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In celebration of the National Dog Show Presented by Purina and the Thanksgiving holiday, Purina invites dog lovers across the world to share why they are thankful for their four-legged friends and how they show their thankfulness through its #DogThanking initiative. Dog owners are encouraged to log onto Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to post photos or videos showing how they thank their beloved dogs by using the hashtag #DogThanking. For every original post submitted through November 27 using the hashtag and tagging @Purina, Purina will donate one dollar to the Canine Health Foundation—up to $50,000—to help further pet health research. Submitted videos, photos and posts may be featured during the National Dog Show Presented by Purina on Thanksgiving Day. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // purina  dog  pet  show  thanksgiving  style  breading  best  in  show  food  multivu  7971751 
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Added: 3035 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 772 | Comments: 0
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More than 40 million Americans are family caregivers, taking care of parents, spouses, partners, and other adult loved ones. To help caregivers get the support they need to take care of themselves and their loved ones, AARP and the Ad Council are continuing their successful Caregiver Assistance campaign with new PSAs, created pro bono by agency Spike DDB, designed to reach the underserved African-American caregiver population. “Many people will spend more of their time and resources caring for their aging parents than they did raising their own children,” said AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins. “African-American caregivers are disproportionately affected as most are much younger than their white counterparts and often leave the workforce to provide care on a full-time basis. These new PSAs will help create greater awareness for caregivers who tackle tough issues every day, and provide information on the many resources that are available to help them meet their needs and those of their loved ones.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3038 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 673 | Comments: 0
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HealthCare Partners, a division of DaVita Inc. (NYSE: DVA), a leading independent medical group in the United States, is encouraging Medicare beneficiaries to review their health care coverage during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period. From October 15 through December 7, Medicare holds its annual Open Enrollment Period. During this seven-week window, Medicare beneficiaries can make changes to their health and prescription drug plans for the following year. If you are satisfied with your Medicare coverage, you may wonder how open enrollment applies to you. As the old adage goes, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” right? While this may certainly be the case for many things in life, it may not be true about your Medicare coverage. Choosing a Medicare plan is similar to shopping for other insurance; by comparing different plans and rates, you choose the coverage that’s best for you. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3038 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 657 | Comments: 0
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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) today announced it has committed $40.3 million in new research investments to advance the most promising blood cancer science at leading academic and medical centers around the world, including Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston; Weill Cornell Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York; MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston; Fondazione Centro San Raffaele in Milan; and South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute in Adelaide. This $40.3 million investment, comprised of 75 new research grants in LLS’s portfolio of 300 projects, will fund a diverse array of research to find better treatments and cures for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancers. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3040 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 791 | Comments: 0
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Today, WebMD released The Cutting Edge of Cancer a five-part investigative video series developed in partnership with Robin Roberts and her independent production company, Rock’n Robin Productions. Through compelling patient stories and insights from medical experts, The Cutting Edge of Cancer, supported by Cancer Treatment Centers of America®, highlights some of the most promising areas of medical innovation in cancer care, including early detection, immunotherapy, genomic research, and integrative medicine. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3040 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 772 | Comments: 0
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Today, the Ad Council in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, AdoptUSKids, and KBS launched new public service advertisements (PSAs) for the award-winning Adoption from Foster Care campaign. The new television and radio PSAs encourage the adoption of older youth from foster care. Of the 428,000 youth under the age of 18 in the U.S. foster care system, 112,000 are currently waiting for adoptive families, according to the most recent Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data. Since the project’s launch in 2002, more than 26,000 children who were once photo listed on the AdoptUSKids website have been placed with permanent families. However, older youth and teens have lower adoption rates than younger children, and they often wait longer to be adopted. Currently, of the 5,560 youth photo-listed on the website as available for adoption, 43% are between the ages of 15 and 18 years old. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3041 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 840 | Comments: 0
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Ever since Donna and John met at work three decades ago, they've had the kind of smooth, comfortable relationship that comes when attraction is accompanied by compatible interests as well as strengths and weaknesses that balance each other. They pictured their senior years as an extension of what Donna Dean calls “this nice, easy life. We didn't see the calamity that was coming.” Brookdale Senior Living, the nation's largest dementia care provider, has created new resources for care partners as part of National Alzheimer's Awareness Month in November. The candid discussion of many of the disease's most difficult challenges includes an up-close look at Donna's and John’s lives since he developed dementia. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3041 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 917 | Comments: 0
