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Results 241-252 of 286 for ' going ' (0 seconds)
Everybody loves a magic trick; watch street magician Dynamo trick people out of their spare change and cash right in front of their very eyes. It\'s all fun and games but what about if you weren\'t going to get that money back? Data Snatchers are doing this to you online.......
Tags // dynamo  data  snatchers  avg  canary  wharf 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5625 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 6196 | Comments: 0
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Lewis Hamilton and his crew discuss his accident at Monza as well as his predictions for the next race in Singapore. Lewis also looks ahead and speculates that next season he’ll be going for the win – from the first race to the last.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 5641 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 11758 | Comments: 2
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Three Upper East Side teens find that they have been tapped for The Secret Society, an elite order with roots going back to ancient Egypt. Once they accept Secret Society membership, they stand to benefit beyond their wildest dreams, with one caveat, once they get in, they can never get out. Secret Society Tom Dolby Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  Business 
Added: 5645 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 13181 | Comments: 3
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AIESECers going out
Tags // x 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5645 days ago by pluzhnikova_p
Runtime: 0m23s | Views: 4947 | Comments: 0



Going green is a dominant theme in home furnishings this year; some appliance makers are responding to the need with environmentally friendly appliances.
Added: 5648 days ago by NextpertNews
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 9246 | Comments: 1
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She was Karl Lagerfelds muse, on the title of Vogue and the face of Hugo Boss. Luca Gadjus knows what is important on the runways of the world: its all about the Walk. And in 2010 walking on high heels is still how it is going to be. For the topmodel this is not a problem. But, apart from forms and colors: one trend helps the ladies make their legs look longer: cushioning and plateaus. Here is what you have to look forward to in the shoe summer of 2010.
Tags // gds  shoes  trends 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5656 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 8791 | Comments: 3
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Vacation time is nearly over and the kids will be going back to school before you know it. Are they prepared? Are you ready? Lifestyle expert Katlean De Monchy has some solid strategies on how to give them a leg up once they enter the classroom.
Tags // intel  kumon  lg  diesel  apple  iphone  3gs  students  kids  school  teachers  parents  mommy 
Added: 5695 days ago by NextpertNews
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 11576 | Comments: 0
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First Steps!
Tags // walking 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5705 days ago by Daniyal01
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 5201 | Comments: 0



Midge loves going up to people and attempting to itch the base of her tail on her back with your body. The result looks KIND of like she's doing the reverse cowgirl on ya.
Tags // pug  geeky 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5710 days ago by reistrangelove
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 4386 | Comments: 0



A woman is going about her daily routine, cleaning out the living room. But wait something is not right here - would you put this accessory in your living room?
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5710 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 11620 | Comments: 0
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Duha, daughter of suicide terrorist, Reem Riyashi, sings to her mother Al Aqsa TV (Hamas) May 2007 Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me? Reem prepares bomb Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me? Mother hides bomb A toy or a present for me? Mommy Reem! Why did you put on your veil? Are you going out, Mommy? Come back quickly, Mommy Girl sees news about her mother's bombing My mother! My mother! Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us My love (for Muhammad) will not be (merely) words. I am following Mommy in her steps! My mother! My mother! (Picks up explosives in mother's drawer) My mother! My mother!
Tags // mommy  reem  duha  reem  riyashi  sings  mother 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5713 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 14083 | Comments: 2
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Children of suicide terrorist, Reem Riyashi, interview Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), March 8, 2007 -We are going now to the two children of Reem Riyashi, the Martyrdom-seeker, Jihad fighter, (mother of) Duha and Muhammad: Duha, do you love Mommy? Where did Mommy go? - In the Garden (Paradise). - What did Mommy do? - Martyrdom. - She killed Jews. Right? How many did she kill, Muhammad? What? How many Jews did she kill? How many? - Five (more)(
Tags // reem  kids  interview 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5713 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 10967 | Comments: 0
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