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Search // camp
Results 25-36 of 68 for ' camp ' (1 seconds)
We here at 360 believe first and foremost in being a STUDENT: a student of the game, a student in the classroom, and a student of LIFE!
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4414 days ago by taton
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 718 | Comments: 1
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What are the instructors like at WB Surf Camp? Listen to what the campers have to say about them!
Tags // teen  summer  camps 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4424 days ago by wbsurfcamp
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 771 | Comments: 1



Overnight summer camp is also known as a sleep away camp when campers spend their nights at the camp; some camps do allow both daytime and overnight campers. Visit for more details.
Tags // sleepaway  camps 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4443 days ago by teddstewrt
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 826 | Comments: 0
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Elephant Polo 2012 at Suriyothai Military Camp, Hua Hun, Thailand
Tags // eelephant  polo  hua  hin  thailand  sport 
Added: 4494 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 3020 | Comments: 1
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Teen Dance Camps - Overnight Summer Camps: Our ULTIMATE Cross-Country TEEN TRAVEL summer camp is for girls ages 13 - 17. Dance camp locations: North Carolina, Texas, California, Vermont, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Missouri, Colorado and Peru.
Tags // teen  dance  camps  teen 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4589 days ago by markson
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 2119 | Comments: 0
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Honeywell (NYSE: HON) and three San Diego-area organizations this week are hosting the fourth annual Green Boot Camp, an interactive workshop focused on best practice instruction methods for teaching energy, sustainability and environmental concepts. As part of the five-day event, 70 middle-school teachers from around the world are gathered in San Diego to explore the roots of green technology, sustainable living and environmental awareness by using San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), the California Center for Sustainable Energy, and the Urban Corps of San Diego County as living laboratories. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4635 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 7682 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Training at Thailand Camp in Phuket. Great Muay Thai training and started out with awesome Detox. Official Website: Email: Telephone: 087 471 1351
Tags // thailand  phuket  rawai  resort  camp 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4640 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6964 | Comments: 1
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Today, Joint Juice, Inc., a leading San Francisco-based nutrition company, and legendary quarterback Joe Montana announce their second year in partnership, with the introduction of Joe Montana’s Joint Health Training Camp. The goal of the training camp is to encourage Americans to focus on their joint health and gain general fitness so they can get back to doing what they love. Developed with the assistance of a professional trainer, Joe Montana’s Joint Health Training Camp combines a 30-day regimen of simple exercises with nutritional tips to inspire people to get on a path to healthier joints. Regular exercise is essential to maintaining healthy joints, and an exercise regimen of just 30 minutes several days a week helps strengthen the muscles around the joints to keep them functioning properly. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4655 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 3552 | Comments: 1
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America is a land of traditions, from fireworks on the Fourth to fruitcake at Christmas. But most families actually mix traditions, creating some new ones that are all their own – like the Cape Cod family who holds cherry pit-spitting contests at its annual gathering, or the mom who organizes a backyard camp every summer. Whether your family tradition involves food or fun, Kozy Shack®, a family-owned company that has been bringing people to the table for its delicious and wholesome puddings for more than 40 years, wants to hear from you. Kozy Shack® Bread Pudding invites consumers to share their stories, no matter how silly, for a chance to win an Unforgettable $10,000 Family Vacation. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4665 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 67159 | Comments: 2



Chivas Regal, the original luxury whisky and official sponsor of the 65th Festival De Cannes, reaffirmed its commitment to its global brand partner FilmAid International, after announcing plans for a new global fundraising programme. To mark the first year anniversary of the Chivas Regal FilmAid partnership, Chivas unveiled a new short film documenting the amazing work of FilmAid focussing on a FilmAid project at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. Oscar winning actor and FilmAid supporter, Cuba Gooding Jr., joined FilmAid UK Chair Iliane Ogilvie Thompson and Chivas Regal Brand Director, James Slack on stage for an exclusive screening of the new short film commissioned by Chivas. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4690 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 9960 | Comments: 0
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Read Review Here: Apparently some cats and dogs respond badly to this medication, but it works wonderfully for my cat. She weighs just 10 pounds, so I give her half a tablet (I cut them apart in a regular pill cutter) and any fleas she's picked up fall off and die. My vet explained to me that the chemical in Capstar isn't recognized by the animal's body - it just passes through without being absorbed and broken down. It comes out as a gas through the pores of the skin, and acts on the fleas like cyanide gas acts on people. It's instantly lethal to the fleas. Unfortunately, when the fleas get the first whiff of gas, they respond by biting REALLY HARD in a reflexive reaction. Some cats and dogs who have several fleas may experience sudden very hard bites in many areas of their bodies, which could account for the jumping around and panting. It doesn't feel very good. Flea bites are terrible under normal circumstances, and their
Tags // cat  flea  treatment  cat  flea  dog  flea  treatment 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4692 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 3860 | Comments: 2
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Duraflame, Inc. has introduced one of the company’s biggest innovations since the creation of the firelog: duraflame® Campfire Roasting Logs. They are the first firelogs formulated with charcoal and tested for safe cooking. This new formula makes the logs ideal for roasting foods, such as marshmallows or hot dogs, over an open fire. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4715 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 4034 | Comments: 2
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