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Search // comic
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Ejemplo de voz en off para video corporativo de locutor ingles britanico en Madrid Edward Olive con estudio propio para grabacion de locuciones. Locución grabada en home studio con Rode Videomic Pro, FiiO, Audacity y Toshiba SATELLITE P875 Harmon Kardon. Edward Olive es un locutor y actor nativo inglés británico nacido en 1970, residente y autónomo en Madrid España, que propone servicios de locuciones para todo tipo de proyecto audiovisual. Además de ser locutor y actor Edward abogado inglés y ex profesor de derecho y ofrece una voz a la vez neutra de narrador de clase media corporativa seria y también cálida y amable de 35-50 años para videos de empresa y venta, campañas de anuncios televisivos, programas de viaje, e-learning y para apps de tabletas y teléfonos móvil. Además de una voz estándar de locutor corporativo, como actor Edward tiene a sus disposición una gran variedad de personajes, acentos regionales y actuaciones que se puede adaptar para crear todo de papeles de personajes de diferentes tamaños y edades tanto serios o dramáticos como cómicos para video juegos, cuentos infantiles, voces para maquinas tragaperras, dibujos animales etc. Edward Olive dispone de estudio propio para grabar locuciones en Madrid centro y de desplaza a los estudios y productoras de sus clientes para colaborar con directores de proyectos. Edward Olive is a native British English voice-over artist and professional screen actor resident and legally self employed in Madrid Spain. As well as professional voice over actor Edward is a UK solicitor (attorney / lawyer) and ex law lecturer and offers a neutral middle class educated professional corporate narrator voice which is at the same time serious and professional and also warm and approachable in its tone and delivery, perfectly adapted for all sorts of audiovisual projects including corporate & sales videos, television advertising campaigns, travel programs, tablet & mobile phone apps and e-learning. As a professional actor Edward also offers a range of characters which can be adapted to clients\\\\\\\' projects that can include age changes, bodies of large and small size, regional accents and voice variations. Various roles can be played from the serious or dramatic to the light and comic for videogames, slot machines & one arm bandits, children\\\\\\\'s stories and cartoons. Edward has his own studio in Madrid and also offers the possibility of collaborating with clients and directors in their studios in Madrid to suit the clients\\\\\\\' need best. Websites:
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4180 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 2406 | Comments: 0
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Set in the near future, V.E. Schwab exciting debut novel VICIOUS brings to life a gritty comic-book-style world in vivid prose: a world where gaining superpowers doesn’t automatically lead to heroism, and a time when allegiances are called into question. Learn more about this book and author Fantasy
Tags // vicious  tor  fantasy  comic  book  superheroes  v  e  schwab  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4199 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1397 | Comments: 0
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Tags // captain  underpants  comic  comedy  kids  humor  kids 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4207 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1581 | Comments: 1
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Happy 420 From ClownTown.TV! Enjoy as Comic Brett Walkow sits down for a one on two schooling about weed from his mom and dad.
Tags // brett  walkow 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4335 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 1559 | Comments: 0
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Readers' Favorite provides authors with a FREE review of their published or unpublished book, manuscript, eBook, audio book, comic book or poetry book.
Tags // free  book  reviews 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4339 days ago by arijit2012
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 2590 | Comments: 0
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Based on the celebrated comic book arc, this epic action-adventure takes Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), the most iconic character of the X-Men universe, to modern day Japan. Out of his depth in an unknown world he faces his ultimate nemesis in a life-or-death battle that will leave him forever changed. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his physical and emotional limits, he confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle against his own immortality, emerging more powerful than we have ever seen him before.
Tags // the  wolverine  brand  new  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4349 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1918 | Comments: 0
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Paddy O'Gorman visits an Irish Social Welfare Office. I think it was in my hometown of Tallaght. This is a test animation made in After Effects. I heard this segment on Pat Kenny's RTE radio show about people applying for Community Welfare grants in Tallaght, Dublin and besides annoying me at how these people just take, take, take I thought it would be a perfect basis to try out animating in After Effects CS5. These characters/this style will be fine tuned for the Agent Zorlax animated short. Please comment if you have any tips, I know I messed up here and there.
Tags // comic  novel  games 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Cartoon 
Added: 4363 days ago by Clamnuts
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1543 | Comments: 2



Local theatre company, North Shore Players, presents Ben Elton\\\'s first West End success and 2nd play sandwiched between his other stage work \\\'Gasping\\\' and \\\'Popcorn\\\'. Although first performed in 1991 at London\\\'s Haymarket Theatre, Silly Cow, is still very relevant in today\\\'s celebrity obsessed culture and will keep you either laughing or on the edge of your seat throughout. This is the first production staged by North Shore Players and is an ideal summer\\\'s evening of entertainment providing the very best of Elton\\\'s comic stage work. Come along, support some local new talent and indulge in some of the funniest theatre you\\\'ll experience this year! Cast: • Sidney - Jonathan Callinan • Doris - Claire Buckley • Peggy - Claire Wingfield • Douglas - Matt MacDougall • Eduardo - Dane Dawson Director - Lynne Davis Dates & times: Thursday 7th - Saturday 16th March, 8pm at The Rose Centre, Belmont. Matinee: Sunday 10th March at 2pm. No Mon performances. Tickets: $25 adults, $20 seniors and students. Group discounts (10+ seats) available. Bookings: Ph. Richard at The Rose Centre on 445 9900 or email Visit for more information.
Tags // silly  cow  ben  elton  jonathan  callinan  claire  buckley 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4409 days ago by petersalina702
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2259 | Comments: 0
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The trailer for my LEGO themed comic / Graphic Novel 'Mister Amperduke'. It is a book told without any words through 2000 individual panels. Mister Amperduke has a LEGO-like city in his basement where the inhabitants are sentient creatures beneath their LEGO minifig shells. Check this Lego comic at and Amazon
Tags // comic  novel  games 
Categories // Funny  Cartoon  Games 
Added: 4410 days ago by Clamnuts
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 1625 | Comments: 2



Togetherness takes on a whole new meaning as Kings Dominion announces plans for a multi-million dollar addition to its children’s area, Planet Snoopy. This 7-acre expansion will make Planet Snoopy the world’s largest PEANUTS™ themed children’s area when it debuts in the spring of 2013. Planet Snoopy will boast at least 12 new and re-themed attractions based on one of the most beloved comic strip characters. The attractions, designed for families to ride together, include an opportunity for a family to take to the skies in a balloon ride, twirl around in classic tea cups with a new twist and hop aboard a PEANUTS™- themed railway. When the expansion is complete, Planet Snoopy will span nearly 14-acres. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4557 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 3482 | Comments: 1



pig gets tempted...
Tags // comic  pig  devil  temptation 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Cartoon 
Added: 4607 days ago by ami4
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6223 | Comments: 2



LG Electronics USA, keeping true to its “Life’s Good” mantra, teamed up with Legendary Pictures at Comic-Con International last week to showcase innovative HD mobile devices and CINEMA 3D Smart TVs, bringing Legendary Pictures’ movies to life for hundreds of thousands of comic-book, film and television fans. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 4613 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m36s | Views: 3405 | Comments: 3
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