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Results 13-24 of 492 for ' education ' (0 seconds)
Astronaut Calls Split-Rock a Dog- Just Like Fake Dog Rocks at Disneyland. While the Astronauts are Working Behind the Disney Dog Shaped Split-Rock, the TV Camera Moves Around Looking at the Other Fake Dog Shaped Rocks Created by Disney Studios. This video as you hear & see it, is located for download at NASA site: Apollo 17 Video Library Geology Station 6 Journal Text: 165:18:56 ALL NASA FOOTAGE USED IN THIS FILM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN. THE USE OF ANY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS USED UNDER THE GUIDELINES OF "FAIR USE" IN TITLE 17 § 107 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. SUCH MATERIAL REMAINS THE COPYRIGHT OF THE ORIGINAL HOLDER AND IS USED HERE FOR THE PURPOSES OF EDUCATION, COMPARISON, AND CRITICISM ONLY. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED.
Tags // moon  hoax  astronaut  calls  split-rock  dog  fake  dog  rocks  at  disneyland 
Added: 1666 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 876 | Comments: 0
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Ceiling Stagehands Have Tech Problems With The Fake Cable Pull-up of The Lunar Module in The Nevada Fake Moon Bay. NASA video as you hear & see it, is located for download at NASA site: Apollo 17 Video Library Return to Orbit Journal Text: 187:33:14 Journal Text: 187:38:44 Journal Text: 187:44:24 ALL NASA FOOTAGE USED IN THIS FILM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN. THE USE OF ANY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS USED UNDER THE GUIDELINES OF "FAIR USE" IN TITLE 17 § 107 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. SUCH MATERIAL REMAINS THE COPYRIGHT OF THE ORIGINAL HOLDER AND IS USED HERE FOR THE PURPOSES OF EDUCATION, COMPARISON, AND CRITICISM ONLY. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED.
Added: 1666 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 829 | Comments: 0
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Tags // astronauts  pretend  photos  nevada  fake  moon  bay  hoax 
Added: 1666 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 3m22s | Views: 619 | Comments: 0
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LIFEWTR, the premium water brand that believes art is as essential to life as water, is committing to advancing arts education in schools nationwide as the foundation of where creativity begins. New research shows we are heading toward a creativity crisis in schools – 91% of American parents agree that arts education is important to teach children to think outside the box, yet 4 in 5 people say that arts education is not being offered as much as it once wasi. This week, in partnership with Americans for the Arts during its National Arts Action Summit, LIFEWTR announced its commitment to making every day vibrant by infusing creativity into schools across the U.S., reaching 10 million students through school and community beautification projects and arts education programming as part of its continued collaboration with Scholastic. “At LIFEWTR we believe that arts education plays an invaluable role in helping students achieve success and reach their full potential in school and beyond,” said Alexis Porter, Senior Director, LIFEWTR Marketing. “Students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievementii, which is why it’s more important than ever to #BringArtBackToSchools. Through our collaboration with Scholastic and Americans for the Arts, we are making a concerted effort to impact 10 million students nationwide through arts education programming and to preserve the critical source of where creativity begins, in our schools.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2185 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 943 | Comments: 0
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ATLANTA (January 29, 2019) – Leading early education and care provider Primrose Schools and its nearly 400 independently owned schools across the country joined forces for the most successful fundraising and volunteering year in the company's 36-year history. Through its Primrose PromiseSM CSR program, more than 63,000 Primrose children and their families engaged in giving efforts that generated more than $914,000 for local and national charities in 2018. These efforts represent a 16.8 percent increase over the company's 2017 impact. Primrose Promise gives Primrose team members, children and their families meaningful opportunities to make a difference in their communities. Primrose Promise efforts focus on three key impact areas – people, the planet and philanthropy – and help Primrose fulfill its mission to forge a path that leads to a brighter future for all children. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2221 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 938 | Comments: 0
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LONDON, 23 Jan., 2019 – Dell Technologies (NYSE:DELL) announces new additions to its portfolio of purpose-built technology designed to challenge, engage and inspire K-12 educators and students worldwide. This newest line of products, including an interactive monitor plus intelligently tough Latitude and Dell Chromebook devices and a new charging cart, helps educators integrate technology with new teaching and learning practices, while encouraging students to follow their own path of discovery. “Recent Dell Technologies research on Generation Z – those born in the mid-1990s and later – confirms our belief that for students to be successful now and in the future, educators must empower them to drive their own success and support them with tools and resources that ignite students’ natural curiosities,” said Adam Garry, director of education strategy at Dell. “These new devices enable both educators and students to inquire, create and collaborate seamlessly, wherever learning takes place.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2228 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 957 | Comments: 0
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The average walker takes about 10,000 steps per day, which can put tremendous stress on the 26 bones and 33 joints in your feet. The Look for the “O” campaign from the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) encourages consumers to take charge of their foot and ankle health and choose a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon when medical care is needed. “Most people don’t give much thought to their foot health – that is, until something goes wrong,” stated J. Chris Coetzee, MD, president of the AOFAS Board of Directors. “But 75% of all people experience foot pain at some point in their lives, and it’s important to know how to find the best medical care before a problem arises.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2276 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 1028 | Comments: 2
