Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD, a heart surgeon, has written a number of books on the near-death experience and clearly shows from his own practice and the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is total love. He has written of many patients being resuscitated on the operating table and speaking about being in hell, where there was a real devil and demons, and where the inhabitants were tormented with fire. Dr. Rawlings writes that these people are a lot more reluctant to talk about it than those who went to the good place. DivineRevelations.info
Most people have digestive problems that create a variety of illnesses that we see as they age. The main problem is with the food that they eat. As has already been saying many times, we eat more junk, processed, and packaged food than our stomach can digest. We eat more meat and protein than we should. We drink more unusual drinks that are mainly sugar.
There is a lot of controversy and debate about whether you need to do a colon cleansing. Some say it is necessary and others say it's a waste of money and can do your body harm. You can imagine who it says it harms. Doctors say it's a waste of time and practitioners that offer a colon cleansing service cleansing say it is not. So who will you believe?
If this is the case with your thyroid, chances are that your thyroid is working below average in releasing its hormone, thyroxine. And, when you are under a lot of stress, your thyroxine may be used upon its way to your cells.
Despite a decrease in lung function as you age, recent studies by researchers have concluded that to slow down this decrease lung health, you need to continue to give yourself a good dose of,
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
When you go to a buffet, do you eat just about all the food you can and worry about the heartburn later? Just about everyone I see at a buffet or even a company potluck loads their plate with more food than their stomach can digest at one time.
Turmeric is a plant that has a very long history of medicinal use, dating back nearly 4000 years. Modern medicine has begun to recognize turmeric's importance, as indicated by the over 3000 publications dealing with turmeric that have come out within the last 25 years.
Part 2: Getting your book to press. Learn 7 easy steps to get your book printed. This video series will teach you all the needed information to self publish all in one place. Check here for part 1: https://youtu.be/6M7lJnxahIo
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Martial Arts of Shaolin. Check this traditional Double Melon Hammer Form. They are heavy and require much skills. This form is a traditional Shaolin Martial Arts Form done here by Douwe ter Horst.
A traditional form of the Twin Hooks also known as Tiger Hooks or Tiger Sword. Shuang Gou in Chinese. Douwe ter Horst from Zutphen in the Netherlands is performing this traditional Shaolin Kungfu Tiger Swords Form. Shaolin Martial Arts Twin Hooks form.
Shaolin Xiao Dao is a short Broadsword Form with much different moves. The form is very good for kids classes in Shaolin Martial Arts. Shaolin Xiao Dao means: Small, Little Sword. The form is demonstrated here by Douwe ter Horst from Zutphen the Netherlands
Zhui Feng Gun a Staff form of Shaolin Kungfu. Zhui Feng Gun means 'Wind Chaser Staff' 追風棍 This form is performed by Jean Luc Grandjean from Apeldoorn in the Netherlands.Martial Arts Shaolin Kungfu.