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Search // nations
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To stoke the fires of prayer and revival please 'share' and 'like' this music video "Open The Floodgates" Music Video Additional footage courtesy of Christ For All Nations Ministries ( and Jesus Culture ( CREDITS Belinda McCulloch: Director/Producer/Editor Maat Boyd: Director of Photography/Camera Operator Clare Hembrow: Catering/Logistics Amy Nhan: Lead Actor Extras: Nicole Hart/Haylie Bamber/Elliot Fitzgerald/Dale Hembrow/Clare Hembrow/Belinda McCulloch Dale Hembrow: Producer/Executive Producer Song Recording: "Open The Floodgates" performed by Dale Hembrow, written by Nhan/Hembrow/Gaudion/Kocaj, produced by Phil Gaudion/Dale Hembrow, mixed by Daniel Kelaart, mastered by Harris Newman
Tags // rock  indie  positive 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3949 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 5m25s | Views: 963 | Comments: 0



The G-Global info-communicative platform hosted an online conference on the 19th March on the theme “Draft Plan for overcoming long-term consequences of the global financial and economic crisis for UN Member States” in preparation for the second World Anti-Crisis Conference to be held in the Kazakhstan capital, Astana, on 21-23 May 2014. Mark Uzan, director of the Renovating Bretton Woods Committee, moderated the online-conference in which international and Kazakhstan experts participated. They reached agreement on a consolidated draft Plan for overcoming long-term consequences of the global financial and economic crisis for UN Member States (Plan) on which the international expert community has been actively working. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 3985 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 794 | Comments: 0
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Today at the Seafood Expo North America in Boston, the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), along with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) and Rabobank, will join together for the first time in the US to demonstrate how the global farmed salmon industry is leading the way in changing current aquaculture business practices to ensure a sustainable future for the industry. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3994 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 1188 | Comments: 2
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The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation launches a new website to illustrate their findings from one of the largest coral reef research projects ever conducted. The Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition is a six-year circumnavigation of the planet involving more than a hundred scientists from many nations. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4119 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 767 | Comments: 2



In the face of the most perilous challenges of our time the nations of the world seem paralyzed. The problems are too big, too interdependent, too divisive for the nation-state. Benjamin R. Barber demonstrates how city mayors, singly and jointly, are responding to transnational problems more effectively than nation-states mired in ideological infighting and sovereign rivalries. Featuring profiles of a dozen mayors around the world. If Mayors Ruled the World presents a compelling new vision of governance for the coming century. Barber makes a persuasive case that the city is democracy’s best hope in a globalizing world, and great mayors are already proving that this is so. Learn more about this book here, Political
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4124 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 3m58s | Views: 1917 | Comments: 0
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Building upon its efforts to provide greater access to vaccines and other health care services for populations in need, Walgreens (NYSE: WAG) (Nasdaq: WAG) is partnering with the United Nations Foundation this flu season, to help provide up to 3 million life-saving vaccines to children in developing countries through a donation to the Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4189 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2154 | Comments: 1
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The Hall Oplum is not only a centre for learning. But also symbolic of the effarts of His Majesty king Bhumlbol Adulyadej and other members of the Royal Family to solve the problems of illicit drug production and durg is a testimony to their work that as of 2003, thailand was no longer considered by the United nations office on Durgs and Crime (UNODC) to be a signlflcant producer of oplum.
Tags // opium 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4215 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 2081 | Comments: 1



A video describing Causes of War in Israel and Syria: Nations go to war for one of four reasons: religion, ideology, territory, or resources. Each of these factors is enough to cause conflict on their own, however, there are places where all four of them collide. Consider Jerusalem. Home to three major religions, territorial disputes, and clashing ideologies. Peace plans and cease fires are useless, because the politicians are completely out of touch. In the end, peace can only come from the individuals on the ground. Sadly, the probability of World War 3 in our lifetime is greater than the odds that peace will come to the Middle East, or Iraq, or Syria, or any of these other flashpoint regions. Keep an eye on these conflicts, because when any one of them heats up, so too do oil and gold prices. Thankfully, there are far more reasons to avoid war than to engage in it. Nevertheless, WW3 will happen when all those who were affected by WW2 are gone. Until then, there will be numerous spikes in gold and oil prices, each time global tensions rise.
Tags // pennystocks  best  penny  stocks  hot  penny  stocks 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4246 days ago by penny
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 1798 | Comments: 1
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Maersk Container Industry has joined the United Nations’ SAVE FOOD Initiative to help make international food logistics more efficient. “Food should not be wasted, but too often it is, and we believe our technologies can help improve the food logistics chain,” says Peter K. Nymand, CEO of Maersk Container Industry, MCI. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4271 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 2371 | Comments: 0
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When Hans Blix is keynote speaking on the conference of the World Veterans Federation, the Peace and Security Summit, in Stockholm this May, he wants to help spread the stories of the veterans. “The public are not so familiar with what experiences the veterans have, and should listen to them,” says Hans Blix. Hans Blix, formerly head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is one of the keynote speakers at the World Veterans Federations conference Peace and Security Summit that is to be held in Stockholm in the end of May. Now he speaks for the first time about what made him decide to contribute to the conference. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4308 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 806 | Comments: 1
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Cuban Link stops by Tuff City and spits a freestyle with Tuff City Styles/SBM Nations own Night. Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - NightTCS FOR BOOKING OR INFO CONTACT MED at OR JAY L REY at
Tags // tuff  city  night  cuban  link  waiting  for  the  body  bag  freestyle  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4308 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m31s | Views: 2590 | Comments: 0
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Internationally known evangelist and founder of Christ for all Nations (CfaN), Reinhard Bonnke, announces today that for the first time in his 35-year ministry history, he will host crusades throughout the United States, called Good News: a Gospel Crusade with International Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Through Good News crusades, Bonnke will travel from city-to-city to inspire Americans to draw nearer to a relationship with Jesus. CfaN will partner with local churches and pastors to host the first event at the Amway Center in Orlando, Fla., Sept. 27-28. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4322 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 1334 | Comments: 3
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