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With September marking the kickoff of the pro-football season and National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the Urology Care Foundation and the National Football League (NFL) teamed up to release a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) focused on educating men about prostate cancer and encouraging them to join the Know Your Stats® campaign. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 4177 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2527 | Comments: 2
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Domestic violence happens 145 times every hour in the U.S. It affects more women than breast cancer, lung cancer and ovarian cancer combined. As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, The Allstate Foundation has partnered with actress Rosario Dawson for the Purple Purse campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and the role finances play in helping survivors break free from violence. In its third year, The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse campaign has pledged to donate up to $350,000 to the YWCA for programs that help domestic violence survivors gain the financial knowledge and resources needed to live independently. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4178 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 2173 | Comments: 1
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The Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign is proud to announce its 2013 global Campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and beyond. The 2013 theme, “Let’s Defeat Breast Cancer. We’re Stronger Together.”, is a call-to-action that will serve to shift public focus from awareness to increased action, advancing us further towards eradicating breast cancer from our lives. To date, The BCA Campaign has raised more than $48 million to support global research, education and medical services. This year’s BCA Campaign is committed to raising $5 million to support breast cancer research, education and medical services worldwide. Action doesn’t happen alone. When we join together…We’re Stronger Together. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4178 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 813 | Comments: 1
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Today’s superheroes don’t drive a Batmobile or fly through the air faster than the speed of light. Their capes are white lab coats and their superpower is the ability to cure. They are men and women researching cures for childhood cancer – the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the U.S.1- which is vastly underfunded.2 Starting today, Northwestern Mutual is giving consumers the chance to honor childhood cancer researchers and kids who are fighting cancer, by raising research funds through a new Facebook campaign, Heroes for a Cure. The Northwestern Mutual campaign aims to raise $50,000 – equal to 1,000 hours of research – in September, which is National Childhood Cancer Month. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4205 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 2406 | Comments: 0
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To coincide with the start of a new school year and Attendance Awareness Month, the Ad Council and U.S. Army are releasing a series of new public service advertisements (PSAs) addressing the importance of regular school attendance in middle school in order for students to stay on course to graduate high school. Created pro bono by Publicis Kaplan Thaler, the PSAs illustrate the fact that every absence, in any grade, excused or not, can negatively impact a child’s academic achievement and put their high school graduation at risk. To help parents keep track, two tools are being offered on the campaign website: a “Text2Track” mobile SMS program and a redesigned Attendance Calculator. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family 
Added: 4212 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 2194 | Comments: 1
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Sixty percent of Americans self-reported they currently do not have a family emergency plan in case of a natural disaster or other emergency, according to a 2013 national survey conducted by the Ad Council. To encourage parents to engage their children (ages 7-12) in a conversation about preparing for emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Ad Council unveiled a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) as part of their Ready Kids campaign. The PSAs are launching in advance of the tenth annual National Preparedness Month (NPM). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4212 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 829 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Reward of fasting the six days in Shawwal after Ramadan -
Tags // fasting  the  6  days  of  shawwal  shawal  month  after  ramadan  six  days  fast  one  year  reward 
Added: 4215 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 2131 | Comments: 0
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The beach may be sunny right now, but the real summer hot-spot is at car dealerships. That’s where consumers can get scorching deals on new vehicles, specifically in August, according to While common wisdom is that December is the best time to buy a car, TrueCar data shows the average price for buying a vehicle in August is more than $150 lower than any other month. That’s $500 lower, on average, than the rest of the year. And it’s more than $1,000 lower than December, which actually has the highest monthly transaction price. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Business 
Added: 4235 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 951 | Comments: 2
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  prophet  quran  men  women  funny  ahmed 
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m34s | Views: 1379 | Comments: 1
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m45s | Views: 764 | Comments: 0
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  prophet  people  serious  ramadan  men  women 
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m44s | Views: 808 | Comments: 0
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Are you thankful for witnessing the month of Ramadan. Allah values thankfulness so much that he made Ramadan part of Islam.
Tags // islam  islamic  allah  prophet  muhammad  quran 
Added: 4251 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 9m40s | Views: 2498 | Comments: 0
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