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Sandra Lee is an internationally acclaimed expert in all things food and entertaining and is best known for her cooking made easy approach. By using ready-made store-bought foods, she makes serving up delicious, yet approachable everyday meals and party favorites look easy. To kick off the fall season, Bob Evans has teamed up with the celebrity chef to offer numerous mealtime solutions to busy families on the go made with their collection of side dishes that range from mashed potatoes to macaroni and cheese. Found in the refrigerated section of most local grocery chains, busy families can turn to them as a solution for a simple side dish or use them as a key ingredient when making one of the fun, semi-homemade recipes found at “I’m thrilled to be working with Bob Evans – their grocery food products are delicious and offer quality ingredients like their potato side dishes made with real potatoes, real milk and real butter,” said Sandra Lee. “I appreciate the notion of quality side dishes that save time, taste homemade and go from package to table in a matter of minutes. I’m all about making life easier, so I’m happy to share my newest trick in the kitchen and will be turning to Bob Evans sides as I plan my fall and holiday recipes.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3456 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 992 | Comments: 1
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Heute fand im „Maison de la Chimie“ in Paris die Pressekonferenz #ChangeTheNumbers der L’Oréal-Stiftung statt. Dort wurden die Ergebnisse einer exklusiven internationalen Studie vorgestellt, die gemeinsam mit dem Meinungsforschungsinstitut „Opinion Way“ durchgeführt wurde. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Gründe für das Ungleichgewicht in der Wissenschaft zwischen Frauen und Männern besser zu verstehen sowie Hindernisse aufzudecken, denen Frauen bei einer Karriere in der Wissenschaft gegenüberstehen. David Macdonald, Direktor des Förderprogramms For Women in Science von L’Oréal betonte auf der Veranstaltung, dass sich die Öffentlichkeit nicht darüber bewusst sei, wie stark die Vorurteile über Frauen in der Wissenschaft noch immer in den Köpfen der Menschen verankert sind. Heute bewegt sich der Frauenanteil in der Wissenschaft nach wie vor auf geringem Niveau: Nur 30 % aller Forscher sind weiblich.1 Als Ergänzung zu dieser Studie hat die L’Oréal-Stiftung darüber hinaus Erfahrungsberichte von Preisträgerinnen, die im Rahmen des For Women in Science Programmes ausgezeichnet wurden, hinzugezogen. Besonders stolz ist die Stiftung auf die Unterstützung von Elizabeth Blackburn, L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Preisträgerin und Nobelpreisträgerin für Physiologie oder Medizin 2009. Elizabeth Blackburn To view the multimedia release go to:
Added: 3458 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 912 | Comments: 3
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“Experience Day of Beautiful China” global tour event, hosted by China Intercontinental Communication Center, jointly guided by the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, China National Tourism Administration and Chinese Consulate General in New York, has begun in the Thomson Reuters building in Times Square, NYC on Sep 14th, 2015. As the partner of the event, Thomson Reuters gave strong support. Riordan William, Thomson Reuters’ director of global Internet, said: I deem it an honor that you came to Reuters to organize the event. I have been to China, and it is a very attractive country. And I’m so glad to see the combination of advanced technology and culture. We’re looking forward to more cooperation with China. The Deputy Director of the China Intercontinental Communication Center Jing Shuiqing said in his speech: “Experience Day of Beautiful China” event is our first 3D virtual technology applied to the field of tourism and cultural dissemination. We hope to share the beautiful China by new technology and new means, thus achieving cross-cultural, cross-regional, cross-media communication, and creating a new model of cooperation of tourism and cultural exchanges between China and the US. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3461 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 859 | Comments: 1
