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Too many children in India are unable to realize their potential due to poverty and malnutrition. Under-nutrition is a grave problem that hits children the hardest affecting survival and even their participation in education. With an aim that no child should miss out school due to hunger, this organization provides food for education(mid day meal) to 1.3 million school children every day in India. Donate online just Rs.750 and feed a child for one whole year to continue their education. Know more about Akshaya Patra: Support us by feeding a child : Follow us via social media:
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4144 days ago by webadmin
Runtime: 2m32s | Views: 1752 | Comments: 0
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Ejemplo de una clase del curso de coach de voz inglés con profesor de ingles británico nativo y locutor Edward Olive escuela de inglés para un profesor especializado en clases para actores, arte dramático, preparación para presentar videos corporativos como presentador o presentadora, grabar voz en off para locutor o locutora, aprender un acento inglés de Gran Bretaña - Reino Unido - Inglaterra, coaching para dar presentaciones, participar en reuniones en inglés, ingles corporativo, inglés de negocios o ingles juridico en Madrid España. Academia de ingles en Madrid con clases personalizadas de inglés con Edward Olive coach de voz en ingles para clases de técnica, fonética, hablar en público y locución. Las clases se imparten con máximo dos alumnos por clase con lectura en voz alta, ensayos y grabaciones de las locuciones de los alumnos, con aspectos técnicos como postura, vocalización, respiración, naturalidad, control vocal, posicionamiento ante micrófonos, lectura anticipada, hábitos vocales y técnicas de arte dramático. Escuelas británicas en Madrid capital y la comunidad de Madrid. Example of class from course with British English language vocal coach & voiceover teacher Edward Olive British voice coaching school in Madrid Spain English academy for actors, actresses, voiceover artists, company executives, lawyers and companies to help with presentations, meetings and public speaking and preparing corporate videos. Acting and drama classes for actors, actresses and voiceover talent. British schools in Madrid.
Tags // english  free  class  madrid  spain  lesson 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4145 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 6m16s | Views: 1053 | Comments: 3
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Ejemplo de una clase del curso de coach de voz inglés con profesor de ingles británico nativo y locutor Edward Olive escuela de inglés para un profesor especializado en clases para actores, arte dramático, preparación para presentar videos corporativos como presentador o presentadora, grabar voz en off para locutor o locutora, aprender un acento inglés de Gran Bretaña - Reino Unido - Inglaterra, coaching para dar presentaciones, participar en reuniones en inglés, ingles corporativo, inglés de negocios o ingles juridico en Madrid España. Academia de ingles en Madrid con clases personalizadas de inglés con Edward Olive coach de voz en ingles para clases de técnica, fonética, hablar en público y locución. Las clases se imparten con máximo dos alumnos por clase con lectura en voz alta, ensayos y grabaciones de las locuciones de los alumnos, con aspectos técnicos como postura, vocalización, respiración, naturalidad, control vocal, posicionamiento ante micrófonos, lectura anticipada, hábitos vocales y técnicas de arte dramático. Escuelas británicas en Madrid capital y la comunidad de Madrid. Example of class from course with British English language vocal coach & voiceover teacher Edward Olive British voice coaching school in Madrid Spain English academy for actors, actresses, voiceover artists, company executives, lawyers and companies to help with presentations, meetings and public speaking and preparing corporate videos. Acting and drama classes for actors, actresses and voiceover talent. British schools in Madrid.
Tags // english  free  class  madrid  spain  lesson 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4145 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 6m9s | Views: 1670 | Comments: 1
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Ejemplo de una clase del curso de coach de voz inglés con profesor de ingles británico nativo y locutor Edward Olive escuela de inglés para un profesor especializado en clases para actores, arte dramático, preparación para presentar videos corporativos como presentador o presentadora, grabar voz en off para locutor o locutora, aprender un acento inglés de Gran Bretaña - Reino Unido - Inglaterra, coaching para dar presentaciones, participar en reuniones en inglés, ingles corporativo, inglés de negocios o ingles juridico en Madrid España. Academia de ingles en Madrid con clases personalizadas de inglés con Edward Olive coach de voz en ingles para clases de técnica, fonética, hablar en público y locución. Las clases se imparten con máximo dos alumnos por clase con lectura en voz alta, ensayos y grabaciones de las locuciones de los alumnos, con aspectos técnicos como postura, vocalización, respiración, naturalidad, control vocal, posicionamiento ante micrófonos, lectura anticipada, hábitos vocales y técnicas de arte dramático. Escuelas británicas en Madrid capital y la comunidad de Madrid. Example of class from course with British English language vocal coach & voiceover teacher Edward Olive British voice coaching school in Madrid Spain English academy for actors, actresses, voiceover artists, company executives, lawyers and companies to help with presentations, meetings and public speaking and preparing corporate videos. Acting and drama classes for actors, actresses and voiceover talent. British schools in Madrid.
Tags // english  free  class  madrid  spain  lesson 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4145 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 1000 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Connect School of Languages is based in Toronto, Canada. We provide English lessons using a modern teaching style that incorporates the iPad, Digital Textbooks, Apps, Videos, Blogs, Social Media - many different forms of communication. Contact us today to learn more about how we teach English as a Second Language.‎‎‎
Tags // teacher  the  blouse 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4165 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 995 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Connect School of Languages is based in Toronto, Canada. We provide English lessons using a modern teaching style that incorporates the iPad, Digital Textbooks, Apps, Videos, Blogs, Social Media - many different forms of communication. Contact us today to learn more about how we teach English as a Second Language.‎‎‎
Tags // teacher  vs  teacher 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4165 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1031 | Comments: 0
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Golden Girl Betty White proves age is just a number as she gives us the old school version of Air New Zealand's in-flight safety. Watch and be in to win a trip for 2 to either sunny Palm Springs USA or spectacular Hanmer Springs in New Zealand. You and a friend could enjoy Air New Zealand's ageless comfort as you fly to either Palm Springs or Queenstown for 7 nights of rest and play including planned activities and a rental car. Click the web address above to enter.
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4168 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 2290 | Comments: 1
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theres a monster under my bed
Tags // matt  damon  the  good  shepherd  robert  di  nero  war  funny  mommy  bed  school 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  People and Blog 
Added: 4170 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 987 | Comments: 4
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A new daily custom is sweeping across the country as more than 100,000 children at Childtime, Tutor Time, Children’s Courtyard, La Petite Academy and Montessori Unlimited schools nationwide are taking time out of their busy schedules for a dance break. It’s the latest addition to Grow Fit, the comprehensive health and fitness program introduced a year ago throughout Learning Care Group’s family of schools. The Daily Dance Break can happen any time and take many forms as children and teachers alike find creative ways to practice and enjoy their healthy new habit. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4172 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 1331 | Comments: 2
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In an effort to educate and empower parents to speak to their children about bullying, a new series of television public service advertisements (PSAs) are launching today as an extension of the Be More Than a Bystander campaign. The PSAs are being distributed nationwide to coincide with Bullying Prevention Month. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4173 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 1461 | Comments: 1
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Categories // Music 
Added: 4180 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 2190 | Comments: 0



The legend of thai massage and medicine began more than two centuries ago at Wat Po-a temple which also became Thailand\\\\\\\'s first ever university. Wat Po is a bastion of Thai medical heritage and thai massage, and with astonishing foresight the founded the Wat Po Traditonal Medical School more than 60 years ago.
Tags // phothai  bangkok 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4192 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 3451 | Comments: 1
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