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I've been told that some of my songs in the past have a David Bowie quality to them and so I started thinking 2005 when I first started practicing how to sing sing. I would practice at the factory where I used to work at as no one could hear me with all the stamping presses running. That was until one day when I was practicing in a quieter welding area and not knowing that the idiot maintenance electrician was doing something on my welder until then popped his head out and uttered "Don't quit your daytime job." ..... Very original line ..... Well, I didn't exactly quit my job but the doors did close down there and since that time, I've been working hard to make this my daytime job. As always, hopefully this song will catch on and I'll acquire an audience who will just appreciate this song without asking for something in return ..... A guy can dream can't he? ... Maybe David can help me out on this one.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3318 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 1991 | Comments: 1



In this year’s big game, Esurance is passing its savings on and giving away over $1 million in its Esurance Pass It On Sweepstakes. Beginning today, people can simply Retweet messages from the Esurance Twitter handle tagged #EsuranceSweepstakes for chances to win. And for the first time ever, Esurance will select multiple prize winners each quarter who could win money in real time during the big game. There will be more surprises in store along the way, so people should keep a close eye on the Esurance Twitter channel as details are revealed. “The Esurance Pass It On Sweepstakes allows us to engage with people before and throughout the game, while also sharing information about who we are in a fun, memorable way,” said Nancy Abraham, Vice President of Integrated Marketing Communications at Esurance. “We want people to become more aware of and familiar with Esurance, so with every Retweet they’ll learn something different.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3321 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 924 | Comments: 0
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This February, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) is celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month by hosting the Tournament of Tooth Care, showcasing how parents and caregivers can help their kids fend off the Mouth Monsters –a.k.a. tooth decay. Parents and caregivers can tune in to the Mouth Madness to learn how to help little teeth take on the Mouth Monsters one big game at a time. “Tooth decay in children is a major health epidemic for adolescents across the country,” said Dr. Robert Delarosa, AAPD President. “National Children’s Dental Health Month is a great time for parents to keep their children’s dental health top of mind. Make it a priority this month to find a Dental Home – or home base – for your child’s oral health needs and be sure your next check-up is on the calendar.” Tooth decay is one of the top chronic infectious diseases among children in the U.S. About 60 percent of children will have had tooth decay at some point by age five. More than 50 million school hours are missed every year by school-aged children in the U.S. due to dental visits or problems. And tooth decay isn’t just bad for oral health; children who develop tooth decay at a young age are at a greater risk for developing problems with oral and general health, as well as with educational and social development. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3324 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 852 | Comments: 0
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Want a sneak peek of the latest cell phone technology or newest flat screen TV? Are you anticipating the release of the newest appliances that will soon be featured in your kitchen? The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is back! CES is the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. Held in Las Vegas every year, it has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for more than 40 years—the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. It’s not only the world's largest annual tradeshow for consumer technology, but it is also America's largest annual tradeshow of any kind. The first CES took place in New York City in June of 1967 with 200 exhibitors and 17,500 attendees. Since then, CES has grown more than seven-fold. CES now showcases more than 3,600 exhibiting companies, including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and more and more than 150K attendees from 150 countries. Nationally recognized consumer trends and technology expert Todd Townsend will provide viewers with a rare preview of some the latest technology available for 2016.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3327 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 758 | Comments: 0
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Totino’s Pizza Rolls™ and Twitch, the world’s leading social video platform and community for gamers, are teaming up to create the ultimate gaming showdown using a one-of-a-kind “Totino’s Bucking Couch.” On Sunday, Feb. 7, Twitch users will have the opportunity to spin, roll and buck some of the top names in gaming right off the couch they’re sitting on in the first ever “Totino's Bucking Couch Bowl.” Created by Totino’s, the first ever bucking couch is set up like a mechanical bull with a full range of motion and controlled through chatroom commands by Twitch commentators, highlighting the Totino’s “Live Free. Couch Hard.” lifestyle. Designed to disrupt anyone who takes a seat, the couch offers a challenge to skilled gamers and a thrilling live event for Twitch users to enjoy. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3330 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 937 | Comments: 0