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Para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la campaña Somos Fuertes de milk life y su más reciente Embajador de la Fuerza, el ganador del programa Chopped y chef famoso y propietario, Giorgio Rapicavoli se han unido para animar a las familias de todas partes a que añadan leche a esas deliciosas recetas latinas. El programa Somos Fuertes está diseñado para animar a los hispanos de todo el país a que empiecen y terminen su día con leche, y sus 8 gramos de proteína de alta calidad. En homenaje a la ocasión, Giorgio ha preparado una serie de videos de algunas de sus recetas favoritas con leche, que se pueden encontrar en Las recetas incluyen algunos platos tradicionales favoritos de los latinos, como el Arroz con Leche y la Natilla, y otros que no son tan tradicionales como la Pasta a la boloñesa y la Sopa de pescado, todos con un toque de la creatividad culinaria de Giorgio, cosa que los que cenan en su restaurante disfrutan mucho. Rapicavoli comparte su historia personal de fuerza y algunos de los recuerdos favoritos de su infancia en la cocina, sin olvidar a su inspiración, su madre. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3463 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 897 | Comments: 0
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Vitamin Bee, LLC today announced a new collaboration with the Bayer Bee Care Program through its “Vitamin Bee®” character to help promote the Feed a Bee initiative, bee advocacy and healthy nutrition awareness for children. Created by veteran director and animator Geoffrey Kater, Vitamin Bee is the central character in a nutrition education program that encourages kids to eat nutritious foods and empowers them to make healthy lifestyle choices. Their approach is to teach children and have fun while doing it, with the help of a dynamic animated character, as well as an entire curriculum that entertains and educates through the use of videos, quizzes, activity sheets, games and hands-on lessons. “Vitamin Bee is a great role model that teaches kids about the value of the honey bee to our planet, our food supply and our daily lives,” said Geoffrey Kater, creator of Vitamin Bee. “We hope that getting kids to appreciate the role of the honey bee at an early age will encourage them to be great bee advocates for their entire lives. Vitamin Bee speaks a language that kids understand and uses humor to teach them these important lessons. I think we’ve created a great thing here and I’m so happy to be working with the Feed a Bee program and to be part of the Bayer Bee Care Center to help educate schools, kids and families alike.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3470 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 1022 | Comments: 1
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Penfolds, Australia’s leading winemaker, is delighted to once again partner with GQ Magazine, the premier men’s magazine for style and culture, and launch the second annual joint search for the “Best Dressed Somm” of 2015. Until September 30, 2015, wine professionals employed in the U.S. and Canada as sommeliers, also referred to as “somms,” are encouraged to submit their most dapper photos on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #BestDressedSomm for a chance to win the coveted title of Penfolds and GQ’s Best Dressed Somm 2015. “In top restaurants across North America, modern day sommeliers challenge traditional wine attitudes and rules and set new trends in wine and style,” said DLynn Proctor, Penfolds U.S. Winemaking Ambassador. “A somm’s personal style is about exploring and knowing how to choose, and as a fellow somm I’m excited to be part of Penfolds’ and GQ’s celebration of style as a component of the total wine experience. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3476 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 801 | Comments: 3
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To help officially launch Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) has released a new public service announcement featuring Emmy® Award-winning sports anchor and prostate cancer survivor, Brian Custer. This survivor story aims to raise awareness about the importance of prostate cancer screening among African-American men by delivering a simple message: Man Up and Get Checked. “As men, we have this ego…we think we’re too macho to go to the doctor and undergo this type of check-up,” said Custer, who hosts Showtime Championship Boxing. “But the truth is: If you don’t get checked, you’re cheating your family out of having a husband or father around. And you’re cheating yourself out of life. I hope when people hear my story, they’re motivated to take action by saying: ‘I’m going to get checked, I’m going to make sure my dad or husband gets checked, too.’” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3478 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 996 | Comments: 0
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This month, haircare and skincare brand Carol’s Daughter introduces the #BornandMade campaign, a new movement that encourages every girl to be who they were truly born and made to be. It celebrates the brand’s authentic story “Born in Brooklyn. Made With Love” as it honors the diverse community of strong women who have been a part of our family for more than 22 years. Now all women will have a powerful platform to showcase their individuality while inspiring others to be who they are—when there are so many voices telling them who they’re “supposed” to be. “It’s important for girls to understand and recognize their power and the right way to use it. It’s imperative to remind them of who they are, and what they are…in the world. If I can help with that, then I’m getting up for a good reason every day,” said Lisa Price, founder of Carol’s Daughter. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3483 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 914 | Comments: 1
