  hernia  hiatal  hernia  hernia 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1702 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m31s | Views: 698 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Zappshelter creates rapid, flexible covered container shelter and storage shelter space to help to protect what matters most to you including your products, people and profits.
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Added: 1711 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 637 | Comments: 0
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Many people have an inflamed body and don’t know it. They are surprised when they develop arthritis, muscle pain, acid reflux, hiatus hernia, or gout. So how did they get to this point? All disease takes time to develop and gout is no different. Hi, Rudy here to give you some information to get you started in eliminating your gout and acid body.
Tags // gout  gout  inflammation  gout  diet  gout  treatment 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1738 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 806 | Comments: 0



If you are drinking just plain water, you are wasting a great health opportunity. Since most people have acid bodies and are prone to illness, it is to their benefit to drinking their water with fresh lemon juice in it. The major health benefit you achieve is to change your body from acid to more alkaline. This can be done slowly by drinking fresh lemon juice, no sugar or honey, all day long instead of tasteless, plain water.
Tags // lemon  juice  lemon  juice  recipe  juice  drinking  lemon  juice 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1754 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 659 | Comments: 0
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The first steps you need to take to stop constipation are outlined so that you can start right away to eliminate constipation. Reducing or eliminating constipation is important in gaining great health. So many people have constipation and in the colon is where many illnesses begin. It doesn’t matter how old you are, maintaining colon health is a priority.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1759 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 690 | Comments: 0
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Many people have an inflamed body and don’t know it. They are surprised when they develop arthritis, muscle pain, acid reflux, hiatus hernia, or gout. So how did they get to this point? All disease takes time to develop and gout is no different.
Tags // gout  diet  gout  treatment  gout  remedies  gout  relief  what  is  gout 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1766 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 802 | Comments: 0
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Are you constantly plagued by digestive conditions, such as acid reflux, stomach bloating, constant burping, or hiatus hernia? In 2018, statistics showed that over 50% of people in the U.S. had digestive type symptoms. Because these were symptoms, people had other hidden illnesses. Rudy Silva, natural nutritionist. I want to give you some information to help you minimize or eliminate these digestive conditions. So, if you’re ready, let’s do it.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1767 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 741 | Comments: 0
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People who don’t have diabetes think that they are ok. But the way so many people eat, they put themselves at risk for this disease. Eating a diet high in processed foods, high sugar, and simple carbohydrates increase your chances of Type II Diabetes and especially if you are overweight. Other risk factors for Type II Diabetes are elevated triglyceride, low HDL, and high blood pressure.
Tags // daibetes  diabetic  type  2  diabetes  glucose 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1772 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 721 | Comments: 0
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Fiber is one of the necessities for good colon function and constipation relief. Discovery the reasons to use fiber and the diseases you can avoid when you include fiber in your diet. Start using more fiber to get good constipation relief. Not only will you feel better but you will be preventing many diseases that just waiting to be created in your body. Do you see any of the diseases listed above that people come down with as they age? Did they eat enough fiber? Will you eat enough fiber? Please do.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1774 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 716 | Comments: 0
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Fiber Foods That are Good For You Fiber is a critical nutrient for your colon and overall health. You need to eat equal amounts of insoluble and soluble fiber. Most people only eat around 8 grams or less of fiber each day. The amount you need to eat is around 25 - 45 grams. This is a lot of fiber and you will need to introduce it slowly into your diet. You may experience gas when you eat more fiber food. But, this will pass as your stomach gets used to eating more fiber.
Tags // high  fiber  diet  high  fiber  foods  how  to  get  more  fiber  in  your  diet  health  benefits  of  fiber  what  is  fiber 
Categories // Family 
Added: 1813 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 3m56s | Views: 745 | Comments: 0
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The best among free dating websites. Meet new people #dating #freedating #freedatingsites on
Tags // mogigod  social  dating 
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Added: 1838 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 700 | Comments: 0



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