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How do you keep your family healthy? Brooklyn, N.Y. mom Barbie Rodriguez encourages her family to drink water. Last year, she joined the Nestlé® Pure Life® Hydration Movement and pledged to swap one sugared beverage a day with water for a year. Life as a mom with eight active kids can get hectic, and keeping them healthy needs to stay top-of-mind. Inspired by her commitment, Nestlé Pure Life surprised Barbie’s family with a year’s supply of bottled water and made an extra donation of bottled water to her daughter’s after-school drama class to help inspire others in her community. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4626 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 5082 | Comments: 0
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Tyler Yu asked Charlie Hitchcock to meet him after school, and Charlie assumed it was for a fight. But when it turns out Ty just needs help solving a magical mystery at the Abracadabra Hotel, an unlikely friendship is formed. Find out more here, Juvenile fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4637 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 5356 | Comments: 0
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The College Board today kicked off a nationwide movement to make education a more prominent issue in the 2012 presidential campaign. The effort calls upon the major candidates to discuss and debate their plans for reform amid an alarming decline in the state of American education. The College Board launched the campaign on the National Mall with a compelling public installation of 857 school desks, representing the 857 students who drop out of American schools every hour of every school day. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4653 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 3197 | Comments: 0
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Nine West, the go-to destination for fashionistas, has teamed up with Kelly Cutrone, newly appointed brand Ambassador of Culture and Noise, CEO and Founder of public relations firm People’s Revolution, New York Times Best Selling author, judge on America’s Next Top Model and widely recognized TV personality, and Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa to support young women through the power of transformation. Taking into consideration the current economic environment and using the formidable social media platform of Facebook, Nine West created the You’ve Been Prom’d program as a way to give back to the community and offer one lucky high school a prom experience of a lifetime. Contestants entered to win a full prom makeover from Kelly Cutrone with some surprises along the way. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4658 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m24s | Views: 8177 | Comments: 0
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Red Hawk Elementary’s Red Hawk Movement, Erie, Colo. – Movement and exercise are more than activities at Red Hawk Elementary, they are foundational elements of the school culture. As a new public school in the St. Vrain Valley School District located outside of Denver, Red Hawk built physical activity into the plan from day one. Using a rotating daily “movement calendar,” students gain 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on a daily basis, in addition to scheduled PE class and recess. These structured routines are taught by the professional PE staff outdoors or in the gym, and can be repeated in the classroom with student leaders taking charge. Strategically placed 20-minute blocks occur once in the morning to increase energy and attentiveness at the start of the day, and once in the afternoon immediately before math and science, the most challenging academic subjects. Favorite activities include the ‘Red Hawk Walk,’ in which students power-walk along designated routes throughout the building, as well as in-class cardio and dance breaks. Each Friday the week ends with “All-School Movement,” when all 460 students, faculty and staff head outside to participate in a coordinated fitness routine set to popular music. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4659 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 7425 | Comments: 0
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ChildObesity180 today announced the two National school program winners of its nationwide innovation contest. The competition was designed to identify and reward the most creative, impactful, and scalable school-based programs and technologies to promote children’s physical activity. Among the many schools nationwide employing running and walking programs, the 100 Mile Club in Corona-Norco, CA is a true pioneer. Inspired by the 1992 Summer Olympics, special education teacher Kara Lubin had a dream that kids would be motivated to stay fit by the simple goal of “winning the gold medal.” These medals, based on dedication and effort, not speed and fitness, could reward students of all abilities, including Lubin’s special education students. Lubin took action and founded the 100 Mile Club in 1993. Elementary school students are presented with a straightforward challenge, run 100 miles over the course of the school year. Students log miles before school, after school, during recess, and at sanctioned community events. Milestones are rewarded with simple tokens – wristbands, pencils, and medals. A year-end assembly celebrates and recognizes students who have achieved 100 miles, and those still with miles to go. Nearly 20 years later, the 100 Mile Club has stood the test of time, and been adopted by schools in California and across the nation. The program is highly scalable and with Lubin’s help, is now in place in more than 115 schools across eight U.S. states, reaching more than 30,000 students. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4660 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 5631 | Comments: 0
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Pretty Ugly available
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Added: 4665 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 9113 | Comments: 1
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Download Pretty Ugly
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Added: 4665 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 7183 | Comments: 0
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MMA UFC superfight, a Ninja enters the ring his name Sensei Titus Jansen from the Netherlands, his weight 180 Kilograms his style Koga Ryu Ninjutsu, His opponent Dimitri Kluxinski, his weight 60 kilogram, his style Kungfu Drunken style. Sensei Titus Jansen is teaching at the Kage Ryu Dojo in the Netherlands Dimitri Kluxinski has his own martial art school in Moscow Russia
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4667 days ago by Hojobudo
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 5246 | Comments: 0
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Last summer, Sierra Coulthard’s life changed forever. She spent a week identifying her strengths and discovering who she was. She learned what it takes to be a leader and how leaders can change lives. And the Wisconsin high school student realized just how real and rampant poverty is in the world today. “My eyes were opened to so many troubles in the world,“ she said. “I saw how real the needs of people are and I wanted to do something to help.” Coulthard returned home and immediately connected with Nashville-based Soles4Souls, which since 2005 has secured more than 17 million new and gently used shoes for people throughout the world. The charity shipped her a large supply of new shoe boxes that she placed throughout her home town of Neillsville to encourage donations. Nearly 1,000 pairs of shoes were donated to the “Sierra’s Shoes” drive. And last month, she was able to travel to Haiti and pass them out to deserving children who needed them. Coulthard’s vision for the drive was developed at the National FFA Organization’s annual Washington Leadership Conference, which focuses on leadership development, personal growth and community service. More than 2,200 students – up to 340 a week – from throughout the U.S. who are FFA members will attend one of the conference’s seven week-long sessions in June and July. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4668 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 3636 | Comments: 0
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New public service advertisements (PSAs) released today by Feeding America and the Ad Council are designed to raise awareness of where families across the country can find free and nutritious meals for their children during the summer months when school isn’t in session. Entitled
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4681 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 8596 | Comments: 0



Sensei Titus Jansen from the Netherlands explains here the background of his Koga Ryu Ninjutsu system. He uses a short description to the public that came to watch the demonstration in his Kage Ryu Dojo ninja school in the Netherlands. Sensei Titus Mathijn Jansen is one of the few Koga Ryu Ninja masters in Europe
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4693 days ago by Hojobudo
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 4906 | Comments: 1



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