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Search // garage
Results 13-24 of 44 for ' garage ' (0 seconds)
Does your home have a garage? Does the door creak, squeak or groan when you open or close it? Bill Gibson, President of The International Door Association shares shocking results of a recent survey of homeowners with garage doors and provides maintenance tips that all homeowners should keep in mind.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4004 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 1268 | Comments: 1
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Auch wenn es diesmal bei uns nur einen milden Winter gab, einige Tonnen Streusalz und Splitt mussten dann doch auf die Straßen gestreut werden und haben ihre unerwünschten Spuren bis in die entlegensten Winkel an den Autos hinterlassen. Jetzt, wo auch die Blumen ihre Knospen aus der Erde recken, ist die richtige Zeit, sein Auto checken zu lassen. Eine gründliche Reinigung und Durchsicht in der Fachwerkstatt schaffen Sicherheit, denn die Spezialisten wissen am besten, was das Fahrzeug wieder frühlingsfit macht. Da außerdem bei verlässlichen Außentemperaturen über sieben Grad wieder die Sommerreifenzeit anbricht, können bei dieser Gelegenheit auch gleich die Winterräder demontiert werden. Eine gute Möglichkeit hierzu bieten die Marken-Werkstätten, die auch gleich Reifenprofil, Laufbild, Luftdruck und eventuelle Unwuchten kontrollieren. Verfügen die Sommerräder nicht mehr über die Mindestprofiltiefe, halten die Experten ein umfangreiches Angebot an passenden Reifen bereit. Wer möchte, kann aus einem großen Sortiment passender Kompletträder auch ein neues Design oder breiteres Format für sein Modell auswählen. Denn schließlich beginnt im Frühjahr auch die neue Modesaison. Besonders praktisch ist, dass die Winterpneus gleich in der Werkstatt eingelagert werden und so weder im eigenen Keller noch in der Garage Platz wegnehmen. Schließlich sollen dort besser die Fahrräder einsatzbereit stehen.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4026 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 1795 | Comments: 2



Come Spring 2014, engine experts with Briggs & Stratton Corporation (NYSE:BGG) are delivering homeowners the ultimate ground-breaking, space-saving solution for their garage: a gas-powered lawn mower capable of being stored upright at a one-hundred-ten degree angle. Briggs & Stratton Mow ‘n’ Stow™ engine technology is debuting on the Toro® Recycler® mower with SmartStow™ feature. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4073 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 1637 | Comments: 0
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This Oceanfast 123’ motoryacht carries 4 staterooms with an on-deck master. Having undergone a major refit in 2012 including a complete paint job she shows in excellent condition and ready to go cruising. Powered by twin MTU 8V396 TE94 with the W5's completed in 2012. Perseverance II offers the interior volume and exterior space comparable to much larger yachts. Niad stabilizers, KVH V-Sat television, on-deck master, sky-lounge, tender garage and spacious sun-deck, Perseverance II stands alone in her class. Under the present ownership, she has spent a considerable amount of time cruising the East Coast, Caribbean and Great Lakes.
Tags // yacht  luxury  yacht  boat  motor  yacht 
Added: 4114 days ago by 26northyachts
Runtime: 5m45s | Views: 1110 | Comments: 4
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In this video you can see, what kind of advantages you will have when you switch to CNG and how easy it is to fuel your CNG vehicle in your garage.
Added: 4232 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 1267 | Comments: 1
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In this video you can see, how easy it is to fuel your CNG vehicle in your garage. You will be almost independet from fueling stations.
Added: 4233 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 1344 | Comments: 1
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Wayne Dalton, a leading manufacturer of residential garage doors, recently introduced a new series of web videos featuring garage door selection tips to help consumers make the right choice to improve the look and value of their home. The six videos, now available on Wayne Dalton’s website, assist homeowners with the process of choosing the right brand and garage door by highlighting topics including curb appeal, materials, insulation, style and design. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4305 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 2007 | Comments: 1
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The Yankee Candle Company, Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer of premium scented candles, today announced the launch of two new fragrances and the return of three favorites in its popular limited edition Man Candles collection. Two new fragrances, MMM, Bacon! and Movie Night™, join Man Town™, First Down™ and Riding Mower™. The collection, launched last year to tremendous response, was created uniquely for men to be enjoyed in their “man town,” whether that is the den, the basement or even the garage. These limited edition fragrances will be available for purchase starting in May at more than 557 Yankee Candle retail stores, and select specialty retailers and gift shops. To celebrate the arrival of the collection, Yankee Candle is simultaneously launching a series of social media contests, offering consumers the chance to win samples of the Man Candles II collection. The brand is also encouraging fans to share their excitement on Facebook and Twitter by using the hashtag #MMMBacon. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4334 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 2548 | Comments: 2
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In diesem Video können Sie sehen wie Sie Ihren Wagen von Zuhause mit Erdgas volltanken können. Somit werden Sie unabhangig von öffentlichen Tankstellen.
Added: 4385 days ago by simongreen
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 928 | Comments: 1
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In diesem Video können Sie sehen wie Sie Ihren Wagen von Zuhause mit Erdgas volltanken können. Somit werden Sie unabhangig von öffentlichen Tankstellen.
Added: 4385 days ago by simongreen
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 898 | Comments: 1
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Overhead Door Corporation, the company that invented the upward-lifting garage door, introduces Garage Door Selection 101, a web-based video series that helps consumers make the best garage door choice for their home based on style, pricing and materials. Available at, the Garage Door Selection 101 series is the industry’s most comprehensive garage door selection and informational video series. The six videos walk homeowners through garage door choices, as well as other important aspects, like insulation benefits, how a garage door can enhance curb appeal and choosing a garage door brand. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4389 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 910 | Comments: 1
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Ihr findet das Spiel Garbage Garage unter Hier erfahrt ihr, wie ihr das kostenlos spielbare Onlinespiel Garbage Garage startet und spielt. Manage deinen eigenen Schrottplatz, zerlege Fahrzeuge in ihre Einzelteile und verkaufe den Schrott meistbietend.
Categories // Games 
Added: 4486 days ago by gamefee
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 1321 | Comments: 1
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