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Search // boost
Results 25-36 of 46 for ' boost ' (0 seconds)
This game is almost similar to temple run in concept but instead of running you have to fly, be safe from different obstacles and collect gems. There are different other items that will boost the speed, provide magnetic power so that gems automatically follow the player etc. See how long you can travel and survive. You can download the iphone/ipad version of the game here And android version here
Tags // jetpack  rocketman  run  space  fire  collect  gems  magnet  temple  run  best  cool  ios  android 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 4429 days ago by cybershark420
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 1232 | Comments: 1
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Webfire 2.0 is simply an awesome set of tools to create traffic, find expiring domains, discover profitable niches, get targeted leads and boost your rankings in the search engines. Find Detailed Review On
Tags // review  webfire 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4433 days ago by AnthonyTerry
Runtime: 0m24s | Views: 706 | Comments: 1
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Social Media Marketing System to boost traffic and increase influence for your business.
Categories // Business 
Added: 4463 days ago by roberthill22
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 1013 | Comments: 1



Tourism Authority of Thailand is hosting 12 contestants of a Vietnamese beauty pageant as part of a new promotional effort to boost visitor arrivals from one of the kingdom’s fastest growing source-markets.
Tags // miss  teen  vietnam  thailand  vietnamese 
Added: 4476 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 1688 | Comments: 1
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GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare today announced the launch of, a total quit-smoking online resource to help smokers quit their cigarette addictions and stay smoke-free. Every smoker is different; therefore every smoker’s approach to quitting may need to be different. houses personalized tools in a central, online location to help smokers navigate quitting smoking, no matter where they may be in their quit journey. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4491 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 3665 | Comments: 0
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Nearly 7.5 million students (K – 12th grade) are chronically absent every school year – missing enough school to put them at severe risk of dropping out or failing to graduate. Chronic absenteeism, which is defined as missing at least 10 percent of school days in a given year, or about 18 days, affects the educational outcomes of millions of students. In order to inspire parents of 5th through 8th graders to recognize the crucial role regular attendance, even in the early years, plays in high school graduation, the U.S. Army and the Ad Council are unveiling a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) created pro bono by advertising agency Publicis Kaplan Thaler. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family 
Added: 4523 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 3312 | Comments: 2
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If you purchased “Wal-Born” – a Walgreens’ brand dietary supplement, the Federal Trade Commission wants you to know that you may be eligible for a refund. National pharmacy chain Walgreens agreed to pay nearly $6 million in 2010, to settle FTC charges that it deceptively advertised that its “Wal-Born” line could effectively prevent colds, fight germs, and boost the immune system. The money will be used to provide refunds. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4531 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 3607 | Comments: 1
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Kellogg’s newest superhero on the scene, The Crunchy Nut, saves Americans from boring breakfasts with the help of the Crunchy Truck. Go behind the scenes of the making of the superhero vehicle. Fashioned from a 1995 Chevy Utilimaster the truck features a satellite breakfast bowl equipped with the most advanced GPS technology helping The Crunchy Nut find those in danger of boring breakfasts and a 6-cylinder turbo milk jug boost to transport him to the rescue faster than reheating last night’s leftover pizza.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Funny 
Added: 4560 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m28s | Views: 3450 | Comments: 1
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Verizon Wireless is giving mobile gaming a boost today with the launch of Exent’s GameTanium™, a new mobile game subscription service for Android™ smartphones and tablets available now, exclusively to Verizon Wireless customers. Powered by Verizon Wireless’ network, GameTanium provides unlimited access to more than 100 of the best Android smartphone games and more than 50 tablet games, including hits like Doodle God™, Fruit Ninja and World of Goo for the low monthly fee of $5.99 per device. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Games 
Added: 4642 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 3600 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - The number 1 Shoe lifts to boost your height & confidence
Tags // shoe  lifts  shoe  lift  be  taller  elevator  shoes  men  heel  lifts  taller  inserts 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4757 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 7203 | Comments: 0
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Using the subconscious mind is a great boost for healing. Not only will you feel better but real Self Improvement is achieved! Psycho-neuro-immunology has been proved by medical scientists and is a specific self-improvement technique. To achieve increasing the fighting cell (T4) in the immune system you use guided imagery and visualization. The end result is using the subconscious mind deliberately.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4784 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 3m43s | Views: 5840 | Comments: 0
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Using the subconscious mind is a great boost for healing. Not only will you feel better but real Self Improvement is achieved! Psycho-neuro-immunology has been proved by medical scientists and is a specific self-improvement technique. It is the ability to focus the mind in the meditation state then using guided imagery and visualization there is an increase in the T4 cell count which is the fighting cell in the immune system. The end result is using the subconscious mind deliberately.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4785 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 5988 | Comments: 0
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