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Search // whiskey
Results 13-24 of 31 for ' whiskey ' (0 seconds)
The Rubens; a band from NSW comprising of three Margin brothers, Zaac, Sam and Elliott, and childhood friend, Scott Baldwin. Discover how they are inspired to write music in our latest video from the Jack Daniel's 1907 Nova 969 Red Room. In 1907 Jack Daniel entrusted his famous distillery to his nephew Lem Motlow. Lem soon introduced a white-labeled lighter version of Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey. We proudly continue this tradition with Jack Daniel's 1907, a Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, matured in the cooler areas of the barrel house and bottled at 74 proof. Since the whiskey does not work its way as deeply into the barrel wood it has a lighter, slightly sweet taste profile, while retaining the exceptional smoothness you would expect from Jack Daniel's. Jack Daniel's 1907 is the lighter, sweeter, easy drinking Jack. Enjoy the lighter side of Jack. These materials are intended for those above the legal drinking age, and should not be forwarded or shared with anyone under such age.
Tags // jack  daniels  1907  jd1907  the  rubens  the  preatures  nova  red  room  nova  969 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4058 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 1106 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 1996 Blues Rarities - The whiskey collection
Tags // sammy  vomacka  robert  johnson  love  in  vain 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4080 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 6m7s | Views: 733 | Comments: 0
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Following the success of the award winning Johnnie Walker Houses in Shanghai and Beijing, creative agency LOVE has now designed a third House for Diageo in Seoul. Just being launched, the super deluxe whisky embassy is described by LOVE in design terms as “The most ambitious Johnnie Walker House to-date”. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4144 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 2410 | Comments: 1
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Robert Johnson Project From: VA - Pactando Con El Diablo - Homenaje A Robert Johnson (2011)
Tags // edu  manazas  and  whiskey  train  robert  johnson  dust  my  broom 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4193 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 5m8s | Views: 1105 | Comments: 0
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Escape to the coast of Ireland in Carla Neggers’ July eNovella, Rock Point, free until August 31. After an unspeakable loss, Finian Bracken is out of seminary and leaving his homeland for coastal Maine when he encounters smugglers using his family’s whiskey distillery for their illicit activities. Learn more about this book here, Suspense Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4219 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m-0s | Views: 1242 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated BY WATCHING YOU LET US MERGE WITH YOUR DNA! This first video describes the Ancient origin of the group, Whiskey Reverb. This video shows the band in their inter-dimensional state as transient beings, responding to a disturbance in the universe. The group is called by a signal aboard vacant ship, where they discover the power of an ancient relic during a space hookah session. The boys are able to harness special powers from the relic and defeat the barbarian galactic army. Produced by Thomas Joesph Inglut @ Hylo Dekan Studios Whiskey Reverb track
Categories // Music 
Added: 4287 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 1142 | Comments: 1



Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey has named Tonya M. Evans of Lawrence, Kansas as the winner of the Grand Prize 2013 Rare Life Award. Eagle Rare will donate $30,000 to Evans’ charity, American Fallen Warrior Memorial Foundation ( Evans, who founded the charity in March 2011, is in the process of raising funds to establish a 20-acre, $30 million memorial honoring the memory of all military personnel lost since the first Gulf War and in Operations Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and all peripheral operations in the war on terror. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4361 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m2s | Views: 4966 | Comments: 0
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Si usted es como la mayoría de los consumidores, el ambiente económico actual lo debe tener pensando en su lista de compras navideñas. ¿Y qué mejor momento que ahora para empezar a pensar en cómo puede ahorrar y a la vezar el regalo perfecto? Martin Amado, experto sobre tendencias de consumo y estilo de vida reconocido a nivel nacional, tiene innovadoras ideas para regalos para ayudar a que su dinero le rinda en estas fiestas. Martin hablará sobre las últimas tendencias en regalos y cómo realizar sus compras dentro de un presupuesto y dará consejos sobre cómo evitar los errores más comunes en las compras navideñas.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4435 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m12s | Views: 3978 | Comments: 1
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Some of the world’s most famous whisky makers, Johnnie Walker, Bushmills, J&B and Talisker, have harnessed the creative talents of up-and-coming independent film makers around the globe to help inspire people to ‘raise a glass’ to their dads this Father’s Day. The whisky makers partnered with MOFILM, a global network of more than 45,000 film makers, to seek short films that pay tribute to fathers in a campaign called ‘Raise a glass to your dad’. MOFILM challenged 20 film makers to create a short piece that told the story of their relationship with their father and how whisky plays a part in that. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4622 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 7582 | Comments: 1
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Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey has named Edward E. Clark, Jr. of Waynesboro, Virginia, as the grand prize winner of the 2012 Rare Life Award. Eagle Rare will donate $20,000 to the Wildlife Center of Virginia, where Clark is president and co-founder, in his honor. The Wildlife Center of Virginia, founded in an empty barn in 1982, was originally established to care for local wildlife. In just 30 years, the Center has grown into one of the world’s leading teaching and research hospitals for wildlife and conservation medicine. Over the years, the Center has cared for more than 60,000 injured or orphaned animals, reached millions of people with its educational programs, and trained students and professionals from veterinary schools in the United States, Canada, and more than 40 other countries. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4728 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m-0s | Views: 10112 | Comments: 0
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A Marketing Consultant and an Orthotist from South Africa have won a global competition hosted by BUSHMILLS™ Irish Whiskey that will see the world-famous Old Bushmills Distillery 'go on tour' to a city in the Rainbow Nation. Jonathan 'Oros' Oliff, 28, from Durban and Sean Tickner, 30, from Cape Town were together chosen as the winners of 'Make it 2 Bushmills', winning two weeks working at the world-famous Old Bushmills Distillery, where they will make their own unique blend of BUSHMILLS Irish Whiskey, live in luxury penthouse accommodation and get £5,000 spending money. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 4915 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 6614 | Comments: 1
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Colum Egan, Master Distiller at the Old Bushmills Distillery, is set to launch a global competition - 'Make it 2 Bushmills' - that will see him take the world-famous distillery on tour. Colum is offering two friends the chance to work alongside him for two weeks, to learn the skills of whiskey-making that have existed in the Bushmills area for over 400 years, GBP5,000 spending money to share and the chance to stay in luxury accommodation on Ireland's north coast. Then he will pack up the best bits of the Old Bushmills Distillery to go on tour. Destination? The winners' home country. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5071 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m55s | Views: 7169 | Comments: 1
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