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Tornado and high winds are some of the most destructive forces of nature. While tornadoes are frequent in the Great Plains, South, and Midwest, there is no state in the country that isn’t at risk. As the nation’s largest property insurer, State Farm wants to make sure you and your family are prepared for the destructive and potentially deadly force of a tornado. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3661 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 1068 | Comments: 1
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Today, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) released a new report, “A Decade of Innovation in Rare Diseases,” to document the significant progress made in the last 10 years in understanding a broad range of rare diseases and translating this knowledge into groundbreaking therapies for a variety of patient populations. The report illustrates that more than 230 new medicines to treat rare or “orphan” diseases were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the last decade, and there are currently more than 450 orphan drugs in development. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3666 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 1025 | Comments: 1
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There is no better time for families to travel Europe than in 2015. Rail Europe, Inc., the largest distributor of European rail products in North America, is excited to announce that families traveling with many of the European rail passes will have access to free rail travel for children. This offering is now available on the Eurail Pass product line, in addition to the Swiss Travel Pass, German Rail Pass and BritRail Pass, thus further extending the options for affordable family travel this year. Train travel is the best way to relax and experience the European scenery while connecting to historic and culturally rich destinations. For families - it's comfortable, convenient, and now even more affordable. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3674 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1012 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated New rock song "We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve" is an emotional piece about domestic violence. Now that the Super Bowl is over, the NFL will have a chance to reflect on quite a year. Domestic violence was frequently at the forefront of the 2014-2015 season and unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Sarantos is proud to release this latest rock song. Violence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of power and domination in the forms of sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. The abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. “This a powerful rock song about domestic violence in our society today," says Sarantos. “It seems like this topic was in the news a lot in the last year between the NFL, Bill Cosby and so many other stories that made headlines. My heart goes out to the victims. I wrote this song to not only start a conversation on the matter but to hopefully help others find a solution. This is a hard rock song about a man who has made many mistakes in his life. He constantly takes emotional abuse from his partner. Somewhere along the way, he has lost his faith. Thru the words, the bruises and the blame though he stays right there... Why does he stay right there? I hope this song helps drive home the message throughout the world that domestic abuse is simply not ok.” 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Tags // sarantos  we  accept  the  love  we  think  we  deserve 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3681 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 1093 | Comments: 1
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Faith, a psychologist, flees a killer. She inherits a house near Cincinnati, her nightmare after finding her mother’s body hanging in the basement there 23 years. But it’s a place to hide. A killer has been murdering girls in the basement and targets Faith so she can’t end his fun. Thriller/Suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3688 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 943 | Comments: 0
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Once there was a time when men and women lived as equals, when girl babies were valued, and women could belong only to themselves. But that was ten generations ago. Now women are property, to be sold and owned and bred, while a strict census keeps their numbers manageable and under control. The best any girl can hope for is to end up as some man’s forever wife, but most are simply sold and resold until they’re all used up. Aya has spent her whole life in the mountains, looking out for her family and hiding from the world, until the day the Trackers finally catch her. The Glass Arrow is a haunting, yet hopeful, new novel from Kristen Simmons, the author of the popular Article 5 trilogy. YA/SciFi
Tags // glass  arrow  kristen  simmons  ya  a  handmaids  tale  slavery  women  article  5  trilogy  book  trailer  tor 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3692 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 1110 | Comments: 0



The official video for The Babys single "I see You There"
Tags // rive  video  the  babys  i  see  you  there  rock  alternative 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3693 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m24s | Views: 810 | Comments: 1



Scandal’s First Lady Mellie Grant won’t let anything get in the way of her ambition, but the actress behind Mellie, Bellamy Young, has a big soft spot for shelter pets. Young, her rescued cat, Sadie, and dog, Bean, are the stars of a new online video in the “Meet My Shelter Pet” series from The Shelter Pet Project. A campaign of The Ad Council, The Humane Society of the United States, and Maddie’s Fund®, The Shelter Pet Project showcases the unique bonds between shelter pets and their adoptive owners, and reminds viewers there are thousands of amazing shelter pets ready to meet them. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 3693 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 1169 | Comments: 2



Beat Mr. Green - M.O.PLyrics Time is the essence. I strive off my family there excellence, Christmas time with the presents, Learn the lessons, After the point of stressin, Rip a ballad, Like a salad with dressin, Confessin, My thoughts, Everyday, In a session, With god, He understands whats messing, In these doings, Thoughts keep spewin, Like an Egyptian ruin, I'll never fall, Don't speak to soon, Been at the lowest, Know what it's like to be the slowest, Don't matter, It's all about heart and devotion, Keeps me in the motion, Mind stays open
Tags // dan  slater  slatue  the  mix  up  slatuh 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3721 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 844 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated There are cars that get your heart racing – cars that go fast, look mean and deserve to be driven by rock stars. The Toyota MK3 Avensis is not one of those vehicles. The sensible hauler seems to be the perfect car for an accountant or librarian. Even though it isn’t the most inspiring machine, the Toyota does have many respectable qualities...See more
Tags // toyota  avensis  review 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3733 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 729 | Comments: 0
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Everyone loses hair, every single day. We see strands everywhere – the shower, in the brush, on our pillows. Thinning in women usually means a reduction in volume as well as less physical hairs on our head. As strands diminish in number, there is a lack of density. The American Hair Loss Association estimates that women make up roughly 40 percent of Americans experiencing thinning hair and the majority of women will experience some thinning by midlife – putting it right up with weight gain, dry skin and wrinkles. It is completely natural for hair to thin over time. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, we normally shed about 100 hairs a day. So, while 85-to-95 percent of the hair on your head is growing, the other 5-to-15 percent is in a resting stage. After “resting,” this hair falls out — often while you’re brushing or shampooing it — and is replaced by new growth. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3737 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 860 | Comments: 0
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The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) today released a national analysis of vehicle theft which compares annual statistics for thefts, population and vehicle registrations from 1960 through 2013. Just released FBI crime figures for 2013 show that 699,594 vehicles were reported stolen last year–a 58 percent reduction–from 1991 when vehicle theft reached an all-time high of 1,661,738. Over the years, the single-vehicle family–long the norm in America–became the exception as it gave way to families with multiple vehicles. In 1960, there were 74,159,209 vehicles registered across the nation whose population that year was 180,671,158. Registrations as a percentage of that population stood at 41 percent. In 2012, that figure increased to 80.8 percent as registrations climbed to 253,639,386 distributed within the nation’s 313,873,685 in population. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3744 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1057 | Comments: 0
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