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Search // 8
Results 217-228 of 420 for ' 8 ' (0 seconds)  It's a race to the finish! The winner bust be the first to take off a tire and put another on using a Compressed Air Impact Wrench.Dimensions: 10'W x 5'Deep x 8'H (1 Power Circuit)
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4330 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m19s | Views: 1932 | Comments: 0
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Volkswagen startet 30 Jahre nach seinem Markteintritt in China in eine Phase nachhaltigen Wachstums. Im Zuge des Ausbaus der Fertigungskapazitäten investieren die beiden chinesischen Joint-Ventures des Volkswagen Konzerns bis 2015 mehr als zwei Drittel von insgesamt 9,8 Milliarden Euro in hocheffiziente Produkte. Der für China zuständige Vorstand der Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Prof. Dr. Jochem Heizmann, präzisierte am Vortag der Auto Shanghai 2013 die auf den chinesischen Markt zugeschnittene Elektromobilitäts-Strategie. Es sei geplant, von 2014/2015 an Fahrzeuge mit elektrifiziertem Antrieb anzubieten, die zum Teil lokal produziert werden. Bereits 26 Modelle des Konzerns sind von staatlicher Seite als besonders energiesparend und umweltschonend anerkannt worden. Volkswagen habe den verbrauch seiner in China derzeit mehr als 70 Modelle umfassenden Flotte zwischen 2005 und 2010 um 20 Prozent reduziert und werde ihn bis 2015 um weitere 11 Prozent senken.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4330 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 1032 | Comments: 1
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Use your skills and precision to control the RAINDROP down the window, it\\\\\\\'s easy to play just tilt your device left or right. *****How far can you get before the time runs out???***** Collect the different power-ups for extra speed along the way or for additional time, but make sure you avoid the bugs!!! FEATURES Use the accelerometer to control the raindrop Fun and addictive, keep playing until you beat your score!! Leaderboard of highest scores Challenge your friends, who\\\\\\\'s the best? Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and have a boast to everyone! Background rain sound effect will keep you nice and relaxed use these promo codes for free download 9KAYJPPXRHEX KXALEAFT3PJY JJYXNMJWMAMT WNLLE3P6AFLX PRELL9PKPTPR MP3HT39ATTRM 93WHMAKPYTXE 7NAFEF3XYJAR 7WAJTK43JHLR ARJ7W3AA637R EK3RP6RL6466 FMYAMETNANN3 FW3XW9NERNAR HKYTPWYKNLAL 74KFH7LRH3PE KJLXMPFLP9P4 EXHJJHJEPY4L FH446XLTM3NM 4KY47AMW7WPL WPT9HJ39EMJX APP Store :=
Tags // raindrop  rush  running 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4332 days ago by raindroprush
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 3394 | Comments: 0



NFL PLAY 60, the National Football League’s youth health and fitness campaign, is the new “Official Champion of Play” at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, the global leader in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other deadly diseases. To commemorate this new milestone in the ongoing partnership between the NFL and St. Jude, a St. Jude patient will join NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on stage to announce a pick during the first round of the 2013 NFL Draft. The NFL Network and ESPN will televise live coverage of the NFL Draft beginning at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 25. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // st  jude  childrens  research  hospital  nfl  play  60  kids  cancer  child  life  health  multivu  58566 
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 4333 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 871 | Comments: 0
      L’école de Hockey de la capitale (EHC) offre des camps de hockey pour l’été dans un Encadrement Professionnel avec personnel spécialisé. Hébergement inclus sur le Site de l’université Laval. À Partir de 550 $ par semaine incluant l’hébergement pour le camp de hockey et 350 $ sans hébergement. Pour garçons et filles de 5 à 18 ans. 8 programmes différents sont offerts: Patinage de puissance, Maniement de la rondelle, maniement et tir, aspect collectif, Stage Élite (AA-BB-CC), Programme Général, Gardiens de buts.
Tags // ecole  de  hockey  camp  de  hockey  ecole  hockey  capitale  ecole  hockey  hockey  camp  hockey  camp  de  hockey  ete  camp  de  hockey 
Categories // Games  Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4335 days ago by oolongmedia
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 960 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Top 8 Reasons To Use The Metal Refinery NO FEES to assay or refine Fully insured Federal Express shipping directly from your business SAME DAY GOLD REFINING / SILVER REFINING Up to 99.2% Payout * X-RAY ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY Diamond Program In-house metal trading, which enables you to lock in your metal price at any time
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4348 days ago by eliasradie3
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1304 | Comments: 0
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At last, add zing to blogs and emails with hand written words and pictures. Create, format, view, email, and BLOG HTML documents with images. Enjoy COMPATIBILITY with GOOGLE DOCS formatting, including images, text formatting, colors, etc. Take notes. We want all of our customers to be happy. If you have any questions about this app before you purchase it (and after!) feel free to email us at We would be happy to answer your questions. ALSO, please see videos at for a quick overview of using Blog Docs. BLOGGING Create great looking formatted blog posts online (or offline and post later) that include * Handwriting * Drawing * Images and backgrounds * WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and any blog that supports email Upload, Download & Edit Google Docs and Microsoft Office Word with Blog Docs ipad app. Edit and create HTML and Blog Post with with Blog Docs ipad app.
Tags // google  docs  google  docs  editor  wordpress  blogger  tumblr  app 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4352 days ago by blogdocs
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1631 | Comments: 0



