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Search // shooting
Results 13-24 of 49 for ' shooting ' (0 seconds)
funny shit...its a joke tho but it sounds like someones getting raped lol
Tags // call  of  duty  black  ops  ii  funny  videos  rape  xxx  sex  scream  yell  shooting  bomb  terrorist 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Comedy  Games 
Added: 4348 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 1545 | Comments: 2
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Wish upon a Falling Star (A Nation gone Bad)! Wishing & praying for a nation of Liberty and Justice, To replace a culture of wanting something for nothing! Knowing the truth will set you free, By trusting in the mighty strength of God with take you forward! Even though crushed to the bottom of moral decay, Even though it looks impossible to gain victory, God that will preserve those that seek Him! There is a time to stand up for righteousness, that is, Gods Righteousness and not our own devised corrupted self-imposed bent on evil self-righteousness! A spiritual war is upon us, A time to Pray for Gods Angles to take our side to fight our battles! Politicians can’t solve our problem and don’t know how to get us back to God, Somehow we think they can and then believe a lie! Is there life or breath in us yet? Can the true Church, the body of believers in Christ wake up? Is there anyone to stand up for God’s righteousness? We know in the last days there will be persecution of the Church but why not stand up for righteousness in this time before the coming of Jesus Christ? Will Christ come back for a lukewarm body of believers or to those that put on the full armor and breast plate of God? Even if we are in the End times, we still need to stand up for God’s Truth in a decaying age!
Tags // Wish  upon  a  Falling  Star  Song  Video,  Wish  upon  a  Star,  Falling  Star,  Shooting  Star,  Star  Song,  Christian 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4364 days ago by forhimforever
Runtime: 5m5s | Views: 12016 | Comments: 0



Mr. Cond 2 offers you an excellent graphics with diverse animation, pleasing music, advanced game player and handy control. Backgrounds will suit the most hard-to-please user, and the variety of enemies and fascinating levels will make your time gaming imperceptible, exciting and cheerful.
Tags // fun  game  sexy  games  games  action  games  shooting  games 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4439 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 824 | Comments: 1



but killing a security guard doing his job isnt a good simply attract a man hunt of cops after them shah
Tags // the  town  ben  affleck  funny  shooting  money  robbing  robbery  truck  bank 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Street 
Added: 4442 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 1053 | Comments: 3
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good old friends fight over a dumb problem when the keys dont work
Tags // grand  theft  auto  4  playstation  3  rockstar  games  gta  4  shooting  driving  laughing  lol  funny  videos  games  ps3  ps4  xbox 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Games 
Added: 4442 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 3882 | Comments: 2
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from land to water its their job to serve and protect
Tags // army  navy  usa  shooting  sniper  osama  seal  military 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4443 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 2637 | Comments: 1
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Do we need more gun control? More guns? More target gun control? With the Sandy Hook shooting fresh in our memories how can we make sure that this doesn't happen again? Arm teachers? Ban all guns? Watch the newest Meme Factory episode and find out, with just a tad of satire mixed in. Get Smart Fast. Want to see more of the Meme Factory? Check us out on; Youtube: Vimeo: Twitter: Facebook: Web: And our Podcast at Or on iTunes at the Meme Factory Podcast Check out my personal nonsense too at and Thanks for watching everybody! See you on the wire
Tags // gun  control  meme  factory  satire 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4454 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m17s | Views: 1069 | Comments: 0
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(Sandy-Hook, Connecticut Massacre Tribute) by GIO This song is dedicated to the 20 kids an 6 adults that got killed in the Connecticut school shooting ON DEC 14th 2012 that won't be around for Christmas. May this song bless them and their families. Here are the list of names of those who are now at peace with God: Charlotte Bacon - 6, Daniel Barden - 7, Olivia Engel - 6, Josephine Gay - 7, Ana Marquez-Greene - 6, Dylan Hockley - 6, Madeleine Hsu - 6, Catherine Hubbard - 6, Chase Kowalski - 7, Jesse Lewis - 6, James Mattioli - 6, Grace McDonnell - 7, Emilie Parker - 6, Jack Pinto - 6, Noah Pozner - 6, Caroline Previdi - 6, Jessica Rekos - 6, Avielle Richman - 6, Benjamin Wheeler - 6, Allison Wyatt - 6, Rachel Davino - 29, Dawn Hocksprung - 47, Anne Marie Murphy - 52, Lauren Rousseau - 30, Mary Sherlach - 56, Victoria Soto - 27, We apologize if there was anybody left out due to this horrific event as for it was short notice. Our condolences to the families MERRY  CHRISTMAS to the 26 innocent hearts. To contact GIO email him at
Categories // Music 
Added: 4468 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 3558 | Comments: 0
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Russian Accident
Tags // russian  accident  gun  shooting 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4534 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 3124 | Comments: 0
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M@gic$imp$on1 Production$ 2012 Undercover police officers, Magic Simpson and Chad Holland attend a blood member funeral who was killed in a gang driveby shooting at White Rock Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas on Darien Street. They were hired as the funeral security and must protect the church from the crip gang. Drae and Charlie respond to a street fight in process between two gang members. A blood and crip. Jenny whose partner was killed in a shootout with car theft suspects save a three month year old baby after a truck was on fire. The mother has died and the baby was rushed to Texas children memorial hospital for medical treatment where he almost died from his injuries. The war between bloods and crips will never end. If you are interested in reading what the characters are saying watch it on YouTube.
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4563 days ago by Magic123
Runtime: 7m2s | Views: 3582 | Comments: 1



Play instructions: put 2pcs AA batteries inside legs, switch on the power, Crawling Soldier Force Toy will crawling forward for a while, then stop and simulately shoot like soldier with gun in red lights and sounds, and continue crawling again...
Tags // crawling  soldier  force  toy  lights  sounds 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4586 days ago by huayiinc
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 3000 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



sexy teen mirror self shooting collections
Tags // sexy  teen  mirror  self  shooting  collections 
Categories // Sexy  People and Blog 
Added: 4630 days ago by selfshotss
Runtime: 5m37s | Views: 2704 | Comments: 1



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