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Today, Novo Nordisk announced a four-year extension of its Changing Diabetes® in Children programme which provides access to diabetes care and free insulin to children with type 1 diabetes in developing countries. The expansion sees five new countries join the programme; Cambodia, Ivory Coast, Myanmar, Senegal and Sudan. By 2020, more than 20,000 children over the course of 11 years will have benefited from the programme. Ten years ago, a child in Sub-Saharan Africa diagnosed with type 1 diabetes often had a life expectancy of less than a year1. In response, Novo Nordisk established the Changing Diabetes® in Children programme to support sustainable quality care and improved diagnosis of the condition. Since the start of the programme in 2009, 13,700 children in nine countries in Africa and South-East Asia have received free human insulin and access to diabetes care. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3041 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 684 | Comments: 0
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The American Cancer Society and the CVS Health Foundation today awarded grants to 20 U.S. colleges and universities as part of their Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative (TFGCI), a $3.6 million multi-year program intended to accelerate and expand the adoption and implementation of 100 percent smoke- and tobacco-free campus policies. The announcement coincides this week with the American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. The Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative is part of Be The First, CVS Health's five-year, $50 million initiative that supports education, advocacy, tobacco control, and healthy behavior programming to help deliver the nation’s first tobacco-free generation. CVS Health has set actionable and measurable goals for Be The First, including a doubling of the number of tobacco-free college and university campuses in the United States. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3042 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 689 | Comments: 0
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LivaNova PLC (NASDAQ:LIVN; LSE: LIVN) (“LivaNova” or the “Company”), a market-leading medical technology and innovation company, today recognizes that more than one million people in the United States with drug-resistant epilepsy continue to be treated unsuccessfully with drugs, despite the proven effectiveness of non-drug treatment options. LivaNova’s VNS Therapy®, for example, is a medical device treatment specifically designed for people with drug-resistant epilepsy that is already used by more than 85,000 people around the world. One in three people with epilepsy has the type that is not well controlled with drugs, called drug-resistant epilepsy. For those people, prescribing more medicine is usually not the most effective option. In fact, research shows that if you haven’t found seizure freedom after your first two drugs, there is a 95 percent chance that no drug or combination of drugs will result in seizure freedom. “Despite what we know about drug-resistant epilepsy, the majority of people affected by this condition will continue to be prescribed additional medications instead of being evaluated for surgery or seen in a specialized epilepsy facility,” said Jason Richey, president of LivaNova’s U.S. Region and general manager of the Neuromodulation Business Franchise. “This treatment gap means over one million individuals in the U.S. with undertreated epilepsy remain at risk for dangerous side effects of continued seizures, including injury, depression, memory issues and death.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3046 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 928 | Comments: 0
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Ever since Donna and John met at work three decades ago, they've had the kind of smooth, comfortable relationship that comes when attraction is accompanied by compatible interests as well as strengths and weaknesses that balance each other. They pictured their senior years as an extension of what Donna Dean calls “this nice, easy life. We didn't see the calamity that was coming.” Brookdale Senior Living, the nation's largest dementia care provider, has created new resources for care partners as part of National Alzheimer's Awareness Month in November. The candid discussion of many of the disease's most difficult challenges includes an up-close look at Donna's and John’s lives since he developed dementia. The couple shares on video how following John's diagnosis, they adapted and sustained daily routines, emotional connection and affection. Donna speaks of her uncertainties about how to manage her reactions to behavioral expressions, the adjustment to John's move to a dementia care community and how keeping a journal helped her logistically and emotionally. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3049 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 727 | Comments: 0
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DePuy Synthes Companies today announced the launch of Hit Play, an educational initiative that encourages those dealing with hip or knee pain to stop settling for a life on ‘pause’ and instead take action to get back to the activities and people they love most. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common reasons for severe hip or knee pain, affecting nearly 27 million Americans today and will potentially affect up to 67 million people by 2030.1,2 In turn, demand for hip and knee replacements are expected to dramatically increase, yet many women see joint replacement as a “last resort” and often wait until the pain has become unbearable before turning to surgery. Through a series of compelling and relatable content, DePuy Synthes seeks to inspire the millions of people stuck on ‘pause’ due to hip or knee pain to explore joint replacement with a doctor, as a potential viable solution when they Hit Play. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3049 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 858 | Comments: 0
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