At last, add zing to blogs and emails with hand written words and pictures. Create, format, view, email, and BLOG HTML documents with images. Enjoy COMPATIBILITY with GOOGLE DOCS formatting, including images, text formatting, colors, etc. Take notes. We want all of our customers to be happy. If you have any questions about this app before you purchase it (and after!) feel free to email us at We would be happy to answer your questions. ALSO, please see videos at for a quick overview of using Blog Docs. BLOGGING Create great looking formatted blog posts online (or offline and post later) that include * Handwriting * Drawing * Images and backgrounds * WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and any blog that supports email Upload, Download & Edit Google Docs and Microsoft Office Word with Blog Docs ipad app. Edit and create HTML and Blog Post with with Blog Docs ipad app.
Tags // google  docs  google  docs  editor  wordpress  blogger  tumblr  app 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4352 days ago by blogdocs
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 1793 | Comments: 0



At last, add zing to blogs and emails with hand written words and pictures. Create, format, view, email, and BLOG HTML documents with images. Enjoy COMPATIBILITY with GOOGLE DOCS formatting, including images, text formatting, colors, etc. Take notes. We want all of our customers to be happy. If you have any questions about this app before you purchase it (and after!) feel free to email us at We would be happy to answer your questions. ALSO, please see videos at for a quick overview of using Blog Docs. BLOGGING Create great looking formatted blog posts online (or offline and post later) that include * Handwriting * Drawing * Images and backgrounds * WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and any blog that supports email Upload, Download & Edit Google Docs and Microsoft Office Word with Blog Docs ipad app. Edit and create HTML and Blog Post with with Blog Docs ipad app.
Tags // google  docs  google  docs  editor  wordpress  blogger  tumblr  app 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4352 days ago by blogdocs
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 1577 | Comments: 0



At last, add zing to blogs and emails with hand written words and pictures. Create, format, view, email, and BLOG HTML documents with images. Enjoy COMPATIBILITY with GOOGLE DOCS formatting, including images, text formatting, colors, etc. Take notes. We want all of our customers to be happy. If you have any questions about this app before you purchase it (and after!) feel free to email us at We would be happy to answer your questions. ALSO, please see videos at for a quick overview of using Blog Docs. BLOGGING Create great looking formatted blog posts online (or offline and post later) that include * Handwriting * Drawing * Images and backgrounds * WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and any blog that supports email Upload, Download & Edit Google Docs and Microsoft Office Word with Blog Docs ipad app. Edit and create HTML and Blog Post with with Blog Docs ipad app.
Tags // google  docs  google  docs  editor  wordpress  blogger  tumblr  app 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4352 days ago by blogdocs
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1634 | Comments: 0



Dream Killa- Starring actress Cathy Doe (Passions). Shot and Directed by Terry Gingles. Produced and shot by Actor/Writer/Producer Eugene Byrd (Bones, 8 Mile). Song by Rapper/Singer/writer/Producer Tha Vill. This video was shot with the Iphone 4s using the KitCam app. Story by Terry Gingles, Song written and performed by Tha Vill. Music Produced by Malbeatz
Tags // apple  iphone 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4356 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m28s | Views: 949 | Comments: 0



An app for hiding your private notes and photos on your phone! There are some things that you just want to keep private. While there are plenty of apps that let you store information on your phone, very few of them take their own steps to ensure the privacy of your information. Once a person gets past your lock screen, your life is wide open, including the private things you’ve saved for yourself. With this app, you can access your private notes and photos by drawing your secret signature on the screen. No password prompts or buttons that would give away the existence of your secret area. Even your most private information remains safely locked away from prying eyes. You can store passwords, banking information, ID numbers, intimate photos and more. Only you can access the hidden content by drawing your signature shape anywhere on the screen. Once unlocked, your notes are readily available to you. Anyone that doesn’t know your signature will simply see a list of “dummy” public notes with zero indication that a password is even required. There is no password prompt. Only you know that a special signature is needed.
Tags // secret 
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4369 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 4m11s | Views: 1202 | Comments: 1
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