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The 6th forum has become a record-breaking one by every measure by gathering 18,200 participants from 98 countries. During three thematic day-long sessions on business, government and society, presentations of more than 650 speakers took place. Within the framework of the forum business program and in the press center 42 agreements were signed, including 24 partnership agreements with the Skolkovo Foundation. Notably some agreements deal with billion ruble infrastructural projects, such as, e.g. deploying the 5G network in Skolkovo, while other ones suggest direct investments of hundred million rubles, such as the agreement between VEB and IIDF amounting to 200 million dollars or the agreement between IBS company and “Skolkovo Venture – IT I” amounting to 100 million rubles. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2702 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m34s | Views: 912 | Comments: 2
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Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) has launched “Start Your Impossible” – a global corporate initiative that aims to inspire Toyota employees, partners, and customers and connect them with the company’s core beliefs. In an age of accelerating technological and environmental developments, “Start Your Impossible” marks Toyota’s commitment to support the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable society in which everyone can challenge their impossible. Toyota believes that mobility goes beyond cars; it is about overcoming challenges and making dreams come true. The “Start Your Impossible” initiative reflects these values and highlights the company’s goal to provide freedom of mobility for all. “We want to share this thinking with all stakeholders, including consumers, so that we can approach this challenge together,” said Toyota President, Akio Toyoda. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2719 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 1028 | Comments: 2
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The maker of Shell ROTELLA® engine oil is leading the effort to have the U.S. White House formally recognize the pickup truck as the “Official Vehicle of the United States.” To pay homage to the substantial role pickup trucks play in shaping our nation and working their way into all parts of our society, Shell is honoring the vehicle by leading a national Shell ROTELLA® campaign, entitled “Pickup Pride” which may forever change the way Americans view the pickup truck. “The campaign celebrates the achievements of hard-working Americans and highlights the pickup truck, which for almost a century, continues to support those who have given their blood, sweat, and tears to help build our country,” said Megan Pino, Global Brand Manager for Shell ROTELLA® engine oil. “The pickup truck exemplifies America’s resilience and the work it takes to continue to build our communities and support our farms, both which deserve to be recognized.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2733 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 733 | Comments: 1
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Blood cancers are the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. However, many Americans are unaware of the impact of these cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, which affect the bone marrow, the blood cells, the lymph nodes and other parts of the lymphatic system. A new survey commissioned by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) reveals more than four in five adults (82%) are surprised that blood cancers are the third leading cancer killer of Americans. Further, nearly four in five adults (78%) are surprised that acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in children and young adults under age 20. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2766 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m47s | Views: 810 | Comments: 1
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A year following the award-winning debut of its first original travel experience programming, Carnival Corporation & plc(NYSE/LSE: CCL; NYSE: CUK), the world’s largest leisure travel company, today announced at the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) Global Convention that its hit series have been extended for a second season on ABC stations and NBC. Season two of “The Voyager with Josh Garcia” premieres on NBC stations beginning Saturday, September 30. “Ocean Treks with Jeff Corwin” and “Vacation Creation with Tommy Davidson and Andrea Feczko” make their new season debuts on ABC stations the following week on Saturday, October 7. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // asta  travel  vacation  carnival  tv  shows  cruse  abc  ocean  season  2  multivu  8163551 
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Added: 2769 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 725 | Comments: 1
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The Dreaming Tree Wines, a California wine brand from award-winning winemaker Sean McKenzie and musician Dave Matthews, is proud to announce it has hit $1 Million in charitable donations to environmental organizations The Wilderness Society and Living Lands & Waters in support of reforestation and conservation, a goal it set out to achieve six years ago when the brand was launched. The Dreaming Tree began with a mission to create sustainably produced and packaged wines, as well as ensure that a portion of proceeds from every bottle purchased benefits organizations on the front lines of environmental conservation by planting trees and protecting the nation’s forests. “The more work we can do like this in towns and cities around the world, the more we can change the outcome of the future of those communities,” says The Dreaming Tree Wines co-conspirator Dave Matthews. “I really feel grateful that there are organizations like The Wilderness Society and Living Lands & Waters that can turn this into a reality.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2810 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 781 | Comments: 1