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U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: USX) ("U.S. Xpress" or the "Company"), a leading, national trucking company, today announced the launch of “Full Ride,” a college scholarship program for drivers and their families that is the first of its kind in the trucking industry. The U.S. Xpress Full Ride scholarship program provides U.S. Xpress drivers the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited school, Ashford University, at no cost in one of dozens of disciplines ranging from business and logistics to accounting or behavioral science. And, in a first for the trucking industry, children of U.S. Xpress truck drivers may earn their bachelor’s or master’s degrees from Ashford University as well, at no cost and courtesy of the company. Each driver may have a total of two family members enrolled in school at one time (either two dependents or the driver and one dependent). Dependents must be aged 17 to 26. The benefit will also be available to drivers working for Total Transportation of Mississippi, LLC, a subsidiary of U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2362 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 884 | Comments: 2
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Industry leaders attending the first Smart China Expo (SCE 2018) in China’s western city of Chongqing have articulated a new vision for how the world’s digital economy will evolve at the event’s Global Digital Economy Summit, a forum that brought together 650 participants under the theme “New Digital Economy, New Growth Engine.” Speakers projected a future in which Big Data reshapes the way businesses and governments operate, cooperate, and compete. New forces being unleashed by current innovations threaten to disrupt the existing economic growth models of many industries, as digital information will rise to the same status as land and capital as a key element of productivity. Meanwhile, governments around the world are building “smart infrastructure” as they seek to use technology to upgrade power grids, railways, ports and toll roads, and seek to integrate everything. Big Data technology also helps build “smart cities,” boost consumption, and improve social welfare programs ranging from education to philanthropy to healthcare. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2363 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 906 | Comments: 2
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In celebration of National Recovery Month, American Addiction Centers (AAC) announced today the launch of a nationwide campaign, 5 Misconceptions About Recovery: What We’ve Learned from Addiction Experts and Those in Recovery, to educate the public on the complexity of sobriety. The campaign also provides a comprehensive toolkit, which includes information on the stages of relapse, ways to support a loved one in recovery as well as a free paperback copy of CEO, Michael Cartwright’s book, Believable Hope. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2367 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 812 | Comments: 1
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Four students with four unique experiences, residing in three different countries. What do they all have in common? They have either completed or are on the path of completing the entire Kumon Math and Reading Program, which ends with critical reading and calculus. Their mastery of self-learning and ability to study above grade level has led them to achieve remarkable heights at such a young age. Meet Jessica, at 10-years-old she speaks six languages and dreams of becoming a fiction writer one day. Meet Elina, 14-years-old. She won a national architecture competition that asked students to design a model for future schools. Meet Etash, at 16-years-old he has already created and published two apps, won the 2017 Congressional App Challenge for Colorado and was invited to Washington DC by his congressman. Meet Jesica, 20-years-old. She is researching accessible and inexpensive solutions for diabetes—Mexico’s number one cause of death—in the diabetes lab at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2369 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 951 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Healthy weight loss solutions - video testimonial healthy weight loss solutions medical spa. Discover how to get motivated to be healthy by tapping into to your own power Next article Paleo, Gluten Free healthy weight loss solutions hobbs nm and Dairy healthy weight loss solutions hobbs nm Free Product Guide Healthy weight loss solutions fort wayne indiana Find this Pin and more on ilriecen by geri5039 |Loss Solutions Reviews Let's look at the 6 reasons why you are not losing weight Here at healthy weight loss solutions we are challenging you to do the 30 day squat challenge with us. how to get motivated to be healthy , how to get motivated to be healthy Start a Healthy Lifestyle in 2018. Get Healthy Weight Loss Solutions phone number in Rigby, Weight Control Services, Healthy Weight Loss Solutions Reviews. Healthy weight loss solutions reviews Motivation : Healthy Lunches About Fitness, Health And Body : - Fitness-fitnessmag. If fat loss is your goal healthy weight loss solutions medical spa,How Eating Right And The Right Exercise Will Better Your Health. Healthy Weight Loss Solutions Medical Spa *this video from YouTube has been aggregated from our Healthy Eating aggregator. Healthy weight loss solutions cost,We Bought This Ebook And Used It. Now, that you know of the common mistakes, let's move on to how to stay motivated for weight loss… Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article on how to stay motivated to lose weight in 7 simple ways or have any questions. The main problem people face when wondering how to stay motivated to lose weight is that motivation wears off, and temptation will always exist. How To » Health & Fitness » Exercise & Nutrition » Weight Management » How To Stay Motivated to Lose Weight. How to stay motivated to lose weight is something stressing many people. If you really want to lose weight in a healthy way there’s no way to escape from regular exercise and activity. Big fat weight loss lie (weight loss vs healthy weight loss).
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 2399 days ago by businessantony7
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 867 | Comments: 1
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