To help kids make healthful dietary choices, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration encourages kids to Read the Label!
The Nutrition Facts Label is a simple tool available on food and beverage packages. It lets kids know exactly what they’re eating and helps them choose and compare snacks and other foods. The earlier they start using the Nutrition Facts Label, the sooner they’ll be making choices that keep them feeling great and promote long-term good health!
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De costa a costa, miles de familias necesitadas se han beneficiado de las donaciones de leche hechas al Proyecto Alimento: Leche para America, el primer programa nacional cuya meta es entregar la tan deseada y rica en nutrientes leche a familias necesitadas.
Desde abril, Feeding America se ha asociado con las compañías lácteas y los granjeros productores de leche para el Proyecto Alimento: Leche para America. Esta iniciativa hace que sea fácil donar leche a las personas de la comunidad que la necesiten, gracias a un simple “clic” del “ratón” ( o un mensaje de texto ( envíe la palabra “Milk”al 27722 ). Pero todavía queda mucho más trabajo por hacer para poder entregar leche a los más de 46.5 millones de estadounidenses que reciben ayuda anualmente de Feeding America.
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Are you the fan of Pokemon MMORPG?
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Gamer fans of massive multiplayer online role playing games have reason to be excited at the moment. If you are waiting for POKEMON MMORPG game, this is the best place you've landed. Never before has there been so many great games out and so many interesting prospects in the making. POKEMON MMORPG is competing with Games like GTA, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed. World of Warcraft led the rise of MMORPGs and is still going almost as strong as ever, but there are many new titles on the way who could challenge that throne. Developers are experimenting and tweaking their formulas. Pokemon MMORPG is one of the most awaited MMORPGS.
Horseshoe Casino Baltimore celebrated its grand opening in style with a star-studded celebration to welcome Baltimore’s most influential citizens to Charm City’s newest attraction.
The opening night festivities began with a special gathering for dignitaries in the casino’s outdoor entertainment plaza and included remarks from Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and the Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Revelers were treated to awe-inspiring vertical dance performances by BANDALOOP, pyrotechnics and music as the evening’s festivities kicked-off. In a nod to Baltimore’s history, a series of banners depicting great moments in the city’s past were unfurled during the course of the opening ceremonies. A final banner proclaimed the evening as Baltimore’s lucky night, officially marking the opening of Horseshoe Casino Baltimore.
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Jockey International, Inc. announces a new marketing campaign under the platform “Supporting Greatness” which features historical greats Babe Ruth, Buzz Aldrin and George Patton. The iconic underwear brand tapped its rich history of superior products and high-profile fans to showcase the legacy of great men who were supported by Jockey during their remarkable careers.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to We all want eccomerce success! Watch this video to find out what the top 5 sources for success are. You will find ways to to increase traffic to your site, build trust with your customers and of course make more money!
A list of great French creations would have to include the crepe, the
Eiffel tower and the pencil sharpener among other things. France is
also known for producing the Scenic, one of the best-selling MPVs in
the UK, with over 4.3 million sales since its debut in 1996...See More