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America’s traffic congestion recession is over. Just as the U.S. economy has regained nearly all of the 9 million jobs lost during the downturn, a new report produced by INRIX and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) shows that traffic congestion has returned to pre-recession levels. According to the 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard, travel delays due to traffic congestion caused drivers to waste more than 3 billion gallons of fuel and kept travelers stuck in their cars for nearly 7 billion extra hours – 42 hours per rush-hour commuter. The total nationwide price tag: $160 billion, or $960 per commuter. Washington, D.C. tops the list of gridlock-plagued cities, with 82 hours of delay per commuter, followed by Los Angeles (80 hours), San Francisco (78 hours), New York (74 hours), and San Jose (67 hours). To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3484 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 820 | Comments: 1
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The official video for D.R.A.M.'s single "Cha Cha"
Tags // rive  video  dram  chacha  hiphop  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3489 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 638 | Comments: 0
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El escenario de “Premios Tu Mundo” incluirá este año una electrizante gama de presentaciones que llevará a los televidentes el programa más cargado de emociones con las recientes vinculaciones de Nicky Jam, la nueva estrella de la música urbana latina; la cantante de pop-latino, Paulina Rubio; el cantautor y actor mexicano, hijo de Joan Sebastian, José Manuel Figueroa; y la popular cantante, compositora y actriz colombiana Fanny Lu. Además, las estrellas de TELEMUNDO, incluyendo a la querida juez de “Caso Cerrado”, Ana María Polo; el actor y cantante venezolano Gabriel Coronel; el co-presentador de “Un Nuevo Día”, Daniel Sarcos; la talentosa cantante y actriz mexicana, Litzy; y el ganador de la tercera temporada de “La Voz Kids”, Jonael Santiago, sorprenderán al público con una presentación musical muy especial. Ellos se unen a los anteriormente anunciados Yandel, Alejandra Guzman, Farruko, Lucero, Yuri, Olga Tañon, J Balvin, Jencarlos Canela, Victor Manuelle, Banda MS de Sergio Lizarraga, Regulo Caro y Ky-Mani Marley. “Premios Tu Mundo” se transmitirá en vivo por TELEMUNDO el jueves, 20 de Agosto a las 8PM/7c, precedido por el especial “La Alfombra de Premios Tu Mundo” a las 7PM/6c desde el American Airlines Arena en Miami, Florida. Los boletos para asistir la premiación ya están a la venta a través de To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Music 
Added: 3497 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1162 | Comments: 0
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For two decades, Chateau Ste. Michelle’s Artist Series wines have celebrated the inspired collaboration between artisan winemaking and fine art. To commemorate the 20th vintage, Chateau Ste. Michelle is partnering with Dale Chihuly, the first artist to present artwork on the Artist Series label with the 1993 vintage. The 2012 Artist Series featuring Chihuly will release nationally in August with a suggested retail price of $65. The Artist Series red blend is a unique, collector’s wine that represents the highest quality and pedigree from Chateau Ste. Michelle. Each Artist Series vintage features the work of renowned artists on the label, from blown glass to bronze sculptures to paint on canvas. “I’m honored to have my artwork on the 20th vintage Artist Series label,” says Chihuly. “This piece is one-of-a-kind and very special to me. I couldn’t think of a better use than portraying it on this significant wine project.” For the 20th vintage label, Chihuly selected his Cast Silver Venetian. This unique sculpture was created by Chihuly, and then cast in sterling silver at the Walla Walla Foundry in Washington State. Inspired by Italian Art Deco, Chihuly started his Venetian series in 1988 with Italian glassblower Lino Tagliapietra. Chihuly is known for his artwork and ambitious architectural installations around the world in museums, historic cities and gardens. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3498 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 1049 | Comments: 0
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