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It takes a certain kind of crazy and fearless character to be able to withstand this sort of harsh environment, to be able to not panic and cry like a newborn when your truck careers off the road into a frozen wilderness. Truck that.
Tags // ice  truckers  trucking  hell  series 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Funny 
Added: 5678 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 6857 | Comments: 2



Just because somebody has been diagnosed with a mental illness doesn't mean they are a threat to you or to our society. Is it not the same kind of ignorance as racism when we stigmatise them with falsehoods and our own prejudices?
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5706 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 6130 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



The 5 Series Gran Turismo offers intelligent functionality which means the vehicle can adapt to different requirements as necessary.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5719 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 9415 | Comments: 1
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When the world's biggest hip-hop superstar decides to put on his first ever live TV concert from his hometown, it's kind of a really big deal. FUSE presents the historic performance to benefit the Kanye West Foundation. Kanye West - Live From The Chicago Theatre world television premiere Saturday July 25th at 8pm/7c exclusively on FUSE.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 5724 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 9490 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated



Midge loves going up to people and attempting to itch the base of her tail on her back with your body. The result looks KIND of like she's doing the reverse cowgirl on ya.
Tags // pug  geeky 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5725 days ago by reistrangelove
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 4388 | Comments: 0



Moderator: Du beschreibst die Shahada als etwas Schönes. Glaubst du, es ist schön? Walla, 11 Jahre:Shahada (das Märtyrertum) ist etwas sehr sehr schönes. Jeder sehnt sich nach der Shahada. Was gibt es denn Schöneres, als ins Paradies zu kommen? Moderator: Was ist besser, Frieden und volle Rechte für das palästinensische Volk oder Shahada? Walla: Shahada. Ich werde meine Rechte erzielen, nachdem ich ein Shaid (Märtyrer) bin. Moderator: OK Yussra, bist du auch dieser Meinung? Yussra, 11 Jahre: Sicher, die Shahada ist süss. Wir wollen nicht diese Welt, wir wollen das Leben im Paradies. Moderator: Liebst du etwa den Tod? Yussra: Der Tod ist keine Shahada. Moderator: Nein, ich meine die Leere nach dem Tod. Yussra: Kein Kind liebt den Tod. Die Kinder von Palästina akzeptieren es, dass die Shahada etwas Gutes ist. Jedes palästinensische Kind, etwa ab 12, sagt: Oh Gott, ich möchte ein Shahid werden. Moderator: Wir haben einen Anrufer, Sabrine aus Ramallah. Sabrine: Ayyat Al-Akhras war 17 als sich sich in die Luft sprengte. Moderator: Sabrine, bist du dafür oder dagegen? Sabrine: Sicher bin ich für Anschläge, das ist unser gutes Recht. Moderator: Sabrine, findest du es natürlich, dass Ayyat Al-Akhras sich in die Luft sprengt? Sabrine: Sicher ist das natürlich.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5726 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 6073 | Comments: 0
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Adorable, whimsical wearable art for kids as well as Retro Totes. One of a kind art and quite unique!! Pricing begins at $15 for these great wearable pieces
Added: 5728 days ago by joann9991
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 7245 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated presents a fun compilation of instances where animals have mistaken human as their own kind and attempted to mate with them.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5732 days ago by MadSportz
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 9235 | Comments: 1
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When the world's biggest hip-hop superstar decides to put on his first ever live TV concert from his hometown, it's kind of a really big deal. FUSE presents the historic performance to benefit the Kanye West Foundation. Kanye West - Live From The Chicago Theatre world television premiere Saturday July 25th at 8pm/7c exclusively on FUSE.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 5732 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 9851 | Comments: 1
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When the world's biggest hip-hop superstar decides to put on his first ever live TV concert from his hometown, it's kind of a really big deal. FUSE presents the historic performance to benefit the Kanye West Foundation. Kanye West - Live From The Chicago Theatre world television premiere Saturday July 25th at 8pm/7c exclusively on FUSE.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 5732 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 10541 | Comments: 1
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Clip Part 2 of 7 taken from movie Utopia featuring the track Save Us from the Utopia Album by Breck Stewart. Actors: Breck Stewart, Eric Deslauriers. The song is about our world which is a giant fabrication by human kind full of anger and hate but still redeemable through the power of love in the broadest sense possible.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5965 days ago by breckstewart
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 13104 | Comments: 1



[Tshawe Baqwa] Oooooh Put your loving hand out, baby I'm beggin Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out darling Ridin high, when I was king Played it hard and fast, cause I had everything Walked away, won me then But easy come and easy go And it would end [Yosef Wolde-Mariam] So I eight tama dj let me go Eight tama vj get me know Eight tama sekeey let me know But, I played that sj let me go I'm on my knees when I'm (beggin) Couse I don't want to lose (you) I got my heart on spett And I hope that my heart gets wet becouse I freak down a beck [Tshawe Baqwa] Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out darling [Yosef Wolde-Mariam] I need you, (yeeah) to understand Tried so hard To be your man The kind of man you want in the end Only then can I begin to live again [Tshawe Baqwa] An empty shell I used to be Shadow of my life Was hangin over me A broken man Without a throne Wont even stand the devils dance To win my soul [Yosef Wolde-Mariam] I am a chocen why am a chaisen Boutam boutam, boutam plasment Why me got got shit on the brayslett Why then feel for that need a replacement Your the wrong way track from the good I wanna picka pickta having a good in jet Like a audience inn a dest-way should You can even the way have it to took the tampt anna Keep losing on keep dosinn on keep Boss befor not a call for sure Keep hoe Couse I don't wanna live whit the broken home girl a neck [Tshawe Baqwa] Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your loving hand out darling [Yosef Wolde-Mariam] I'm fighting hard To hold my own No, I just can't make it All alone I'm holdin on I can't fall back Now that big brass ring Is a shade of black [Tshawe Baqwa] Beggin, beggin you Put your love in hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your love in hand out darling Beggin, beggin you Put your love in hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your love in hand out darling Beggin, beggin you Put your love in hand out baby Beggin, beggin you Put your love in hand out darling
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song  madcon 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6048 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 18265 | Comments: 2



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