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When a life-changing diagnosis brings moments of uneasiness, a glimmer of hope can make all the difference in bringing solace. As hope comes in many forms, Extended Stay America® hotels, the nation’s largest owner operated hotelier, announced today the launch of the brand’s latest initiative in their continued support for the fight against cancer – the “Give Hope” program. A natural evolution of Extended Stay America’s partnership with the American Cancer Society, the “Give Hope” program provides a platform to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2905 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 659 | Comments: 0
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The Häagen-Dazs brand is helping to change the way ingredients are grown to better support bee populations by working hand-in-hand with its farmer suppliers. The internationally-recognized ice cream brand has installed one of the largest, privately funded pollinator habitats on the farmland of its almond supplier in California’s Central Valley. No stranger to helping the bees, the brand aims to impact additional ingredients used throughout its super-premium ice cream portfolio and positively influence sustainable agriculture practices. The “Häagen-Dazs Loves Honey Bees” program launched in 2008, and today is expanding from research and educational funding to hands-on initiatives that will rejuvenate pollinator habitats to allow native bees to flourish. Located in Chowchilla, California, the habitat consists of six and a half miles of hedgerow and 11,000 native drought-tolerant shrubs and flowering plants, impacting 840 acres of farmland. In order to supply what pollinators need, the Häagen-Dazs brand worked with expert agronomists and the Xerces Society to maximize the impact of the habitat by choosing regional plants that are attractive to pollinators. Looking forward, the team will work to create custom habitats for more of its ingredient suppliers who depend on bees to pollinate their crops. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2912 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 918 | Comments: 0
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The National Inventors Hall of Fame®, in partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), will host the Greatest Celebration of American Innovation on May 3-4 in our Nation’s Capital. Events will recognize and celebrate 15 pioneers who have significantly contributed to society through their scientific breakthroughs and patented innovations, culminating in a formal Induction Ceremony on May 4. This year’s class of Inductees includes innovators such as Iver Anderson (Lead-Free Solder), Marshall Jones (Industrial Lasers), Frances Ligler (Portable Optical Biosensors), and Howard Head (Laminate Ski; Oversized Tennis Racket), just to name a few. To view the full list of 2017 Inductees, visit: To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2951 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 899 | Comments: 0
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Klişe bir laf ama adamlar uzaya araç gönderirken, İslam dünyasında hâlâ dünya düz mü değil mi diye tartışılması gerçekten trajik. Bu tartışma birçok müslümana bile saçma gelecektir eminim. Ancak konu din olunca ve her şeyin ölçütü kutsal kitaplar olarak görüldüğünde, gerçeklerin orada yazanlara uydurulması bilindik bir durum haline gelmekte. İşte bu sebeple, 1975 yılında Suudi Arabistan'ın en önemli din otoritesi kabul edilen Şeyh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz tarafından Dünya'nın düz olduğu fetvası verilmiş ve buna inanmayanların dinsiz kabul edilerek, cezelandırılması gerektiği bildirilmiştir. Bugün, ülkemizde, hadisleri baz alarak Adem'in dinozorlarla aynı dönemde yaşadığını ve 30 m. uzunlukta olduğunu söyleyen biyoloji profesörlerimiz varken, dünyanın düz olduğunu söyleyen uzmanlar hiçbir müslümanı da şaşırtmamalı. ("Kuran'da Dünya'nın düz olarak geçtiğini söyleyenlere itirazınız var da, evrim yalandır diyenlere niye yok?" diye bir soru yönlendirilebilir kendilerine.) Şüphesiz buna inananlar sadece müslümanlar değil. 1956 yılında Britanya'da, Flat Earth Society (Düz Dünya Cemiyeti) adıyla, Dünya'nın düz olduğunu savunan ve bugün hala aktif olan bir organizasyon bile kuruldu. Bilim karşıtlığı hiçbir zaman popülaritesini yitirmiyor. Konuyla ilgili olarak aşağıdaki kaynaklara bakmanızı da tavsiye ederim: (İngilizce) (Zekeriya bin Mahmut el Kazvini'nin 16. yy'da Arapça'dan Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş astronomi kitabı Acaibul Mahlukat'tan alınan bu tasvirde, Dünya bir büyükbaş hayvanın üzerinde duran düz bir disk olarak tasvir ediliyor.)
Tags // video  super  ilginc  film  bilim  dunya  islam  duz  kutsal  kitap  kuran  din  yuvarlak  gunes  fetva 
Added: 3008 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 924 | Comments: 3
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FC Barcelona has organized a talk named Crossing Bridges, hosted by Aperture Foundation in New York. This talk was part of the promotional activities of the FCBARCELONA PHOTO AWARDS, which is the first one in its nature, initiated by a sports club and aiming at photographs that will best depict the positive values of sports for the society. The Awards expect participation of artists who use photography as a vehicle for artistic expression, professional photographers, as well as photojournalists. Rather than professional sports photography, The Jury will prioritize the submissions that show sports as it is practiced in daily life everywhere in the world. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3035 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 744 | Comments: 0
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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) today announced it has committed $40.3 million in new research investments to advance the most promising blood cancer science at leading academic and medical centers around the world, including Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston; Weill Cornell Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York; MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston; Fondazione Centro San Raffaele in Milan; and South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute in Adelaide. This $40.3 million investment, comprised of 75 new research grants in LLS’s portfolio of 300 projects, will fund a diverse array of research to find better treatments and cures for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancers. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3054 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 797 | Comments: 0
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