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Water has played an important role in the Stella Artois brewing heritage for more than 600 years, and is an essential ingredient in the Stella Artois that is brewed today. Yet 663 million people lack access to clean water – a global crisis that disproportionately affects women, who spend millions of hours a day collecting it. Stella Artois has again partnered with to drive awareness of the global water crisis, and calls on consumers to help leave a legacy as the generation that ends this crisis, once and for all. The “Buy a Lady a Drink” campaign was first launched in 2015 to utilize Stella Artois’ global footprint to help positively impact this important issue. Last year the campaign focused on women’s long journeys for clean water. This year, the campaign showcases the positive impact that access to clean water can have, while inspiring consumers to leave a positive mark on the world. “I’ve seen how the lives of women and their families can change when they get access to clean water,” said Co-Founder Matt Damon. “Access to water is access to education, access to work, access to the kind of future we want for all humankind. Thanks to our partnership with Stella Artois, this year’s ‘Buy a Lady a Drink’ campaign helps us tell this story – and gives consumers the chance to help us change it.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3335 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 971 | Comments: 1
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The official video for Bumblefoot's single "Don't Know Who To Pray to Anymore"
Categories // Music 
Added: 3336 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 7m45s | Views: 525 | Comments: 1
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Pairing the endless possibilities of space exploration with the limitless opportunities of education, Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) and NASA are partnering to show students how science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) make feats like space exploration possible with mISSion imaginaTIon. The partnership and its programs aim to spur the imaginations of the next generation of scientists, engineers, explorers and innovators who are in today’s math and science classrooms. Combining expertise, TI Education Technology and NASA have developed programs that promote STEM-focused lessons for students and teachers in middle and high school. Launching today, the mISSion imaginaTIon online quiz allows participants to see if they have what it takes for a year-long mission aboard the International Space Station. After discovering how ready they are to live in space, students can then put their STEM skills to the test with the mISSion imaginaTIon design challenge, which asks students to devise solutions to four space-related challenges. “Imagination is the fuel that feeds progress and innovation,” said Peter Balyta, Ph.D., (@pbalyta), president of TI Education Technology. “Alongside NASA, we are excited to unleash student creativity as students explore how science, technology, engineering and math can solve future problems on earth, in space and beyond.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3342 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 1238 | Comments: 0
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Fifty-three automotive journalists from Canada and the United States have voted the Honda Civic as the 2016 North American Car of the Year. The Volvo XC90 was picked as the 2016 North American Truck/Utility of the Year. Both vehicles were previous winners. The Civic won in 2006 and the XC90 in 2003. The awards – now in their 23rd year – are unique in the United States because instead of being given by a single media outlet they are awarded by an independent group of automotive journalists from the United States and Canada who represent magazines, television, radio, newspapers and web sites. The awards are designed to recognize the most outstanding new vehicles of the year. These vehicles are benchmarks in their segments based on factors including innovation, comfort, design, safety, handling, driver satisfaction and value for the dollar. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3344 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 1236 | Comments: 0
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On Saturday, May 21, 2016, Keep Memory Alive will host its extravagant 20th annual Power of Love™ gala at Las Vegas Arena honoring Tony Bennett with a spectacular 90th birthday celebration. True to its now-legendary style, the Power of Love gala will feature one-of-a-kind performances, exciting live auctions, remarkable wine and cocktails and exquisite cuisine by celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck. Now in its 20th year, the gala continues to raise funds in support of Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. Tony Bennett, who recently visited Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health commented, “During my tour of the Center, I saw first-hand the incredible care provided and ground-breaking initiatives in place, and I am honored to know that all proceeds from this 90th birthday event will benefit Keep Memory Alive and Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3350 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 795 | Comments: 0
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China-based smartphone manufacturer Vargo Technology and CEO, Fu Zhaowei, were featured in Times Square on December 21, 2015. The video clip drew the attention of passers-by, generating interest in Fu’s dedication to product detail and his ideas concerning security. The excellent craftsmanship and seamless operating system left an impression on passers-by who trialed the application on site. The closed-loop design uses a safe communications system. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3356 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m42s | Views: 847 | Comments: 0
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Actresses Shay Mitchell and Nina Dobrev are giving back this holiday season by starring in a month-long global philanthropic advertising campaign powered by IPG Mediabrands in support of Free The Children’s WE Are Stronger Together campaign. With the purchase of a $10 Rafiki bracelet, handmade with love by women in Kenya, a gift of impact is unlocked – water, healthcare, school supplies, healthy meals – helping to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for Free The Children partner communities in Kenya, India, Ecuador, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Nicaragua and rural China. By wearing a Rafiki bracelet, available at and select retail stores including Walgreens, PacSun and Nordstrom, North Americans have the opportunity to join Shay Mitchell and Nina Dobrev in making a statement that they are part of the WE movement – a generation who believes that together WE can change the world. Each Rafiki purchased has a unique code for consumers to enter online at so they can track exactly in what Free The Children community a life-changing gift was given. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3364 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 866 | Comments: 1



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