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Results 13-24 of 96 for ' pick ' (0 seconds)
Put on your choker, bust out your portable CD player and dust off the pager because Zima’s back. For a limited time only, people can pick up a six-pack of the nostalgic beverage just in time for Fourth of July weekend. In 1994, Zima gave people “zomething” different by offering a first-of-its-kind crystal clear, malt-based, adult beverage that inspired a zillion brands to follow suit. By 2008, Zima bounced like a pair of cargo shorts, but it has remained a cultural ‘90s icon ever since. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2813 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 731 | Comments: 2
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Renault ZOE is the first car to be designed as an all-electric model. A city car ideal for everyday use, it boasts the latest technology. Renault ZOE ships with six world firsts, designed to make it an easy-to-drive connected car with significant range. Revealed at the Geneva Motor Show in 2012, Renault ZOE will be available in three versions (Life, Zen and Intens) at end-2012. Driving Renault ZOE is a new and enjoyable automotive experience. The wound rotor synchronous electric motor develops 65 kW with maximum torque of 220 Nm delivered instantly. ZOE combines strong acceleration and pick-up from the lowest engine speeds with a range of 210 km over an NEDC cycle. // Renault ZOE est la première voiture conçue pour être 100 % électrique et idéale pour les usages quotidiens. Cette citadine intègre la technologie la plus avancée à travers six premières mondiales au service de la simplicité d'utilisation, de l'autonomie et de la connectivité. Révélée au salon de Genève 2012, Renault ZOE sera commercialisée dans trois versions différentes (Life, Zen et Intens) fin 2012. Conduire Renault ZOE est une nouvelle expérience automobile, source de plaisirs. Le moteur électrique synchrone à rotor bobiné d'une puissance de 65 kW délivre instantanément un couple maximum de 220 Nm. Les accélérations et les reprises sont franches dès les bas régimes. Elle affiche par ailleurs, une autonomie de 210 km en cycle NEDC.
Added: 2833 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 863 | Comments: 3
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Starting this May, homeowners in Stockholm can access pay-per-use power tools for the garden, eliminating the need to maintain and store hedge trimmers, chainsaws and other tools that are used less frequently. The project is a pilot, and part of Husqvarna’s commitment to explore innovative and sustainable solutions for taking care of gardens and green spaces. The Husqvarna Battery Box, is a "smart", 8x3 meter, unattended container with 30 electronic lockers that store battery powered garden care products. Via an iPhone app, homeowners can reserve tools, get instructions, pay, and open the locker to pick up their pre-booked power tool. The "box" will be placed at Bromma Blocks, a shopping center 15 min west of Stockholm city. Renting a garden care product will cost 350 SEK a day (approx 35 Euros or 38 USD). To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2872 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 922 | Comments: 0
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Two all-electric vehicles fall short of meeting the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s awards criteria, but consumers who want to minimize gas consumption while also prioritizing safety can choose from two plug-in hybrids that earn the 2017 TOP SAFETY PICK+ award. The two recently evaluated all-electric models are the 2017 Tesla Model S and the 2017 BMW i3. The plug-in hybrid models are the Chevrolet Volt, whose award was announced in December, and the Toyota Prius Prime. To qualify for the 2017 TOP SAFETY PICK award, a vehicle must earn good ratings in all five crashworthiness evaluations — small overlap front, moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraints — and come with a front crash prevention system that earns an advanced or superior rating. The “plus” is awarded to vehicles that meet all those criteria and also come with good or acceptable headlights.
Tags // 2017  top  safety  pick  award  iihs  electric  cars  insurance  institute  highway  safety  electric  plug  in  tesla  i3  volt  prius  pr 
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Added: 2952 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 1162 | Comments: 2
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Consumers who choose a 2017 TOP SAFETY PICK+ award winner shouldn’t have trouble seeing the road on nighttime drives. Good or acceptable ratings in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s new headlight evaluations set the latest crop of qualifiers apart. Thirty-eight models earn the “plus” accolade, and 44 earn TOP SAFETY PICK. IIHS toughened the criteria for TOP SAFETY PICK+ to reflect new headlight evaluations launched in 2016. The recognition program is meant to encourage manufacturers to offer state-of-the-art protection for people in crashes, along with features that help drivers avoid crashes in the first place. In addition to good or acceptable headlights, the latter includes automatic braking technology, which has been part of the criteria since 2015. For both awards, models must earn good ratings in the Institute’s small overlap front, moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint tests, as well as an advanced or superior rating for front crash prevention with standard or optional autobrake. Headlights are factored in only for the top award.
