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Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus Upps die Pannenschau
Categories // Funny  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5920 days ago by Blacky11859
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 15290 | Comments: 1



Das ist ein Ausschnitt aus Upps die Pannenschau
Categories // Funny  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5925 days ago by Blacky11859
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 15616 | Comments: 1



Das Gespräch - Fassung 1 - mit Achsprung, der erste Kurzfilm von mir. Es geht um die Unterhaltung von 2 Leuten.
Tags // kurzfilm  selbstfilm  trash 
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5926 days ago by joerg50679
Runtime: 5m51s | Views: 11540 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated



Das sieht übel aus.
Tags // truck  lkw  strasse  crash  unfall  accident 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 6007 days ago by Thunder88
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 13518 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated



T.I. - Swagger Like Us Lyric: (M.I.A. Sample) Hook Repeats 2x no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us [Kanye West] Mr. West is in the building swagger on a hundred thousand, trillion Ayo I know I got it first I’m Christopher Columbus, y’all just the pilgrims Thanksgiving do we even gotta question Hermes Pastelle I pass the dressing My attitude is tattooed that means permanent so I guess i should address it, huh? My swagger is mick jagger every time I breathe on the track I asthma attack it Why he’s so mad for, why he gotta habit cuz I slaved my whole life, now I’m the master Na-Na-Na, How it feel to wake up and be the shit and the urine Na-Na-Na-Na-Na Trying to get that Kobe number, one over Jordan (M.I.A. Sample) no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us [Jay-Z] cheaaa No one on the corner gotta bop like this can’t wear skinny jeans cuz my knots don’t fit No one on the corner gotta pocket like this so I rock Roc jeans cuz my knots so thick You can learn how to dress just by jocking my fresh jocking jocking my fresh jocking jocking my fresh Follow my steps, it’s the road to success where the niggas know you thoro and the girls say yes But I can’t teach you my swag you can pay for school but you can’t buy class School of hard knocks I’m a grad and that all-blue yankee is my graduation cap, it’s Hovaaaaa!!! Dipping different rovers whipping with the soda Hovaaaaa!!! Could u even have any doubt after doubt if its over (M.I.A. Sample) no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us [Lil Wayne] No one on the corner has swagger like moi, Church but I’m too clean for these boys I require what I desire I got stripes, A-di-das Mami scream papi no mas Run up in your shit just me no moss Runnin this shit like I got four thighs none has swagger like this four gods! When it comes to styles I got several sharper than a swagger, dagger all metal And my jew-elz blue and yellow the type of shit that make em call you Carmelo Rules as follows stay true to the ghetto write your name on the bullet make you feel special Haaa!!! What the f**k you boys talking about? I know its us cuz we the only thing you talk about (M.I.A. Sample) no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us (and I’m done) no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us (bye!) no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us no one on the corner have swagger like us swagger like us, swagger swagger like us [T.I.] yea ha! ya think? thats right You go see Weezy for the wordplay, Jeezy for the birdplay, Kanyeezy for di
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song  ti  lil  wayne  kanye  west 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6034 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 5m37s | Views: 14774 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated



Ein starkes Zeugnis das zeigt, wie real GOTT ist, dass JESUS LEBT,...
Added: 6144 days ago by benandi
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 11644 | Comments: 1



Frequenzzähler mit CMOS
Tags // cmos  frequenzz?hler  patent 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 6214 days ago by KarlErhartitsch
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 4734 | Comments: 0



Herr Momsen ist ungefähr so, wie sein Name klingt: ein bisschen stur, ein bisschen altmodisch, und ganz schön frustriert. Am meisten nervt ihn dieses Internet-Gequatsche. Denn Herr Momsen führt sein Verlagshaus seit Menschengedenken mit Erfolg -- ohne einen Cent im Netz zu investieren. Trotzdem wacht Herr Momsen manchmal nachts auf, und hat Zukunftsängste. Ist dieses Internet vielleicht doch spannender, als er es sich vorstellen kann? Um das rauszufinden, macht Herr Momsen sich auf den Weg.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6283 days ago by MRFCato
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 11905 | Comments: 0



Trailer zum mega amateur Filmprojekt mit Crews aus ganz Deutschland!
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6375 days ago by Jabman81
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 11141 | Comments: 2



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