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Search // triumph
Results 13-19 of 19 for ' triumph ' (0 seconds)
Stefanie Sloane’s debut is spectacular. Smart, sensuous, and sparkling with wit, THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE is a triumph, Julia Quinn, New York Times bestselling author. In Stefanie Sloane’s smoldering new series of undercover seduction and adventure, a seasoned spy discovers passion is a dangerous game. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Historical Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5055 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 5109 | Comments: 2
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Once triumph saw the bike we built for fender guitars they new we were the ones build one of their bike.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5396 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 10830 | Comments: 0
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To mark World MS Day, today the National Multiple Sclerosis Society announced the culmination of the We Keep Moving journey, a 10-week reality road trip across America to chronicle the extraordinary lives of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) told by a documentary crew who have MS themselves. The Society initiated this campaign to capture unique personal stories of perseverance and triumph with the goal of uniting millions of people affected by MS and inspiring the general public with stories about people who might not ordinarily appear on their daily radar screens. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5417 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 6m33s | Views: 7325 | Comments: 1
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For the third year, Triumph International, one of the world's leading lingerie and shapewear brands, invites young students from world-renowned fashion schools to prove their creativity in an international design contest of the highest calibre. The winning designs from 29 countries will need to impress a prestigious international jury at the grand final, this year held in the fashion metropolis of London, as well as the worldwide online community at To view Multimedia News Release go to,
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5506 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 4656 | Comments: 0
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Hamas's notion of victory..
Tags // great  triumph 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5725 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 5922 | Comments: 0
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**WARNING* Some views maybe affected by this video Song: Understanding by Evanescence Featuring: Sam Owen (played by Louis Tamone) Andy Holt (played by Warren Brown) Dannii Carbone (played by Christina Baily) Russ Owen (played by Stuart Manning) Sophie Burton (played by Connie Powney) Mel Burton (played by Cassie Powney) Louise Summers (played by Roxanne McKee) Crossing the line: Lee Hunter held his presidential party, where both Sam and Andy attended as the pair were feeling the highs from last nights triumph adventure. Andy asked out fellow student Dannii Carbone at the party but she turned him down, as she was seeing Sam's brother Russ. Andys true colours soon emerged and Andy spiked Danniis drink with a GHB drug and then later on went on to rape her, wearing a condom (apparently because he 'cares') as he attacks her unconscious body. No going back: Andy Holt meets up with Sophie and Mel Burton who have come home early from a family holiday. The 3 start drinking together and Andy drugs Mel and Sophie's drinks with the date rape drug GHB. He then takes them back to their house which is empty, then brings his mate Sam Owen over, as he knows Sam fancies Sophie. He tells Sam that he's left Sophie as a present for him and leaves him alone with Sophie whilst he rapes Mel in Darlene's bed. But Sam doesn't want to rape Sophie and leaves her on the sofa. The following morning the twins wake up and realise what has happened so they call the police and get tested but they can't remember that it was Andy who they were drinking with. Mel's test comes up positive for rape whilst Sophies comes up negative. Louise Summers finds out what happened to them and tells them about how she was almost raped. She also tells them another person, Dannii Carbone, was also a victim like them and it was Andy who raped her. Back from the dead: Andy Holt appears and seduces Sam and Russ's younger sister Nicole Owen into going away with him to a seaside town. While there he sends a series of messages to the brothers who realise that Andy is alive when he send them a photo over the phone of him and Nicole on a funfair ride. Russ wants to call the police but Sam insists otherwise and they turn up at the warehouse. They don't see Andy and run in to Nicole unarmed, Andy attacks them with a metal pole breaking Russ's leg and badly injuring Sam. Andy then offers Sam his mobile telling him to call the police, Sam refuses shocking his siblings. Andy reveals that he isn't the only one that has used GHB and raped girls. Nicole and Russ are horrified as Sam admits to it and that he almost raped Sophie Burton his now girlfriend. andy then threatens to rape Nicole but Mel enters in time and knocks him unconsicious. She then forces him to take the GHB drug and ties him to a chair. While they waitfor the ambulance Andy spins a story of regret to Mel who relents until sees Andy laughing at how easily he will get off in court if he can make even one of his victims feel sorry for him. Mel is distracted and Andy tries to run away but disorientated by the drugs and still tied up he stumbles down to the basement. Sophie gives chase only to enter a room to find that Andy in the darkness has run straight into a metal spike part of the machinery. As he dies Sophie shouts insults at him.
Tags // hollyoaks  andy  date  rape 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5765 days ago by Ice1103
Runtime: 8m28s | Views: 27886 | Comments: 0
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Hong Kong Heroes, our tribute to the great spirits of Hong Kong brings you the second in a series of champions. This week we will introduce you to Jocelyn Chow and Vance Lin. They shared with us the ups and downs of their Gobi Desert crossing race. Listen their tales of challenges and triumph at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6145 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 8087 | Comments: 0
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