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Added: 3007 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 640 | Comments: 2
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could you be the next marc jacobs beauty social media sensation? #castmemarc is back and this time it’s all about beauty. post a video on instagram telling marc what inspires you in beauty and fashion, and why he should pick you. make sure to tag @marcbeauty #castmemarc in order to be considered. this isn’t about airbrushed perfection – marc has always been known to find beauty in authenticity and imperfection. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3012 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m36s | Views: 780 | Comments: 0
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Drivers of vehicles with good small overlap front ratings from the Insurance Institute from Highway Safety can expect to be protected well in a frontal crash involving the left corner of the vehicle. But how would the passengers sitting next to them fare in a right-side small overlap crash? A new study shows that good protection doesn’t always extend across the front seat. The Institute conducted 40 mph passenger-side small overlap tests on seven small SUVs with good driver-side small overlap ratings. Only one of the vehicles, the 2016 Hyundai Tucson, performed at a level corresponding to a good rating, and the others ran the gamut from poor to acceptable. The results have prompted IIHS to consider instituting a passenger-side rating as part of its TOP SAFETY PICK criteria. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3175 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 787 | Comments: 1
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Think “muscle car” performance, and images of speed and power are more likely to come to mind than crash tests and safety ratings. Because no one buys a sports car to drive in the slow lane, the best all-¬ around occupant crash protection is crucial. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) recently put a trio of iconic sports coupes through their paces, and unlike more sedate sedans, none earns the scores needed to clinch a TOP SAFETY PICK award. IIHS evaluated 2016 models of the Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger and Ford Mustang in the full battery of crashworthiness evaluations. The Mustang comes closest to earning TOP SAFETY PICK, while the Camaro falls shortin one category and lacks an available front crash prevention system. The Challenger is most in need of improvement. To qualify for TOP SAFETY PICK, vehicles must earn good ratings in the small overlap front, moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint evaluations and have a basic-¬rated front crash prevention system. To qualify for the Institute’s highest award, TOP SAFETY PICK+, vehicles must earn good ratings in the five crashworthiness tests and an advanced or superior rating for front crash prevention.
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Added: 3205 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 970 | Comments: 1
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BJ’s Wholesale Club announces today that Members now have the option to “pick up and pay” at all of its 213 locations along the east coast. Stock up on seasonal necessities, set aside the best new electronics and tech accessories, or save the trouble of moving large, bulky items around the Club – this new service is aimed at Members who prefer to shop online, but favor the convenience and immediacy of in-Club pick up. In fact, in its annual year-end survey, the National Retail Federation found that while 86 percent of online shoppers find free shipping important, a significant 66 percent want the option of picking up their purchase at an actual store. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3238 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 865 | Comments: 0
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Three out of seven large pickup trucks evaluated by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety in a new round of crash tests earn an acceptable or higher rating for occupant protection in a small overlap front crash. IIHS evaluated two body styles of each 2016 model-year pickup — crew cab and extended cab. Crew cabs have four full doors and two full rows of seating. Extended cabs have two full front doors, two smaller rear doors and compact second-row seats. IIHS last year decided it would test the two most popular variants of large pickups instead of just one after discovering that the Ford F-150 extended cab lacked structural countermeasures that helped the crew cab earn the top rating of good in the small overlap test. The test replicates what happens when a vehicle runs off the road and hits a tree or pole or clips another vehicle that has crossed the center line. Ford improved the 2016 model F-150 SuperCab to clinch a good rating in the small overlap crash test, up from the 2015 model’s marginal rating. The F-150 is the only large pickup in the latest test group to earn the Institute’s top rating in the test. It joins the F-150 SuperCrew in earning a 2016 TOP SAFETY PICK award when equipped with Ford’s optional basic-rated forward collision warning system. Vehicles that earn a basic rating for front crash prevention plus good ratings in the small overlap front, moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint evaluations qualify for TOP SAFETY PICK. To qualify for 2016 TOP SAFETY PICK+, a vehicle must earn good ratings in the five crashworthiness tests and an advanced or superior rating for front crash prevention.
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Added: 3247 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 882 | Comments: 1
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Today at the AgVocacy Forum in New Orleans, Bayer recognized the 2016 Young Farmer Sustainability Award and Produce Innovation Award winners. The Young Farmer Sustainability Award was presented to Tyler Wegmeyer of Wegmeyer Farms, a commercial wholesale, u-pick and agritourism operation in northern Virginia. Amy Machamer and Hurd Orchards, a family-owned fruit farm in upstate New York, received the Produce Innovation Award. “We are proud to recognize two farmers who are committed to modern, sustainable agriculture and focused on strengthening the public’s connection with agriculture,” said Jim Blome, president and CEO of Bayer CropScience LP. “It’s an honor to work alongside people who are so passionate about their profession and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3287 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 755 | Comments: 0
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Nearly 50 vehicles meet tougher criteria for 2016 to take home the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s TOP SAFETY PICK+ award, earning good ratings in all five IIHS crashworthiness evaluations and an advanced or higher rating for front crash prevention. An additional 13 models qualify for TOP SAFETY PICK. The baseline requirements for both awards are good ratings in the small overlap front, moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint tests, as well as a standard or optional front crash prevention system. The 48 winners of the “plus” award have a superior- or advanced-rated front crash prevention system with automatic braking capabilities. These vehicles must stop or slow down without driver intervention before hitting a target in tests at 12 mph, 25 mph or both. Models with a basic-rated front crash prevention system, which typically only issues a warning and doesn’t brake, qualify for TOP SAFETY PICK. IIHS inaugurated TOP SAFETY PICK in the 2006 model year to help consumers home in on vehicles with the best safety performance. The TOP SAFETY PICK+ accolade was introduced in 2012 to recognize vehicles that offer an advanced level of safety.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3371 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 845 | Comments: 1
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