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Search // stanley
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Don't miss a second of the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Live coverage on VERSUS begins Wednesday, April 15.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5823 days ago by VersusNHL
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 9463 | Comments: 1
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What is better than the Rugby 7\\\'s and is at the Beach? The Hong Kong Stanley International Dragon Boat Championships of course! The festival is the craziest day Stanley sees all year and So-U.TV was there to catch every moment of of fun and mayhem. Take a look at the highlights at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6126 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 7700 | Comments: 1
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Support your beloved NY RANGERS as they continue to fight for glory in the 2008 Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Tags // ny  rangers  hockey  nyc  nhl  playoffs  stanley  cup  nj  devils  new  york  city  madison  square  garden  msg 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 6179 days ago by imaNYranger
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 11962 | Comments: 1



Support your beloved NY RANGERS as they continue to fight for glory in the 2008 Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Tags // ny  rangers  hockey  nyc  nhl  playoffs  stanley  cup  nj  devils  new  york  city  madison  square  garden  msg 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 6179 days ago by imaNYranger
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 7935 | Comments: 1



Support your beloved NY RANGERS as they continue to fight for glory in the 2008 Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Tags // ny  rangers  hockey  nyc  nhl  playoffs  stanley  cup  nj  devils  new  york  city  madison  square  garden  msg 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 6182 days ago by imaNYranger
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 8133 | Comments: 2
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Support your beloved NY RANGERS as they continue to fight for glory in the 2008 Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Tags // ny  rangers  hockey  nyc  nhl  playoffs  stanley  cup  nj  devils  new  york  city  madison  square  garden  msg 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 6187 days ago by imaNYranger
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 13392 | Comments: 2



Clubman comes to Hong Kong -Mini Cooper has chosen Hong Kong as the first place in the world to launch their new model Clubman. Music, celebrities, models and mini fans flooded Stanley Plaza for a full on party. Flamenco dancers, beat boxers, sword fights and a surreal carnival atmosphere took over the night. But nothing could steal the show from the unveiling of the new Clubman. Draped with beautiful women the cars were unveiled to a cheering audience while champagne flowed freely. Taiwanese boy band Lollipop provided another level of excitement as young girl fans screamed from outside the walls.
Tags // bmw  mini  cooper  clubman  hong  kong  artist  models  new  design  asia  artist  famous  cooper  s  party  images  brand  brand  new  dail 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 6349 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 10552 | Comments: 3



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