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Search // opening
Results 217-228 of 229 for ' opening ' (0 seconds)
Casino Royale 007 James Bond … DVD Out Now win a trip to Venice
Tags // 007  daniel  craig  bond  casino  royale  opening  titles  abertura  james  bond  007  chris  cornell  you  know  my  name  p 
Added: 5974 days ago by utopian
Runtime: 8m51s | Views: 8800 | Comments: 2
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How to fry one hundred sausages in an hour? Or how to make my restaurant booking in the future? The answers to questions like these can be found at the Hogatec fair in Düsseldorf. Every other year representatives from the world of gastronomy and hotel sector present the latest industry trends and developments. Crucially, the issue of interior design figures prominently in these presentations
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5999 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 8984 | Comments: 0
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NBA Madness, the NBA’s interactive basketball lifestyle event, brings the fun and excitement of the league for fans of all ages via hoop games, dance performance and special appearances by NBA talent, NBA Madness Opening Ceremony, featuring special appearance of Jason Kapono, forward of the Toronto Raptors, please see it all in
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6006 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 18542 | Comments: 0



A fanfilm from the tv series Smallville in the style of the show's weekly ritual of presenting a few minute long cliffhanger at the beginning before rolling into the opening credits. Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan are hanging out at the Kent Farm when disaster unexpectingly strikes.
Tags // smallville  lois  lane  chloe  sullivan  clark  kent  superman 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6023 days ago by carlyspade
Runtime: 5m43s | Views: 6823 | Comments: 2



Cool video of hot new fashion designer Kira Plastinina surfing. She's been everywhere lately, hanging out with Chris Brown, Esmee Denters, Audrina Partridge and opening stores in the US. I saw her on TRL She's pretty good in this clip but still wipes out at the end!
Tags // kira  plastinina  danity  kane  making  the  band  chris  brown  with  you  gossip  girl  leighton  meester  blair  waldorf  the  hills  au 
Added: 6047 days ago by nina3
Runtime: 0m13s | Views: 15776 | Comments: 2



Opening show of the 2008 Olympic Games in China.
Tags // olympic  games  beijin 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6051 days ago by nsovideouploader
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 7611 | Comments: 0
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Now or Never is the opening musical number and first single from the Walt Disney Pictures film, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, and is the first song off the High School Musical 3 soundtrack.
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song  high  school  musical  3 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6068 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 4m2s | Views: 12863 | Comments: 0



'Second Time Around' (released 13th October) is an anthology of ten blues, country / modern Dixie and jazz tracks all delivered in Nell's sassy and vibrant yet elegant and sexy style. A woman of many musical talents, she not only writes and sings but also plays electric, acoustic and twelve string guitars as well as the dobro and cello on the record. Renowned for her live shows, Nell has already supported KT Tunstall and lined up opening slots for the Counting Crows this July. Also famous for her vocal ability, she has a reputation for entertaining with a playful rock `n roll lure yet still warming even the coldest of hearts.
Tags // nell  bryden  modern  dixie  blues  jazz  new  york 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6074 days ago by zestpr
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 8519 | Comments: 0



LOOP!STATION was formed in July 2002 by Sam Bass and Robin Coomer almost by accident. Robin asked Sam if he would come and play some cello at her upcoming photography show. He convinced Robin to join him and his new favorite tool the loop station. After going to the music store and getting her own, they only had two rehearsals before the opening thinking they would only play one show. But after an overwhelming crowd response and sixty five new emails on a list, they decided to play again, and again... Their first c.d. 'conversations with water' was released in July 2003 with amazing response. Suddenly what had started out as an escape for these two classically trained musicians from their respective rock bands, (Deadweight and Birdsaw) and the pressures of writing the 'perfect' 3:30 second pop song, had turned into an escape for their listeners as well. LOOP!STATION sample themselves live and 'loop' the parts creating honest and unique compositions. The shows are intense and captivating. When you get the album home and it sounds just like the show you just saw, it becomes very apparent that LOOP!STATION is operating in a world all its own, a world that is really freaking awesome...Visit LOOP!STATION at
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 6137 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 7320 | Comments: 0



The brother in the video is no more.A young Bengali fatal decision. A decision with the wisdom of Allah has caused his death in age of 22. He lived and he struggled to reach, to be a good Muslim. He had many talents and many weaknesses. Allah chose him to help Da'ee Ahmed Moait to design the website You can go to lets smile number three under the name of aliens opening from Allah. You will hear his life story and a message from the age of 20. Please listen and spread this news. Make dua for him so he may be granted jannat-ul-ferdous, amin. May Allah grant him acceptance and kabul of his work.To watch the complete video visit
Added: 6142 days ago by noora1
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 8846 | Comments: 1
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The Columbine Cause by Evan Long raises questions about the April 20 1999 attack on Columbine High School which have gone unaddressed or unanswered by corporate and state media including Why do counts of the ballistics evidence charts yield totals far greater than the three hundred odd shots officially stated by law enforcement officials to have been fired Why did students and teachers inside the school during the attack describe up to a dozen distinct shooters some of whom some of them were able to identify by name as neither Eric Harris nor Dylan Klebold Why were the people of the world told that the attack was a wake up call when some Columbine students knew it to have been the big rumor for up to two years in advance There is much more to the story of the attack on Columbine than has been widely made known
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 6201 days ago by evanlong
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 9622 | Comments: 1
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Allan Rich s testimony: divination, voyance, third eye opening, spells casting, Near death experience, occult, black magic, were the pratices I speak about and their dangers. The complete non edited video on
Categories // People and Blog  Webcam  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6207 days ago by allanrich
Runtime: 9m33s | Views: 10496 | Comments: 1



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