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Search // think
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Now lets step back and look at this little mess we?ve got and all the rough spots dragging through the mud, dragging through the mud, dragging down. And these knees are products of instability, from you and me. Now lets step forward and figure out our next move, cuz you know I cant keep myself from loving you. But if its what I?ve gotta do oh I can bite my lip, spit out blood, and watch you leave. All I?ve got to do is wait it out. And all I?ve got to do is wait it out, oh im waiting out. Now before we go further theres just one thing that I?ve gotta say, so listen up. I?ve been waiting days and nights for something from you, to land on me. Oh please land on me. All I?ve got to do is wait it out. And all I?ve got to do is wait it out. And maybe I think that we?ve got it down, I know that its been rough but baby we?ve got sound. And if you feel the same way, I?ll write you a song every day. Just please don?t leave me here.
Tags // ryan  macdonald 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6236 days ago by xwindowxmakerx
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 6365 | Comments: 0



I dunno know how this turned into a Sasori tribute but it did. I think I still got my intent across in a twisted kind of way. I am frustrated that my processor is not faster.
Tags // naruto  sakura  dresden  dolls  anime  music  video  sasori 
Categories // Music  Cartoon 
Added: 6247 days ago by spearcarrier
Runtime: 5m5s | Views: 9379 | Comments: 3



A group of professional gamblers (by the way they suck at ping pong) bet on a match between the two worst players in the bunch. But it gets interesting as Kasy makes a side bet that is won on the last point of the game...or is it? Watch and let us know what you think
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Games 
Added: 6257 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 13047 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated



My bands industrial song God On My Side. Its a tribute to NINs Year Zero album and is very unique I think. But thats just me.
Tags // industrial  outlet  music  rock  metal  nin  tyler  sapp  year  zero 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6279 days ago by tylerspyder23
Runtime: 4m9s | Views: 13929 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



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