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Search // deserve
Results 13-24 of 37 for ' deserve ' (0 seconds)
The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a volunteer-powered charity dedicated to funding childhood cancer research, announces its Kids Are Special: Let’s Treat Them That Way national campaign. Focused on celebrating kids and giving them the happy childhoods they deserve, the campaign highlights the need for finding treatments that are specifically designed for kids with cancer. With this bold new initiative, St. Baldrick’s looks to change the narrative around pediatric cancers, by showing kids as their truest selves – fun-loving, carefree, refreshingly honest, and always a little goofy. St. Baldrick’s puts the emphasis back on kids, while disempowering the label of “cancer.” All communication is strategically designed to remind us all that as adults we have the power to give kids happy childhoods free from cancer by helping to fund the best research worldwide. The campaign includes TV, print, radio, digital, and billboard placements featuring real kids doing kid-like things; from playing with their food to getting caught with paint on their faces, all with the message: Kids Are Special: Let’s Treat Them That Way. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3416 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 766 | Comments: 1
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Retired Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel, actor and comedian Rob Riggle stars in the third installment of Easter Seals Dixon Center’s award-winning PSA series. Released today to coincide with Memorial Day, “What to Wear” uses light humor to highlight the strengths of returning veterans while reinforcing the valuable contribution they make in America’s workforce. “Changing the conversation about how Americans perceive veterans is really important,” says Riggle, with 20+ years of military service. “These are hardworking, dedicated, innovative people who deserve quality employment when they return home from their military service.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3598 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 919 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated New rock song "We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve" is an emotional piece about domestic violence. Now that the Super Bowl is over, the NFL will have a chance to reflect on quite a year. Domestic violence was frequently at the forefront of the 2014-2015 season and unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Sarantos is proud to release this latest rock song. Violence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of power and domination in the forms of sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. The abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. “This a powerful rock song about domestic violence in our society today," says Sarantos. “It seems like this topic was in the news a lot in the last year between the NFL, Bill Cosby and so many other stories that made headlines. My heart goes out to the victims. I wrote this song to not only start a conversation on the matter but to hopefully help others find a solution. This is a hard rock song about a man who has made many mistakes in his life. He constantly takes emotional abuse from his partner. Somewhere along the way, he has lost his faith. Thru the words, the bruises and the blame though he stays right there... Why does he stay right there? I hope this song helps drive home the message throughout the world that domestic abuse is simply not ok.” 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Tags // sarantos  we  accept  the  love  we  think  we  deserve 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3695 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 1097 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated There are cars that get your heart racing – cars that go fast, look mean and deserve to be driven by rock stars. The Toyota MK3 Avensis is not one of those vehicles. The sensible hauler seems to be the perfect car for an accountant or librarian. Even though it isn’t the most inspiring machine, the Toyota does have many respectable qualities...See more
Tags // toyota  avensis  review 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3747 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 733 | Comments: 0
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BACARDÍ rum, the world's best-selling and most awarded rum, announces its BACARDÍ Untameable Fan contest, whereby one worthy fan and a guest will win a trip to one of the countries whose team is playing in the final soccer match this summer. To prove they deserve the BACARDÍ Untameable Fan title, soccer buffs in the United States can share photos or videos of a prized possession they would be willing to sacrifice at for a chance to experience the final match surrounded by the most untameable fans in the world. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3928 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 1238 | Comments: 3
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America’s tradesmen: they build our homes, roads, businesses, and schools. They are the backbone of our functioning nation – and that’s why they deserve a national day of recognition according to IRWIN® Tools, a world-class manufacturer of a broad line of professional hand tools and power tool accessories. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4173 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m57s | Views: 807 | Comments: 1
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Do you really think you can hit me and put your baby in me and than just forget about me? I don't think so. I still love you. I say your name all the time over and over. Mohammad Kashif Wasi. You cannot continue to ignore me. You think I am a toy? You think because I was an office temp at Monsanto that I am your toy? I will come to Texas and we will have a life together without Samira. Just you me and the baby and I forgive you Kashif. Just treat me with respect, okay? I deserve at least that. Answer me when I call you and write to you and I won't keep having to make these desperate and pathetic videos. I hate myself right now okay look what you do to me Kashif I love you.
Tags // mohammad  kashif  wasi 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4280 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 875 | Comments: 0
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They stand out in a crowd. They have more fun. They always steal the spotlight. Blondes are a special breed—and they deserve special treatment. That’s why the John Frieda® Sheer Blonde® team is proud to appoint June as Blonde Appreciation Month—a time to celebrate what sets blondes apart and equip them with the expert care they need to preserve their signature shade. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4313 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1892 | Comments: 2
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What exactly happens to us after we die? Almost all of us have been challenged by this question. The existence of life after death is a universal question made by mankind. Do we simply exist? Do all go to the same place or to different places? Is there really a heaven and a hell? Accordingly to the Bible, Jesus took the punishment that all of us deserve and sacrificed his own life. Visit:
Tags // life  after  death 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4366 days ago by jacksparrow
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 707 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated MLM Lead System Pro - MLSP. Social proof goes along way and you will get social proof on exactly how MLM Lead System Pro - MLSP can help you in your network marketing business so you no longer have to chase around your warm market. Discover how you can generate leads every single day, and get the training you deserve to build a successful mlm business. Contact Bill or Michelle at 214 662 2841.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4633 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 9m33s | Views: 6866 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated is the world's leading website and newsletter to help you discover how to find and create the missing pieces that will enable you to live your ULTIMATE life! The Burst of Hope videos are part of Ginny Dye's gifts to the world. This intro video lays the ground work - with many more coming your way!‬Please join us on this magnificent journey to lead the life you have always dreamed of, the life you deserve. Sign up today to receive your free twice-weekly newsletter and your free copy of 101 Ways to Give to YOURSELF! This powerful e-book will make you feel better about your life immediately! I guarantee it! I look forward to being in your world! Ginny Dye
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4717 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m3s | Views: 3846 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated is the world's leading website and newsletter to help you discover how to find and create the missing pieces that will enable you to live your ULTIMATE life! The Burst of Hope videos are part of Ginny Dye's gifts to the world. This intro video lays the ground work - with many more coming your way!‬Please join us on this magnificent journey to lead the life you have always dreamed of, the life you deserve. Sign up today to receive your free twice-weekly newsletter and your free copy of 101 Ways to Give to YOURSELF! This powerful e-book will make you feel better about your life immediately! I guarantee it! I look forward to being in your world! Ginny Dye
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4717 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 9m19s | Views: 3926 | Comments: 0
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